Games that ain't be as good as everything thinks they is

Games that ain't be as good as everything thinks they is

okay buddy post one


Miyamoto was right about DKC

>Games that ain't be as good as everything thinks they is


silly user those are both good games


They're overrated because they're sloppy with boring levels and even more boring bosses.
It's okay to like easy bullshit garbage, but don't make that everyone elses standard and then get upset when they say ""


These games pretty much invented platforming bucko

That was mario

Mario is racist and therefore did not create platforming

Mario played it safe by keeping the same formula, DK on the other hand is actually difficult


Wouldn't that be Pitfall

>That was Mario
You stupid underage shithead

no you fucking idiot that would be pong you dingus

>sloppy with boring levels


wow really

>other hand is actually difficult
Only thing difficult is that the camera is so close giving me a headache going fast

Stupid cuck

They're both excellent. They just follow different design concepts


All levels are designed for a player to run through them without the worry of running into an enemy

call of duty

So are like 99% of platformers

Don't know if retarded or merely just pretending. Good job. Also a cuck.


>Sonic 2

Your playing as fast monkey's not a fat italian plumber

Listing multiple games of the same series doesn't really help the cause. But also Klonoa

>Shitting on one of the best platformers ever made.
What profoundly terribly taste you have, user. Better to shitpost on Sup Forums with, I suppose.

DKC2 deserves all the praise it gets

Not a argument

enlighten us

Its a barebones simple slow platformer liked cause of its visuals and music, THAT'S IT

>aint be
>they is
you are either some redneck or a warhammer 40k ork

DKC games are literally the sonic of nintendo games -
flashy graphics, incredible soundtrack, and lacking gameplay.
