Never ever they said
How hyped are you for GOTY 2K17
Have you preordered yet?
Never ever they said
How hyped are you for GOTY 2K17
Have you preordered yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
>GOTY 2K17
>Can finally play Vanquish at a stable framerate with mouse aiming
Weren't we just screaming "LEL PORTS HOW PATHETIC" like a day ago?
To quote you assholes:
>He's excited over a port.
I'm really excited to play it again.
Vanquish did run a stable framerate. Problem is it was a stable 30fps.
There's ports for the sake of ports, but in the case of Vanquish, the gameplay potential was hindered so hard by analog sticks. Mouse + 60fps is going to make for some crazy the game has never seen before.
The controllers were fine with the controller
Fuck off
The 30 fps was the issue
The sticks hurt it that bad? Well shit. Congrats, PCbros.
What other games do you hope will join the master race?
mikami is a hack
You couldn't aim for shit when skating without utilizing slow-mo on sticks.
The game has a high skill ceiling with its speed + aiming.
>Darkness 2 was on PC, first game is consoles-only
>Condemned 1 is on PC, sequel is consoles-only
>mustard can't aim using analog sticks
>blames consoles instead of his skill
Awww, how adorable.
That's a fucking good one and it makes no sense that it was console exclusive, considering the Riddick games on the same engine were also released on PC
>Halo MCC or at least Halo 3/ODST/Reach
What's with the boners for this shit? Is it actually that good? Or is it like Bloodborne?
>Using an approximation of camera movement versus using one-to-one camera movement
>GOTY 2K17
are pcfags this starved for a game that they would put a 7 yr old game as contender for goty?
>You couldn't aim for shit when skating without utilizing slow-mo on sticks.
No, you couldn't master race fag
It's 4 hours long but fun
Or 5 hours don't remember I played this 8 fucking years ago
Is there any reason to preorder this game if you don't own Bayonetta and don't plan to? DO you get anything extra?
Of course I have.
>not better with sticks
Whatever you say faggot
>Never ever they said
actually no-one said that, everyone who played vanquish said they want a PC port
also a 2010 game can't be a 2017 GOTY
It was also built on Unreal engine 3, so it's not like a port job would have been difficult at all.
Although I sure as hell hope they made the PC version not have the telltale sign of a game running UE3 of textures streaming in after the fact, regardless of how fast your PC is.
Been able to play at a real resolution and framerate is basically a new game at this point.
I loved it on the PS3, but it ran godawful.
What are the odds that this is going to be a shit port? I'm always leery about console-to-pc ports because they're done completely incompetently about half the time (especially from japanese devs who apparently dont know how computers work so they forget shit like mouse support and fucking exit buttons)
Bayonetta PC seems like it was ported over well so they've got that going for them at least.
>are pcfags this starved for a game that they would put a 7 yr old game as contender for goty?
Post yfw pcfags will pay 29.99 for it.
Unlocked framerate and 4K resolution support is good enough news for me.
Condemned 2 is shit, you haven't lost anything
But, it's 19.99.
I already own it on PS3. The unlocked resolution and framerate is worth it for me to buy it again.
Typo my bad.
Wow, it's about time it came out of beta testing
since the first two Halo games were released on PC, and both Halo Wars games got a port on PC too, I wouldn't be surprised that this will happen
I'm worried about the difficulty balance.
>master race
stop using this word unironically it makes us look bad
>he thinks 20 USD is a significant amount of money
>having non-existent hand eye coordination
It's not the controller's fault you suck at games and need everything to be point and click.
Yeah, got my torrent client all ready for my "preorder" lmao.
When will developers learn that putting games on pc is just asking for it to get pirated?
Mouse is objectively better for aiming. You can't refute that.
It is possible for someone to be better at aiming with a controller than a mouse if they aren't used to them. I was one of them.
Consoles have the same issue. If you're going to pirate it, just pirate it. I don't understand the need to mention it.
