Yo guys we gotta find the mysterious jogos. We doin this shit?

Yo guys we gotta find the mysterious jogos. We doin this shit?

Woolie is best boy

Nobody on this channel has any passion left. They all sound bored every episode. I say the channel completely dies in the next six months.

nomad soul killed the best friends.

Totally deserved this for summoning. He's summoned for EVERY DLC boss so far. Seeing Midir have none of Pat's shit was fantastic, especially how it caused him to stop the entire stream.

>N-no! St-stop playing the game how I dont want you to play it!
>How dare you not do everything how I expect you to do it!
>Pat stop being so fucking blind! How dare you not see that chest 5 drops down a cliff thats comoletely out of frame that I TOTALLY saw my first time through
Christ I cant decide which is more cancerous: their fanbase or Soulfags


Woolie has passion in his Back In and Tablelords shit. I think they all just need some novelty to get away from nonstop vidya. Hell, that's why Matt wanted to do a game that's essentially just a cartoon movie.

Not vidya. Scoot on down to Reddit, underage. I know school just got out, but you don't belong here.

fuck it, when's the next Dark Souls Stream?