Why does Japan keep thinking that all European women are cute blonde royalty who wear antiquated/baroque fashion?

Why does Japan keep thinking that all European women are cute blonde royalty who wear antiquated/baroque fashion?

they are Japanese.

I mean, it's better then the western equivalent, which is to tell the same story over and over, and slowly make more and more of the characters African.

Gook artstyle is retarded and if they gave em black hair they wouldn't be to tell that they are foreigners

Why does every Japanese story have a nip fucking a white girl and why do weebcucks love that so much?

Japs love the old ways. A British lady/princess stereotype is pretty much the ultimate Jap fetish because she perfectly represents a bygone era.

Because that's what we want them all to be. Would you prefer an accurate portrayal of immature cock-starved sluts?

Not videogames


That one is literally blonde blue eyed royalty.

Also has magitech-penis.

Saber is cute!

reality is a bunch of numales, fat feminazis and niggers so they just go back a couple centuries where europe was still worth something

It's the same in vidya too man.

Everytime a european girl character is shoehorned into a japanese setting, she's either a princess or a knight or someone really really influential.

Saber is great.

the bigger issue is japs unable to have an MC without jap blood
>play as some British Archaeologist in South America
>he is somehow half jap

Ok, i was referring to the fact that the thread isn't related to any game in particular, but i think it's because the japs usually admire the western culture and tend to represent it in weird ways, especially in games and anime.


why Sup Forumstards so buttmad when black/asian/whatever man fuck white girl?
She's not your girl

Because Glorious Nippon isn't being assaulted by morons chanting "muh diversity and muh fight against stereotypes and cultural appropriation".

Gawd bless Japan

Funniest part is that the father is always the Jap one

Reminds me of Tekken.


Except for Snake, who got some dna somehow from his Japanese surrogate womb.

Kill la Kill's Gamagoori has an American marine father, though he's the only one I know

>cucked by blacks
>cucked by arabs
>even the japs have fantasies of stealing your women

What are we to do bros?

Why they steal """"OUR"""" women

Japanese people love blonde haired women because they never get a chance to see them.



that bitch is mixed as fuck

you'd know that if you were not a fat spic from the usa

Just accept it bro

Why do westerners keep thinking that Japanese women are all subservient housewives?

Because they are

Pretty much this. It all depends on what the country sees as exotic

They both look like halfus

>damage control