Spyro The Dragon: Fuck It

What the fuck is wrong with this game? I've been trying to get this last gem on Doctor Shemp for over two hours. It's cost me at least 40 lives.

I have beaten the game, and gone back to this section because it eluded me the first time I played the level. Spyro literally cannot glide to this section - I reach the maximum height of my glide, fly over, and he just reaches the tip and automatically falls down because he wasn't high enough. Yet in every walkthrough I watch of the game, they fly right over into the middle section of that pillar.

What the fuck.

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Try having a fucking running start.

Don't get too autistic about Spyro collecting, because when I got to Spyro 3 there were a bunch of bugs with levels being impossible to 100%. You might be okay with 1 and 2, I guess.

That makes it harder.


I haven't played in forever, but I get the feeling there was a mechanic to get a bit of extra height.

You need to hit the maximum height of your glide, fly over, and he'll just make it

Wasn't that an anti-piracy measure?

Thanks you for releasing me.