so how is Sup Forums enjoying the new smash charachter?
So how is Sup Forums enjoying the new smash charachter?
People who think that special move inputs are what makes fighting games technical prove that they're bad at fighting games. They probably have trouble with DPs and think they're pros when they can do all their character's specials and supers consistently.
He actually makes SFV fun for once, too bad I'm fucking dogshit at his juggle combos I do no damage.
He looks fun to play. He reminds me a lot of Cody
Special move inputs are really only complicated so you dont go shooting off easily punishable moves like a DP off a whim.
If you can play a fighter by mapping every possible Special move to a keyboard key instead of a movement+button, it literally wouldn't change a thing about the game other than you can activate any move at any time.
Likewise, easier button inputs wont make SFV better to play. The game need to actually be fun and well designed, which it isn't.
At least in Smash you have the infinate vastness of movement options to get around compared to this weighted brick of a game.
>The game need to actually be fun and well designed, which it isn't.
I disagree. Most of the complaints towards this game aren't extremely valid, it's a solid fighter and I have a blast with it. A lot of dissent comes from people who loved to zone in previous installments but those people just need to play Guile. He literally has no weaknesses.
>If you can play a fighter by mapping every possible Special move to a keyboard key instead of a movement+button, it literally wouldn't change a thing about the game other than you can activate any move at any time.
thats not true
having invincible moves available on single button presses makes them too good at anti airing absolutely everything on reaction, especially autocorrect crossup anti air shit and reversals on resets.
also blowing through tight frametraps would become too easy.
Ed's vskill seems like it can at least deal with some of Guile's stuff though.
Thank fuck. In my experience Guile shits on Balrog, my main. My other character Bison has an easier time with him but he's not up to my Balrog's level though, only because Balrog is a frame trap machine, I don't use the pussy 50/50 and the reset that I know is going to be taken away from Rog in balance changes.
Being a Bison/Balrog main means Ed is made for me though. Can't wait til he drops for real and I get some training mode time with him.
but complicated special move inputs and charge moves exist for balancing reasons.
Just gotta be careful when you try to pull him with it.
>makes them too good at anti airing absolutely everything on reaction
Doesnt change the fact they still activate on the first frame of activation.
It doesn't matter if it takes you a second or a quarter of a second to input the action, the move will still activate the same way. In that case, you focus on making a game that actually works than rely on complicated button inputs to make up for how "broken a move is".
If a character has a broken option that gives them too much leeway after they use it, then MAYBE thats a problem with the actual game and not the inputs.
If a fireball and DP were a single button of input, it wouldnt change how people abuse them.
Of course, I wouldn't want my whole keyboard littered with button inputs but it literally wouldnt change how the game itself is played other than inputs.
>If a fireball and DP were a single button of input, it wouldnt change how people abuse them.
if guiles flash kick was on a button it would be impossible to jump in on guile.
Dumb reddit spacer
Inputs can and do matter, even Sakurai knows this. DPs are gimped in Smash in comparison to SF because of the single input activation. A move that takes 3 inputs to execute is fundamentally different from a single input move. And all (good)fighting games balance around this fact.
Jumping in on anybody in Silver and above is a fucking horrible idea unless you're close enough to cross-up.
You're correct, SFIV 3DS proved this when they made an option to bind moves to the touchscreen and then everyone online just used Guile. Although I believe this also proves that any game that does single inputs should take care to be balanced around it.
>Dps gimped in smash
>Ryu is one of those characters that can kill some characters at really early % thanks to his imput commands.
Explain how is he gimped?
Why is Alex so fucking garbage?
or am i garbage?
i can't tell.
Why is it that people like you who have literally and obviously zero FG experience come into these threads and shit them up? Every fucking time.
If you had played even a minute of Rising Thunder you'd know how bad of an idea one-button dps and command grabs are because even the fraction of a second to input the motion makes a huge difference both for reactions and setups.
>if guiles flash kick was on a button it would be impossible to jump in on guile
I dont remember much of Guile, but wasn't he a charge character?
I'm absolutely sure if his flash kick was mapped to a single button it'd take into the account the charge time required and then the move would then come out.
And if the Flash kick CAN be "impossible to jump in on" then thats a problem with the game. Not the input.
The input is just something you need to put into the game to activate the command. The command itself is part of the engine/system and if theres no leeway for punishment then the move is broke.
That's what happens when you get the ease of accessing inputs but don't actually fix the game to substantiate those inputs.
If someone could master Guiles flash kick to the level it's a split second reaction on button input then they could pull it off as if they were pushing a single button.
In the end, the game is broke, not the controls.
I stopped caring about SFV after I got bored of Kolin and he couldn't make me care again so I haven't downloaded the beta.
He isn't fun. I like doing inputs and having different versions of specials gives more control. He is the ultimate dumbed down character.
