Why did it fail?

Why did it fail?

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Just look at it

It failed because of faggots like this.

very little adds

does not have the "mature games for mature gamers like my mature self" that is all the rage these days

>Looked unappealing
>Mediocre reviews
>Little to no marketing

Expect ARMS to follow the same fate.

I pirated it. It's fucking boring. I

was shocked when I learned that the fast forward button wasn't even in the original release and had to be added in a future update. Even when using the button it takes 30 seconds for the enemies to move and I can't even see what the fuck is happening.

I'll give credit though, the visuals are nice, character designs are neat, and the music is awesome. The gameplay though is just bad. This should have been a $20 eShop title, not a full release game.

Wil Wheaton

You have ADHD.

The demo being fucking awful probably didn't help.

But the 3DS wasn't starved for games before this came out.
Switch cucks will lap any old shit up if it gives them an excuse to wipe the dust off their handheld paperweights.

>every enemy looks like the same exact fucking bug
>need to squint on the 3ds screen just to kinda make out what enemy it is

even if it's lazy as fuck i would have rather preferred them just recoloring every enemy because i have no idea what anything is

The gaming media did their jobs well. They damage controlled the game, pretended as if it wasn't anything to get excited about, and you idiots bought into it.
It's comments like these that make me think no one here has actually played the game.

I think people strongly underestimate just how the gaming media tries to write off new Nintendo IPs. Look at how they treated the Wonderful 101. That bombed as well, but due to Platinum's overall reputation it has gone on to be seen as an all time great Wii U exclusive.

Codename S.T.E.A.M is a great title, one that I really want to see more of in the future.

Make the game then.

>Codename S.T.E.A.M is a great title, one that I really want to see more of in the future

good luck with that, they don't make sequels to advance wars anymore and that never bombed anywhere as hard as this

Reminder that Cody isn't a real person and it's a handful of faggots posting bait.

decent to good gameplay
absolute garbage artstyle
shit characters

decent and good are the same thing

No they aren't. Are you ESL?

>It's a "Sup Forums pretends the Switch isn't selling well" episode

Advance Wars needed a break. The devs have confirmed they never stopped thinking about new entries to the franchise.

Both it and Codename S.T.E.A.M will get sequels.
Ha ha.

Not enough FE collabs

Purely the artystyle. Everything else was great. If it had anime girls it'd be hailed as one of the best games on the 3ds.
>also this fucking ost youtube.com/watch?v=D1ViTAu6d2Y&index=3&list=PLDiKVJkERi-CMdXnWA_2AZvoGIfDI2X6H

Why do devs keep pretending cellshading looks good?

i pirated it and it was pretty shit. i gave up after two hours of boredom

You also have ADHD.

>Aesthetics don't matter

When Nintendo first showed it at E3 all they showed was a couple of tiny grainy images plus the art style does look a bit generic only because it's trying to copy American comic book style which of course to westerners is very generic. Being on the 3DS it looks like it was meant for young boys despite the T rating. Similar to Federation Force.

In actuality the art style is very well done when you see it in motion in the game, the gameplay is fun, they put a lot of effort into the voice acting, and the music is really good. You can get it for like 8 bucks on Amazon, so there's not even much to lose by giving it a shot.

It's basically a passion project by a western guy who Nintendo gave a chance to make a game. It's a shame that Nintendo didn't care about the game at all and everyone wanted it to fail.

They don't.

i wish i was as easily entertained as you. the game is shit

Post a good game.

Yeah, you're right. It really would have sold more if they were anime girls instead. I wasn't interested at first, but bought it later for around $10. Is the game long? I haven't played it yet.

fire emblem 7

0/10, most likely a scrawny white guy who got his ass kicked in school


Bayonetta 1 and 2.

I loved the game, even at launch. But not having the fast forward button was a huge mistake. My only major problem with the game is that they take too long to really give you a lot of options.

Took me around 25-30 hours I think.

Lets kiss

Serra is only for Erk

>too "hard"
>not Mario
>not Zelda
>not Pokemon
>no marketing
>new IP

Little ads.
Infinite enemy spawns despite the fact the aliens can pretty much two-shot you at times, are pinpoint accurate during overwatch, and respawn two or more every two or three turns.
Demo was awful and takes place during the worst parts of the game (The start before you have four members and can heal properly)
The entire first four chapters where you have to run around healing mainly off of medkit drops instead of proper healing from members so you're basically funneled into encounters constantly taking damage but on the verge of dying nearly all the time.
Tons of battles early on are basically suicide missions, especially the ones where the enemies are basically the equivalents of snipers but can move for miles but you need to be a decent length close to them to even hurt them. The queen mission and the one factory/outside area where you have to destroy the mortar machine are just brutal.
Before the patch you couldn't even fastforward through gameplay.
Takes forever to get a nice amount of characters or even a full team, it takes until the aforementioned factory mission to even have your first four party member team and you're already around a fourth through it and their form of balance is just throwing more enemies at you that infinitely respawn.
Everything about the invincible mortar eyeballs.

>not Advance Wars


I'd rather it die with dignity than get raped by Neo-Nintendo.