Ending A

>Ending A
...honestly that kinda sucked
>Ending B
LEKFJWKjkfejwekl you mean I had to replay all that shit just for the same fucking ending??!
>Ending C
Okay I admit that was alright.
>Ending D
This is a lot of stuff to process. I wonder where it's going with this?
>Ending E

Can we all agree Nier Automata is an extremely flawed curiosity at best?

It was a 7-8/10

The route B-C transition was the best part

I legitimately doubt you understood what the game was about.

OP, are you a brainlet?

Automata is not a hard game to understand if you've picked up a book at any point in your life.

It's obviously about 2B's ass, everything else is superfluous

That's funny because it completely eschews a lot of traditional narrative conventions, in most cases to its detriment.

>in most cases to its detriment.

Yeah, except for the themes it brought up throughout the game.

>Can we all agree
Fuck no.

Every cunt dies and all your friends are dead.
DoD games are easy to understand.

Basically this. It feels like everything in the game is played for shock value/"feels" rather than actually having any meaning behind it. I even got tired of the OST, good as it is, after random fetch quest #3245 featured the same "melancholic contemplation" music as all the others.

Just upload the video already, George

Every major character was attached to some sort of theme. It's not going for "muh feels" it was trying to provide commentary on things like companionship, purpose, loss.
If you actually payed attention, all the deaths had a meaning behind them, I can't think of any that was purely for shock value unless you didn't finish Ending C/D/E

>Ending E has nothing to do with anything

The game was about breaking down and defining what it means to be human. Ending E, on the surface, is about the Pods, who were for most of the game the least human like entities, gaining their own human like emotions and going against their programming to save their friends at risk of their own, newly gained sentience. What's actually happening, as highlighted through the game's taunting you, is that you as the player are rebelling against the game itself which is trying to force a bad ending on you, regardless of your choices, by launching an attack on the development team to force them to give you a happy ending. Its about players all over the world coming together and sacrificing their hard work and time in order to fight for the lives of fictional characters that by all means, you shouldn't care about, asking the game's ultimate question: "can a fictional character be 'human' and thus worth sacrificing for"?

It has everything to do with everything.

Echoed my thoughts almost exactly.
I really don't understand the dick sucking this game gets, is it just the usual taro fans going apeshit because of muh feels and muh high school philosophy writing?

Reminder that MGS2 came out 16 years and was a much better postmodern game.

The fact that its a 4th wall break ruins it all for me.
If they somehow weaved that idea into the actual narrative and didn't use me as a character inside the story, I might have given a shit.

Its a well done 4th wall break that could only be executed in interactive media. Its commentary on interactive media itself.

That being said, there is an in-universe explanation for it with the pods.

There's no explanation for sacrficing the save data though.

Ah yes, the mentally underdeveloped secondary casual who plays a game for much smarter people than himself months after the actual target audience is finished enjoying and discussing it, ends up not understanding it, and goes to post how shit it is on Sup Forums

We get about one thread like this per hour now that the game unfortunately was noticed by the mainstream idiots.

>Its a well done 4th wall break that could only be executed in interactive media. Its commentary on interactive media itself.
And I didn't want commentary on interactive media, I wanted a good story. Automata doesn't fucking have one because the characters are all bland as fuck and the concludes with a completely out of place 4th wall break that is somehow okay because muh meta commentary and muh ebin themes

is there a way to use the far mod if you've cracked the game?

Pretty much this, and I'm someoje who thought Ending E was pretty good as a concentration of everythijg the game was going for. It falls flat on its face when you realize you spent over 40 hours just for that and a few other good moments while the rest of the game is extremely hit or miss.

Nier 1 managed to keep a rather consistent level of quality and interesr in its story.

>Its commentary on interactive media itself.
No, it's not. It makes ONE nebulous "statement" about interactive media at the end. That does not constitute a commentary.

Man you are one self-entitled baby.
It was a great story, you just didn't personally like it so you're seeking reasons to justify your distaste while also convincing others to agree with you.

>Man you are one self-entitled baby.
Not an argument, fanboy
>It was a great story
Exactly how though? There is absolutely 0 reason to care about the romance between 2B and 9S, A2 is just a blank wall that 9S can rage at, the pacing is all over the place, the story has no momentum and ultimately feels extremely pointless. There is no reason to care about almost anything - 9S is the only character who has even a small fucking hint of depth and he uses 60% of his screentime autistically screeching.

I dunno I kinda liked Pascal 2Bh

only cause he's such a bro though