Oh shit Sup Forums, something came in the mail!

Oh shit Sup Forums, something came in the mail!

Bumping for potential

Dragon dildo

It's either weebshit or dragon dildoes. its always those

how filthy is your daki user?

it has the weeb seal of approval.
bracing for plastic gril

Another dakimakura

WATCH OUT user !!! IT'S A BOMB !!!

This box is fucking huge, jesus christ.

It's clean user, don't be gross.

nothing can top the sonic totem. don't even bother, user.

Is it cwcs shirt?

That looks like Mirai but with tits.
I don't like it.

Nice daki, faggit

nice lighting in this pic

>that box
from amiami?

>body pillow
>twin bed
>alphabet pillow case


It better be dildos.

Do you still have the link to that thread? I failed to save it.

>It's clean user, don't be gross.
so why do you even have it?

It can't be dildos since those aren't fragile.


Glass dildos

Who's the grill on your daki?

Ordering from amiami, op?