>it's a solid fighter and I have a blast with it.
Holy shit, how new are you? This must be your first fighting game.
Every character has the same goal: knockdown into 50/50s. No variety. Any kind of neutral can be skipped with dashes and jump ins. Even if you punish them, the risk vs reward is so skewed that there is no reason to play neutral.
But you have no idea of any of those things. "B-b-but that's not valid becuz Im too bad to see it!"
Have you seen any top8s in recent weeks? Watch Phenom vs Gamerbee. Phenom jumps in all the time.
It's like people are defending what they want the game to be, instead of the mess it really is.
There is no reason to play him. He is really bad, but you can still win with him, because people don't know the match up.
>What is reading comprehension
Every DP style move in smash has worse frame data than what you'd find in SF with the exception of Ryu's true input. The reason for this is because DPs with SF frame data and Smash inputs would be fucking retarded
Why the fuck is everyone talking about inputs? Is Ed going to have simplified inputs or something like that?
What are going to be his moves/inputs btw? idk anything about him
Fucking loving Hitler Youth Link user.
His specials are 2 buttons or holding a button. Only the CA is a motion.
Im having so much fun.
Fucking finally a character that fits my playstyle.
>Decent to good AAs
>Actually useable V-skill that ins't boring as shit
>Neutral buttons
>Fress pressure v-trigger
His damage is just where it needs to be too, it's about Ryu's damage outsput if not a little higher but that's all you really need.
I can't figure out how to use his kick special tho.
It has to long start up for it to be a reliable AA even though it seems to have pretty far range.
am i only suppose to use this in combos?
>I'm absolutely sure if his flash kick was mapped to a single button it'd take into the account the charge time required and then the move would then come out.
Just FYI, in the 3DS version of SFIV, where you have the option of binding special moves to touch screen buttons, charge characters don't need to charge
>Abloo there's no neutral game
Literally talking out of your ass. Impatient players WILL get punished in this game and they get punished often, cunt. Just because 70% of the match isn't footsie play doesn't mean there's no neutral.
>A move that takes 3 inputs to execute is fundamentally different from a single input move
It literally makes no difference.
If you can map it to one button, then it makes literally no difference if you can pull it off or not.
>charge characters don't need to charge
Thats the game's problem then. They didnt take into account the required charge time.
you do it in combos for the ex power dunk into airgrab vskill or ex uppercut.
and you're not taking into account the time it takes to perform the shoryuken motion.
I can't pick a color for him, they all look good except the neon-green one.
Ohhhhh, thanks.
If punk can win with footsies why can't you?
Pink you damn sissy.
Ah, I'm retarded, didn't see read the whole conversation to see that someone already said that, sorry
>people still giving a shit about this shit game when Injustice 2 is almost out
But i like the red one...
True, theres a minimum input time required before it can be activated, but you can input the next shoryuken while youre falling down from your last shoryuken and it will still activate the moment you press punch after your cooldown.
the dark green, brown, and bright yellow alts look fucking amazing
eds design has really grown on me
The neon-green it is.
no defensive options, throw loops, and inconsistent frame data (ie ibuki having an overhead that is +3 on hit, and a command normal version that is +6). also 6.5 frames
The black nazi color of course.
Lack of defense options is something noticable, I'll give you that. Once somebody gets in, it's really hard to get the fucking pressure off without using a v-reversal. Throw loops are mostly tied to that. However, most of the frame data is fine and 6.5 frames isn't something game-breaking at all. Hardly noticeable for me, honestly, since you're always buffering a move, queuing a combo, or hitting buttons as soon as you have an opportunity to.
persona arena had easy 2 button DPs.
High level play, literally no one used them, so it isn't as bad as it sounds.
Hell, I saw more DPs in SF4 and SF5 in one match versus an entire set of a p4a match.
except using a v-reversal will get you thrown. and higher frame delays favor offense and destroys reactive playstyles. also i hate the way they implemented ggpo.
let'sbe homest, sfv is full of massive problems
Oh fuck, his moves have holding and mashing? I fucking hated playing decapre because of that, looks like I won't be playing him either.
I think these kind of inputs are garbage and I hate them, but I don't think they're particularly easier, and for the 2 buttons, I'd hope they'd be more of simpler moves to use mid combo, but looks like they're on fireball and DP level, which sucks.
I hope this game dies off faster so we can have more players on other fighting games.
also thanks to that 6.5 frames, you have to tech a grab preemptively (since all grabs are 5 frames).
It's one hold and his mash move doesn't actually seem that important.
hes fucking amazing desu, pleasantly surprised.
Isn't there air blocking in Persona though? That's missing half the importance of DPs then.
Pretty sure it has anti airs that ignore air blocking.
You're retarded. Fighting games aren't turn based games. Player execution and reaction timing are factors that are considered when balancing moves. No one can input a 3 input move at the same speed they can input a 1 input move. It's physically impossible without cheats.
