*fucks Clem's asshole*

>*fucks Clem's asshole*

Other urls found in this thread:





Is the new episode even out yet?



real question.
Are the gonna wait till she's 18?

Shut up Javi. We already know how this will turn out

I doubt it, especially since she had her period in ep 4 so why bother waiting for the pregnancy trope

Gabe is probably the worst character in the series, including the first two games.

old enough to bleed old enough to breed.

old enough to walk old enough for cock


bumping because fuck Javifags

>implying either of them will be alive in the inevitable season 4

bump because fuck Javi

She is gonna die this season

bump because FUCK Javi

Is it a sin to have sex before marriage if all the priests are dead?

Whoever makes these threads is the king of samefagging

bump because FUCK Javi

What the fuck was her problem?

le generic villain xd
Telltale fucking had it with the first season's villains (the st johns in particular), what the hell happened?

>you choose A!
>haha your choice didn't matter at all, I will do B anyway!
>reloads save
Truly the rusemaster extreme.

>*actions* are now fully accepted on Sup Forums
OwO what's this?

bump because FUCK Javi

>he's not even trying anymore
do you think you could stop making your shitty "game" thread every 5 minutes, that'd be great

bump because FUCK Javi

phoneposters should be gassed

bump because FUCK Javi, man

Kind of amusing that Sup Forums is discovering the primary source of fatherhood stress vicariously through this game: seeing the young girl you care about getting involved with asshats you don't approve of.

Gotta let them be free to make mistakes, guys.

old enough to wear the dome, old enough to take a load

You completely misunderstand, user. They want to fuck Clem, they don't want someone else to fuck Clem.

I'd rather have Telltale not ready my daughterfu up to be boned by filthy spics

*cleans up the cum from his lovers ass hole left there by her latin bull*
