Assuming you had unlimited budget and could get any studio and any staff to work on one game for you, what would it be?
Your Dream Game
Dynasty Warriors setting
The gameplay is kinda like XCom or Fire Emblem
You got some sick transitions between between cutscenes and gameplay
Mick Gordon does a semi-powermetal soundtrack
My perfect game would be about a fighter pilot in the Iran-Iraq War with the story being told in the style of Ace Combat 4 complete with the hand drawn cutscenes. Maybe a few sections here and there where you control other characters from both sides whether it is as an infantry man or a tank crew or a civilian just trying to survive both sides.
I'd probably have Project Aces work on it with Gaijin to help with the other vehicles.
Multiplayer would be basically a mix between Battlefield and War Thunder with combined arms being the focus.
Ace Combat style game where you play as a german fighter pilot in WWI or WWII
Ace Combat mind
Wouldn't it he be Belkan in that case? What would the superweapon be?
I would recreate one of my tabletop campaigns where early XX century technology met typical fantasy elements (magic, alchemy, various creatures) during a world war.
2b dating sim
C-can we lewd the 2b?