Oh, I thought his mash move was the one that snatches the other character, but that's his V-Skill.
What the mash move does then? I couldn't figure from the trailer.
My game is updating since I haven't played since Kolin was added. Is he out in the proper game yet? Does he play like Balrog?
mash move is just a flicker punch, hits 3 times for low damage.
>All those people playing ED in ranked without testing his moves.
>Thanks for the LP
Its his flicker Jab also known as psycho flavored parabellum / chun li kicks.
Hes available in the free beta that's going on, not sure when hes going to be released proper but I assume its at the end of the month and no not really.
2 holds actually vskill can be held.
I didn't even know ed's movelist and I managed to get a 10 streak going in ed mirrors.
>Activate Eds v-trigger
>Watch people kill themselfs
I think understand Rashid mains now
Ed's trigger is straight up better than rashid's at trapping people though and much better for mixing up since you can push them out and it will still be active.
how long does the beta run? I haven't gotten the chance to try him yet
would Guile be a good secondary for Cammy?
Ed seems like a character that just clickes for some people while others just look uncomfurtable playing him.
My friend that's a Karin main can't stand him for some reason.
It also doesn't go away. So as long as you don't allow them to jump over you have a slow moving ball of fuck you pressure to play with.
Play the characters you like and don't worry about shit like a good secondary.
So one of Ed's weaknesses appears to be lack of an overhead.
I usually play casual. And for whatever reason capcom couldn't be arsed to put training mode in the beta so you're 'forced' to play him against other people without getting the chance to really figure out how he works without having someone up in your face
First time I played him it was against a rampaging nash though I did beat him one round.
Ed's AA game is pretty good too his cHP and sMK are great and the AA vskill is alright.
He barely uses it once in the trailer, they cut it in the middle, lol
You can make it go faster by holding forward while activating it.
Caught a couple people off guard with that.
And i can't see how anyone playing ed would let someon jump over the ball.
His V-skill is pretty fast, he has the kick speciall with good range, decent down HP and his upercut.
Yea i feel that one too.
I never noticed how much i actually use that shit when playing Necalli.
If he had an overhead his mixup game with vtrigger would be bonkers.
So anyone found any hidden balance changes?
Yeah he'd be pretty crazy not having one is for the best, besides I feel like his pull makes up for it.
Im confused as to how to use the pull
I now that fully charged it pulls people to you but it seems they are free to press a button mid slide to interrupt you.
His pull is alright I feel like the charged version should have a little more frame advantage.
Feels like you have to mash jab/short to keep advantage and I don't think ed can confirm anything off jab either.
I think you can do his knee after that, but honestly I haven't gotten a chance to play him, just been watching Floe, and basing things off that.
>can't buffer normals into special moves to hit limbs because specials have no range
>doesn't have the range to hit recovery frames like karin and cammy do
>slowest vskill in whole game
he's ryu tier
The number of times people try to jump over my v-trigger when I play Rashid is hilarious.
Why would people think they can jump that, it looks like it goes way to high.
Will the won/lost LP be saved after the beta
>Likewise, easier button inputs wont make SFV better to play. The game need to actually be fun and well designed, which it isn't.
Dude, shut the fuck up, SFV is antagonized for a lot of reasons, but its execution, EXECUTION, of gameplay is not one of those factors.
>SFV is anti-fireball
Yeah I always felt like this is what people are mostly complaining about. Despite Guile being top tier.
I think guile is the only character with a good fireball though, at least without any other mechanic tied to it.
>he doesn't know LP will be reset after the beta concludes
the only good thing about his fireball is that hes able to walk up to you alongside it and just force 50/50s in your face, or anti air you easily if you jump. the damage of the fireball itself is trash.
the only reason guile is top tier is because with that, he can just circumvent the shitty mashing neutral game
>His fireball is weak damage
As akin to whose, the fireball is just an extension.
More than likely a quick reaction without really thinking.
thats why everyone says the fireball game is trash
Why in the fuck are you comparing smash to SF
Just because Ryu is in it doesn't mean you can directly compare their DPs
DPs and how they are used in SF isnt even a fucking thing in smash. They don't serve remotely the same purpose.
His inputs are even simpler than smash's. That's pretty nuts.
At least in smash you have to input a direction.
His roundhouse is god tier though.
It's like they looked at Necallis and thought
>Let's just give this to him and make it faster have more range and be safe one block
it moves him forward a lot which makes it much more likely to be hit during recovery if he whiffs. but he gets decent damage off it compared to necalli so maybe it balances out
i still think hes shit.
I could be wrong but isn't it basically just Juris?
U guys dumb? His HK is almost exactly like juri's and necalli gets way more damage off his when it comes to CC's.
>special move inputs are artificial difficulty
proves that you're bad at fighting games