Is it at least good enough to pay $20 for?
Fuck no. Use the catalog.
Ignore shills
I mean yeah probably, play on hard though.
$20 or lower is about what it's worth, yeah. Great SP but it doesn't have much in the way of replayability. The MP is ass.
Fantastic stuff if you're into faster paced shootan at least.
No. Absolutely fucking not.
The game is absolutely fucking trash. It does not do its predeceasor justice.
OP. If you pay more than ten dollars for this game, you are forveer branded a filthy fucking casual.
yea it's pretty fun
Why would you ask Sup Forums?
You know the only people who are going to reply are fags that don't like thing. Watch some game footage, read some reviews. If it interests you, then buy it and quit baiting these poor cunts who have nothing better to do.
If you like DOOM then $20 is a steal considering it's $80 (Cuh-nay-dee-ann)
I like it a lot, personally. If you're looking for a game that just tosses you in to shoot the shit out of stuff then you'll enjoy it
Doesn't clog the pacing up with story, it's all about the gameplay
In my opinion it's worth it
I bought it for $20. I got about $20 of enjoyment out of it. It's slower than the first two but much faster and enjoyable than 3. I only played through the campaign once on hard. It doesn't really reek of a game to replay so if you're looking for something for a lot of hours look elsewhere.
Yeah, OP, it's worth that much for sure.