>playing skies of arcadia >more than 30 hours in >just realized I could skip the animations for the super moves instead of watching Aika scream "FIRE CONSUME MY ENEMIES" hundreds of times
what are some moments in video games that made you feel like an absolute fucking retard?
Carter Cruz
I went through over half of God Hand before realizing you could upgrade your health bar and roulette gauge
Carter Clark
I didn't upgrade any of my characters in Tales of Hearts R until half way in. Didn't know I could level up the soma.
Gabriel Sullivan
I didn't know you could run from battles in final fantasy 7. the whole game.
Brayden Wood
I went through almost half of Tales of Symphonia without realizing what EX skills did. Same with abyss and AD skills.
Luke Hill
I went through half of Rondo of Blood without realising Richter can backflip.
Hunter Rodriguez
didnt know you could level up your sword in mgr
played through hard with little trouble though
Ryan Perez
Oh shit I didn't know that. I played 80 hours of that game, half of that must have been cutlass fury animations.
Jason Edwards
I realised you could hold B to run in Resident Evil 4... after finishing the game twice
Jace Brown
I was trying to get as many collectibles as I could before advancing the story in Sleeping Dogs. Had no idea I could aim guns and took out a lot of those gang operations in the tunnels just by blindfiring behind cover. When I finally got to the point in the story that I was taught how to use firearms I felt like an idiot. On the plus side though, I beat all my friends several times over when it came to the Lucky Shooter challenge.