Oh, it's for (you)'s. Enjoy.
For not replayable and pretty much boring shooter it is
inb4 system war between pcfags and consolefags over this game because it will be much easier on pc and thus, will be much shorter
I love how it was praised as a masterpiece before PC announcement. Now that it isn't a glorious exclusive, it's now shit.
Why do people do this?
>there are people hyping this turd just because it's finally being ported
It's going to be dragon's dogma all over again
I don't get faggots like you. PC is unironically master race. Only because inferior beings made it look bad like they ruined atheism with fedora faggotry to the point no one on this entire site will admit to not believing in god doesn't mean that pc master race isn't a fact.
>GOTY 2K17
It came out 7 years ago you retard
Still, it will be fun to replay in at 4k 140hz
>not wanting to play AMERICA vs. SPACE RUSSIANS: Rocket Skates Edition
People on Sup Forums would non stop talk about how good DD was before the PC version. What changed?
Does it have high score trophies and are they as hard to get as Pure Platinum on Bayo? I don't mind a shorter game if I can replay it loads for the best scores.
Nothing. Being able to play DD at a resolution and framerate suitable for an actual human being was and is awesome.
The only downside is the loss of the Berserk armor sets on PC.
Vanquish on PC? Hell yeah!
>it's going to be a good game ported to pc all over again
sign me up.
>He thinks stick aiming with retarded amounts of aim assist takes skill
>pirates pirate game, platinum loses money
That's what you get for trying to cater to the pc crowd
a lot of DD threads had a bunch of shitters complaining how it was never really good in the first place
Agreed on the controls, I recall that I had absolutely zero problems with aiming with the controller on ps3 throughout God Hard, where slowmo was pretty finite(though I did find other issues). At the very least I don't remember really having issues with them in terms of placing blame as it felt most deaths were just based on my skill alone(holy shit God Hard is fucking nuts). The game came out like six years ago however and I did buy it day one and then never played again after doing everything I wanted to do so take this memory with a grain of salt.
There's no denying that kbm can make for an even better experience though, assuming they put some care into its configuration. I'll still be playing on controller I think, since that's what I remember.
All I know is that I can't wait to play it again. Hoping that playing again reminds me why I loved the game so much as well as bring new players in who will love it just as much.
scorched earth tactics
Stupid faggot.
Why is it so special? I've never heard a bad word about it, but it looks bland.
Yeah uh congrats on getting a game 10 years late. PC's really desperate for any scraps they can get huh?
I actually pre-ordered. $20 seems like a fair price for all the DLC.
Even if that was true, who cares? Console shit turned into a PC version that will be preserved for the future, that's all that counts.
its not that great of a game. could have been with a sequel but oh well.
apparently it's just cuhrazy tps with solid difficulty
I've always wanted to play it but I just don't like playing any shooter on console so I never bought it for my ps3
People on different platforms are enemies/opposition?
No one actually thinks like this right?
Platinum game. It's a fairly generic third person shooter on the surface, but the mobility mechanics make a very fresh and fun experience.
Few bad things about the game would be the upgrade system for weapons and repetitive enemies.
I agree. I thought it was shit outside of the large monster fights. But the board had a huge following with daily threads until it was released on PC which somehow caused it to be garbage all of a sudden
thanks for beta-testing cucksoles
This game isn't even that good just like Bayonetta isn't that good but was hyped for years.
are you gonna keep screaming about ports forever?
steam has made PC a market that rivals consoles so the ports are gonna keep coming and coming. theres money to be made.
I'm super excited. Haven't played it since release, so it'll be super fresh for me too.
release was 7 years ago. Feel old yet Sup Forums?
I just want to smack whoever came up with Vanquish' upgrade system. Having to hold a weapon you want to upgrade with full ammo in the offchance you find it again to pickup, which then upgrades it.
whats up with the teenage pop music playing in the background
Platinum: *hands over Vanquish to pc crowd*
H-Hey guys, here's a game we think'd y-you'd enjoy
Pc: *slaps the game off their hands, beats them up* Thanks retard.
