What games have great attention to detail?

What games have great attention to detail?

I played nuPrey and this is what happens if you pick male protagonist.

And when you pick female protagonist.

wait, do americans really stand to pee in their own homes?


truly amazing innovation


>TFW you live alone and still put the toilet seat back down after pissing

Dead Rising 1 in general is full of nice little details, too bad they fucked everything up in the new one


thats some cutting edge technology right there

so male morgan never took a shit?

>Dead Rising 1 in general is full of nice little details
Mind listing them?


i do that too but mostly because i know im gonna take a shit the next time i have to use the bathroom

Ok what game


You should always put the seat and lid down when you flush. That's why the lid fucking exists.

I pee sitting down.


Mom always used her master bath while the three of us boys used the hallway to piss, so no one in my family was forced into the habit of putting the seat down.

System Shock in space

You only put the sea down if you want to sit on the toilet.

GTA IV and V are packed with amazing little details

Assuming you flush after pissing, you should put the lid down. Flushing sprays toilet water all over the room unless it's covered.

Every non-cucked male with functional body is doing this.

That's what my ass is for.

>but then you'll get shit particles all over your ass

That's what the shower's for.

we are talking with kids who don't clean up their own toilet though. They have no idea.

thats why you sit when you pee and take a shit.
your fat asscheeks and thighs block water from spraying out

>plating vidya
>need to pee
>lol let me waste a fuckton of gaming time while I sit like a girl instead of peeing in seconds and rushing back to the thing that matters


Hey can we can stop fucking talking about toilets and bodily functions in this thread and actually discuss attention to detail in games?

>Flushing while still sitting

Jokes on you bitch, I sit down to pee.

bioshock 2

Sometimes I forget Europe's female overlords force men to pee sitting down so they don't stain their decorative rugs.

that's the kind of attention to detail i love in games, just makes the world and characters a bit more real, which is ironic considering the plot of prey

Only industrial toilets do that.

>not giving your ass cheeks a mini shower
do you like being dirty?

Isn't that sexist?
Shouldn't all toilets be unisex in 2030?

What the fuck are you guys talking about?

What the fuck is a unisex toilet, a metal tube you insert into your anus and shit directly into?

Literally every toilet does that to different extents. You just can't see the water droplets flying out.


But I've actually mastered the sit-turn and pull trousers down routine where I can actually now piss quicker than standing up. There's no margin for error when sitting down too, you can set the flow to maximum without pissing all over your bathroom.

I strongly advise getting into it, it's definitely well worth your time.

Please flush the toilet every time you use it!

>female uses shampoo
>male doesn't

Most toilets nowadays are low-flow shit that takes its sweetass time swirling down the drain.


I often pee sitting down, because I usually also have to fart and don't like farting in my clothes.

Who else?

I don't get it. I always sit down to pee.

>not using hyperpropelled glass cleaner

shiggy diggy it's like you want your windows to be dirty

i have been doing the same and it's really quicker you can go full blast from the start

I sit down to pee so I can browse Sup Forums at the same time like I'm doing right now.


Its being shilled a lot by the same guy,
bare in mind hes cherrypicking webms and most of your gameplay will be walking/driving (if youre lucky) long distances to get to your team and join in shooting at bushes in the hope theres an enemy in there

Female Morgan doesn't have shit all over the toilet because she tried to hover over the seat.

That would be a no-wipe toilet. Sounds neat.

Is it down to pee through my morning wood so I don't have to worry about peeing everywhere but the toilet

goddamnit i saw him picking up the cleaner and expected some neat shit like being able to wash the blood off the floor
nope, just the world's highest pressure cleaning spray
what a load of shit

When I wake up the first thing I do is immediately go in the shower, so I just piss in the shower.

maybe his shampoo is in the cupboard
i used to live with 3 women and they'd always leave their fucking shampoo in the shower where it collects old water and makes shit moldy rather than putting them in the bathroom cabinet like a smart person

How do you fit your boner in the toilet though?

Wait, why wouldn't you sit down to pee in your own home?

It takes like .1 of a second more to pull your pants down more, and you get a much more reliable, comfy experience.

Same applies when your out and about, anyway. I'll always take the privacy of a stall over a urinal anyday.

I don't use shampoo. They're all the same fucking product, I use body wash for everything, hair, body, balls, ass. Hell I've used handwash before and I swear it felt and smelt nicer than some body washes.

You have to put your ass all the way at the back of the toilet lid, so it's as if you're sitting on the back of the toilet seat giving your dick more room.

