holy fuck, i have been playing this game for the last month straight, my girlfriend broke up with me and i dont even fucking care. What the hell happened to the elder scrolls? How did it go from morrowind to fucking skyrim??
Holy fuck, i have been playing this game for the last month straight...
Oblivion happened.
it's part of the """"""""""streamlining""""""""""""" of video games. remember, the newest game is objectively the best in every aspect
Todd howard
Games being created to amuse and NEVER EVER frustrate the broadest sample of paying customers. If you can tool the game to be as accessible as possible, you stand to make more shekels
>Morrowind literally contains less than 0.1% of what Daggerfall did
>underage faggots constantly complain about Oblivion and especially Skyrim for shrinking the games content
Todd worked on Morrowind you spastic.
No one is complaining about the smaller worlds you retard
>Enter basement in the middle of nowhere to rescue someone
>Sprawling dungeon under there for some reason
>Vampire ancient pops up
>Tries to paralyze me
>I have a critical weakness to paralysis
>Luckily I'm immune to it because I'm a high elf
>Catch him on a corner and run away
>Cast a spell
>Game crashes
>Last thing I see is a dragon without 4 legs
Best game in the series for sure.
>I have a critical weakness to paralysis
>Luckily I'm immune to it because I'm a high elf
>no one's complaining about the smaller cities
>or the reduction of NPCs
>or the reduction in skills
>or the reduction of classes
>or the reduction of literally everything else in the franchise
Alright user, whatever you say.
i really love oblivion
I am quite fond of Daggerfall. It's a great dungeon crawler.
But the game essentially has zero content outside of dungeons. Never in my life have I seen a game with so much non-content in it.
Daggerfall NPCs managed to have even less personality than the ones in Morrowind, most of the skills were either redundant or useless, you can create custom classes in Morrowind, and most of the other features were either borderline meaningless (like property ownership) or redundant (like the dozens of nearly identical guilds).
it's called business, more profitable to make dumbed down games with fancier graphics.
daggerfall was fun back in the day, but i sucked so hard. i remember i always wanted to get the golden armor just because it looked pretty. also the "pornographic" paintings were my main treasure.
In daggerfall you have a lot of control over your character creation. You can build your own character to have things like immunity to magic, but bonuses give you a negative to how quickly you level. You can take hindrances to help even it out though.
A classic one is to be a high elf to be immune to paralysis. Then take the Critical weakness to paralysis for a huge XP multiplier. The immunity overrides the weakness.
The game was interesting but quite broken.
Only one of those has anything to do with "size"
did you start daggerfall with random gear? i have a feeling it was that way but i haven't played the game in roughly 20 years or something
>the reductions made from Daggerfall to Morrowind is fine because reasons
>but there's no reasons what so ever that the reductions made from Morrowind to Oblivion or Skyrim could be excused
ok cool
I know you can pick some of your gear based off the dialogue/questions you answer. You can start with an ebony dagger if you answer some questions some ways, for example.
I don't remember if the other starting equipment was randomized, though.
>proc-genned massive towns with same buildings everywhere is better than cities that were at least somewhat handcrafted
>classes ever mattering when you can create your own class anyway a vast majority of the tmie
>every NPC in daggerfall bar a few are generic nobodies with the same exact random dialogue and partial omniscience, which isn't necessarily different from Morrowind but at least Morrowind isn't quite as bad
>reduction in skills is bad when there were like 8 different types of "speaking" skills, 6 of which were fucking useless
Fuck off, you didn't even talk about the actual ways in which Morrowind was worse than Daggerfall.
Character creation is the one thing that Daggerfall absolutely excelled at, even if it was broken, and there's no excuse for not having that in Morrowind.
Since there are people who've played daggerfall here, is it possible to survive only on magic without armor at all? I tried a while back but my character always ran out of mana after 1-2 mobs.
The writer and artist - Michael Kirkbride who worked and Morrowind and Redguard and was the main creative force the more weird, science-fantasy-ish aspects of the series was laid-off from Bethesda.
>tfw finally got set up again after computer death at the halfway point years ago
So tempted to get a strength multiplier mod for carrying capacity. Fucking 4 pound books weighing me down.
Also forgot running with tons of weight drains low level stamina at insane rates, wow.
Yes and no
You can always get certain equipment guaranteed by answering questions the right way. You can also pretty easily game the random equipment to get what you want.
daggerfall unity when?
game development is about making money you idiot, not purely appealing to people with IQs at the high end of the bellcurve
Yes but in my experience you have to min/max the fuck out of your character. You basically need a high elf with the full int multiplier to turn yourself into a mana tank. And carry a lot of scrolls and potions.
Todd didn't just work on Morrowind, he was the project leader
It was literally him who decided to incorporate MK and Kuhlmann's ideas to begin with
He wasn't laid off, he quit
And MK is at best the third biggest influence on TES
Friendly reminder that contemporary Daggerfallfags thought Morrowind was streamlined "consolefriendly" casual babyshit
Times change and so do the trends of the industry and game design for better or worse
Skyrim has more mass appeal than Morrowind and in the end that's the devs' goal, to deliver a solid product that's accessible to as wide an audience as possible
And Kuhlmann was the Co-Lead Designer of Skyrim.