I got no problem with making it work, it's just counter intuitive. It just promotes you to not be using the weapon you want to upgrade. I personally just kept all the upgrading to the main machine gun while sticking to the heavy machine gun or sniper.
>Pc: *slaps the game off their hands, beats them up* Thanks retard.
Does me pre-ordering the game send that message to them?
All they simply had to do was just give you the upgrade if you still had one on you, exhausted of ammo or not.
Loved me that sawblade gun when upgrade. It would wreck shit.
>still thirteen days (312 hours) away
When they find out more people pirate it than pay for it, yea.
it could actually form a community this time and not die instantly, 16 player Power Stone was too good an idea for this world
bonus points if Sam Gideon as a PC exclusive fighter
>exhausted of ammo or not
That would've fixed the upgrade system 100%. Could someone mod that in?
I used elaborate weapon swapping, switch my currently equipped assault rifle that I wish to upgrade for an LFE, pick up adifferent assault rifle from the one I was using, and then take my old assault rifle up to apply the upgrade.
Vanquish is a 10/10 but I have no idea what Platinum was thinking with that
If the pirated copies aren't actual sales, how would they ever know how many "lost sales" there was?
I was hyped for Turok 2. Bought it enjoyed it for a bit but I've yet to finish it. This I haven't played before so I'm gonna wait and watcha broadcast or two before buying.
Madworld first pls
>pay a team to clean the game up for a PC port for a few months
thats nothing my dude. its no wonder sega keeps putting out these old ports.
It's totally fair that you would think it looks bland because in many ways I don't think you're wrong due to how the game sorta "presents" itself, for lack of a better word.
The story is incredibly generic and doesn't do much with the neat environment/setup leaving all that a bit underwhelming. If you strip all that away it becomes more obvious how linear the game progression itself is, which isn't a bad thing to me btw. The progression really is in chapters/acts that are formulaic: story -> move to encounter -> encounter -> leave encounter -> story hallway/fmv/transition, repeat.
I think where it really shines is in the encounter part on it's own. The guns, while all generic knockoffs of real guns, are still fun to experiment with, and it feels good shooting and killing with many of them. It's just the right amount of loadout potential where it's encouraging but not daunting/complicating, and you may find fun in playing the same encounter with different guns and upgrades and whatnot(the upgrade system is a little odd but still easy to get the gist of once you start playing). Weaving between long range, close range, and melee range quickly with the slide opens up many different tactics and approaches. You might be unsure of getting close and pick apart a lot of grunts at a distance, or you might risk it all and run in and quickly melee them instead, which deals heavy damage but leaves you VERY vulnerable right after. This is where the real interest is.
Hope that helps alleviate the bland feeling. If I recall correctly, Mikami himself said the generic story and 2D characters were sorta on purpose, as a nod to many pieces of media that do/did the same thing. I've no citation for this however and even if I did I wouldn't say its a fair excuse, but maybe a decent reason at least.
Sorry if that doesn't help. But hey, one of the best ways to know if you like it is to at least try it, right? If you enjoy, consider buying etc.
They would actually have to fix the fucking balance online in the game that they neglected to do in all the time they sat on the fucking game from its NA release on PS3/360.
I'd honestly want them to do some sort of licensing with Nintendo to bring Bayo2 across, but I know that'll never happen.
That circled "A" is a blatant rip off of the borderlands logo
I want to play this so bad. I almost bought it once, but was warned of how certain copies of the game stopped working over time.
>low sales vs work to port it
If Sega is so great, why don't they drop making sonic and localize yakuza: ishin already
I'll consider it if you purchase Battleborn.
You can already play it in Dolphin at 4K, it would be redundant
A multiplayer game like Anarchy Reigns could massively benefit from another chance to build a player-base with Steam
It died in 2 months on console