I don't associate anything in the bathroom as comfy. Taking more effort to do anything in there needs some sort of benefit, and if comfy is the only thing you can come up with then there's my argument against your question.

I take like 2 minutes to shit, and I piss like 5-6 times a day. I don't like hanging out in the bathroom like a fucking weirdo.

Where are you from, user?

>pissing in the shower

>Posts redditfrog to top it all off


>Piss in the shower
>Leaving your piss in the toilet
>Hanging out in the bathroom with your GBASP for 50 minutes as you tease your turd out


It's only getting washed away to the same drains, what's the problem?

Literally what's the fucking point? How the fuck can you miss the fucking toilet unless you are shitface drunk?

>judo throwing a zombie makes you tear their arm off and gives you a hunk of meat
>hunk of meat can be dropped/thrown to attract zombies
>suplexing a zombie lets you throw them at zombies behind you
>covering zombies faces be it a mask or a liquid makes them stumble blindly
>frying pan can be heated up at a burner and used to burn zombie faces
>breaking mannequins lets you pick up their individual body parts
>meat and pizza can spoil and give Frank an upset stomach for a bit
>kicking heavy objects makes Frank stub his toe and hold it for a second
>all doors can be opened and closed allowing you to hit zombies with them
>spraying windows and throwing light things at windows does nothing while throwing heavy objects shatters them
>plates and cd cases can be thrown and disappear one at a time from Frank's hand as they're thrown
>throwing liquids at signs with glass over them makes the splatter hover over the picture a bit to make it look like there's glass
>servbot head realistically reflects the environment around it
>shooting metal in the environment gives off a different sound
>spitting on survivors enough times will turn them hostile
>all clocks around the game move to accurately show the time
>fully working mirrors
All gone in Dead Rising 4

They're right except for the part about shaking off, why wouldn't you do it while seated? Or even grab a sheet of paper and wipe it out?

Of those things, pissing in the shower is the least gross to me. It's sterile and gets washed directly down into a sewage line anyway.

Pissing on the toilet and letting it dry is gross, and taking hours to shit is annoying to other people.


>not pissing in the sink
What a pleb.

>How the fuck can you miss the fucking toilet unless you are shitface drunk?
Foreskin if you don't peel it back when pissing has a mind of it's own sometimes.

>not peeing in the shower

I mean, if you're just peeing without the water running, then yeah that's gross. But getting out of the shower purely to pee in the toilet is a waste of time and water.

I'm not sticking my dick into the toilet bowl to piss.

UGH! This thread is makn me puke

Pull back your foreskin every time... don't come at me with arguments about efficiency either just don't.

In Uncharted 4 you can see some guy painting the side of his building.

Later in the game it will be painted completely.

This. Time efficiency too.

>he doesn't piss in the shower
>even when you don't even need to take a shower, saving you from having to literally flush money down the toilet

It's not cleaner, when you sit to piss you just spray the underside of the toilet seat with piss splashback. You still have to clean your toilet and the area around it. Sitting instead of standing isn't going to relieve you of this duty.

You want to see something gross? Go to a house where about 3 or 4 girls live and lift up the toilet seat, the underside is disgusting 9 times out of 10.

>there are people who don't pull their foreskin when taking a piss

I thought "painting the side of his building" was a euphemism until I read the second line.

who fucking does this?

I have a small shelf/rack for shampoo/shower gel etc just under the shower head where water can't get to. Is this acceptable?

how do i avoid pee pee spray?

it's not foreskin, either. i think the pee hole gets stuck together. but i dont wanna fiddle with my willy at the urinals-- what do?

Clean your toilet every now and then and it doesn't matter if your dick touches the cool porcelain. I suppose I'm uncut though, so it's more comfy to rest your dick on things.

>That would be a no-wipe toilet. Sounds neat.

those are called bidets you uneducated moron

Stop fapping before pissing.

I put the seat, and lid down so when I flush piss and shit particles are spread around the bathroom less.

My ex though I did it to spite her, there is now winning

yes, of course
but user and his fucking cabinet? that's just unnecessary work

Use your hand and wash properly
T. Indian
C'mon, it's fucking sterile.

Shilling Revengeance.

cool touch tbqh

Just piss in the shower or sit down. Take spray out of the equation user.

When I pull back my foreskin while pissing, the piss stream is so strong it could fucking break glass

I heard of people pissing in the sink and jumping in the shower to wash their asshole before wiping.

Who the fuck actually cares? Are you watching these people do these things? You're cucked beyond redemption. Probably from the EU or some shit.