Oh no

Oh no.
The last character you played as is being hunted by Elric with Stormbringer.


Other urls found in this thread:



You are small time

>Odin Sphere

Fuck is he gonna do? Punch the soul stealing god-like black sword? Or play fisticuffs against an elemental lord?



Elric had a hard life

Yes. Yes he did.


Works on snek god.
Kyo's a fightan protag user, he can stand up against Ryu who stood up to Asura for a bit.

>He thinks anything that isn't a soulless husk or made of pure chaotic matter has a chance against
Or gods above, Arioch and company shitting down on you and turning you into fish soup.

This fucking thing restarted a universe by pouring its blood into the screaming chalice.

my roblox character will rape her


>Elric with Stormbringer
Literally who with what?

Think Geralt but less plagiarism, more powerful and more interesting with a shit ton of more lore spread across five decades worth of books.

“Who can know why the Cosmic Balance exists, why Fate exists and the Lords of the Higher Worlds? Why there must always be a champion to fight such battles? There seems to be an infinity of space and time and possibilities. There may be an infinite number of beings, one above the other, who see the final purpose, though in infinity, there can be no final purpose. Perhaps all is cyclic and this same event will occur again and again until the universe is run down and fades away as the world we knew has faded. Meaning, Elric? Do not seek that, for madness lies in such a course.”

“No meaning, no pattern. Then why have I suffered all this?”

“Perhaps even the gods seek meaning and pattern and this is merely one attempt to find it. Look—” he waved his hands to indicate the newly formed Earth. “All this is fresh and moulded by logic. Perhaps the logic will control the newcomers, perhaps a factor will occur to destroy that logic. The gods experiment, the Cosmic Balance guides the destiny of the Earth, men struggle and credit the gods with knowing why they struggle—but do the gods know?”

Sounds like a depressed atheist fedora cosmic knight.

Nobody would know about you if it wasn't for the witcher, Elric.

Ah, so it's just another 'if you didn't play a Kirby, Touhou, SMT or anything else with Gurren Lagann tier wankery then you're fucked' thread.
OP is a fag as usual, move along everyone.

Is this new? The art looks pretty bad compared to the older stuff

>Nobody would know about you if it wasn't for the witcher, Elric.
Shut up polack. There's all of DnD and Warhammer.
There are plenty of limits. Soulless enemies and pure chaotic matter are pretty effective on it.
But here's the real stumble. It's only as powerful as the forces of chaos and law are in misalignment. When the universe is fine, it's just an effective soul eating sword but nothing more. Still chaotic inclined but just that.
It's P. Craig Russel.

Or just about any western stuff. Jap powerlevels outside of maybe Demonbane are very low iter.

>Shut up polack. There's all of DnD and Warhammer.
And Hawkwind and BoC.
The latter's arguably, second most popular song is about Elric and the concept of the Eternal Champion.


I'm not worried, I got gud.

I think an actual Ashen One has more of a chance against them.
Lord of Hollows ain't got a chance.

Memes ruined your mind.

>EYE character
How much brouzouf is Elric worth?

How much ya want?