>Leave Soulsborne to me
Leave Soulsborne to me
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this is going to be lords of the fallen all over again.
clunky, unpolished and unbalanced game made by people who don't get what made souls good and popular
>Exoskeleton not light enough to be fast
>Exoskeleton not heavy enough to be a stomping space marine
>Exoskeleton just the right weight to look like you shit yourself
But people liked Nioh.
>Sci-fi souls-like
>It's all melee anyway
The art design is awful. Lords of the Fallen looks way better than this.
What happened?
guns r 4 gays
Guns are boring sometimes
Last week you weer schreeching about this game was going to be the next Vanquish, now you changed tactics to shill about by saying its a Souls killer?
How many Souls killers have failed at that now?
This is why sci-fi soulsborne will never work.
Genuine question: how do you add guns without turning it into a 3rd person shooter?
Bloodborne worked because of perrying but anything else seems like it's taking it too far.
You can't without overhauling enemy movement, pathing and "cooldown" of dodge mechanics. Its why magic tends to be broken, enemies can't do shit to do since their pathing is fucking awful.
>from the developers of Lords of the Fallen
Sci-fi has the advantage of introducing enough technobabble to somewhat justify all kinds of gameplay mechanics. You could have guns share the same energy resource that powers your shields, which are effectively your HP. Combine it with some kinda health gain mechanic like Bloodborne and you could have a risk reward of firing a space shotgun or laser thing or whatever at the cost of a third of your health. That's just some dumb idea I thought of right there, I'm sure there's better ways to do it.
Then again, if Miyazaki and Co. did it it'd probably just be Sorcery 2.0: Magic Missiles Ahoy.
Third person shooters aren't always a bad thing but to avoid it, I guess it would have to be fps.
Better question is how to explain the 'souls' mechanic. Corpse looting would mean you have to get close eventually. The only other way would be an automated 'bounty' system like Borderlands has. Souls = money.
hahahah holy fucking shit, it looks terrible
You fight machines only.
You use their batteries.
I think. Can you do that?
If it was on pc they wouldn't like it.
Honestly, Warframe managed to put both to work pretty nicely, we just need a game like that only without the korean grinding scheme
>from the developers of Lords of the Fallen
Honestly I would love to see an AA or AAA dev tackle Souls properly. There's a lot of potential that From never tapped into. Unfortunately the ones who have tried are hacks (excluding maybe a few indie titles which are more "inspired by" Souls).
>anything like the Souls series
Are you retarded?
I meant in how both guns and sword are useful without making the other useless, they managed to find some sort of balance with the weapons that way
>From the makers of Lords of the Fallen comes
Wont even pirate
Only if it had Denuvo.
There are plenty of games that already do that.
In a fun way? You can't.
It's why most magic systems are either OP or garbage in games like Souls, Dragon's Dogma, ES and so on.
It either turns into a who shoots first or it's a 3rd person shooter.
Honestly it be easier to script some world story where machines smash humanity back to the stone age and high speed projectiles can't work on robots anymore so your options are EMP sticks/swords/axes and grenades.
Could have it like Devil May Cry/Bayonetta/Darksiders, where guns do a tiny amount of damage compared to melee weapons.
shit I like a scifi souls game but this is just garbage
Why do game developers feel the need to shill their games here?
because in your mind, the format HAS to include guns
Please stop marketer-san
Your game is too pathetic for these threads
But how do you rationalise a bullet being unable to hurt a robot while a sword can?
But then it turns into a action game. Or worse if it's too weak in damage it just worthless and has no reason to be included.
This is one of the most boring games I've ever seen.
All enemies look like the same dude in exoskeleton.
Weapons also look the same, and their swinging animations are terrible.
"Monster" enemies aka big robots look like fucking stupid gardening or construction machines.
At least LotFallen had some Darksiders dark fantasy vibe to it.
It has crafting for armor.
No stats.
It's even more corridors than LotFallen.
Environment is either washed up colours+cement or too dark.
Few weapons, no ranged ones, no magic, no secondary weapon/shield.
It's so bad it's gonna be at 10€ next winter sales.
>How do we make our world look sci fi ish?
>Lets put some hexagons everywhere that'll great!
>Also some advertisements about the future. IN THE FUTURE
Why do they keep doing this?
It is? Damn, that was a clunky mess. They just didn't get the 'weight' of the gameplay right.
Hexagons are cool
Like I said. EMP, your not actually damaging them with the sword, it's the high power of the electrical magnetic pulse going through the armor and frying their circuits.
Basically makes everything over glorified stun clubs but it works as a narrative to where most people won't question it.
looks like they haven't learned anything either, based on
>t. The Surge dev
pic related when the chinamen are at fault once again
No one here likes video games so threads like this one are a dead give away of shilling.
user said EMP. Likely why user also said that humanity needed to be sent to the stone age so you can't follow up with "well why not just fire a EMP missile at them?"
>It's why most magic systems are either OP or garbage in games like Souls, Dragon's Dogma, ES and so on.
Dragon's Dogma magic is balanced.
it really doesnt look bad
granted the setting actually progresses and isnt just grey industrial with people in exoskeletons the whole time
But Niohs combat is better than Souls.
They managed to make chainswords boring, how is that even possible?
what all the retards trying to copy dark souls don't get is 50% of what makes it so great is the amazing art, environments and enemy designs
this game's art design is literally fucking trash
I haven't played the PC port but in 360/PS3 days it was broken as all fuck. Two mages and two warriors basically meant easy mode till Big G himself.
mages are balanced guys *fills screen with dust tornado*
Jedi used lightsabers for a reason and not blasters
Gettin real sick of the le spooky black shapeshifting substance meme.
Jedi have space magic that lets them sense the bullets coming.
>two warriors
Yeah you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
>Dragon's Dogma magic is balanced.
Unless it's mystic knight.
>Utopia is cleared for launch
Persona 5?
Multiple Grand Cannons isn't any better than Charged Holy Bolt or Tenfold Blast Arrow spam.
What were other souls killers?
>How many Souls killers have failed at that now?
Besides Bloodborne?
Dark Souls 3 killed the Souls series by being so terrible.
Speak for yourself and get some friends. ;)
Why do all modern western triple A games have this desgin asthetic of everything looking like a shitty lamborghini? are western really this creatively bankrupt?
can't wait until FROM announces new soulslike game set in a scifi setting, I cannot take souls clones serious
Their new soulslike is Bloodborne 2.
Spot on. Sad to see Team Ninja go down that route for a quick buck.
this doesn't look like much fun at all
You do realise that it will be handeled by B team, since Miyazaki is confirmed to be working on the new IP?
Go the Dune route and put in shields
Swords go through shields
lasers make the gunner and the person with the shields on explode
bullets cant pierce shields
doesn't matter, we can pretend it's amazing and pCucks can't even argue
My bad, I skimmed over that
Yeah, hitting things with EMP sticks would work. Making EMP guns would be too complicated so it would make sense
>Getting excited for Bloodborne 2
>When every soulsborne game with a number in it has been varying degrees of shit
Nothing in Dogma is "Balanced". That's part of why it's so good. It doesn't care about "muh balance". The game breaks on almost any class if you play decently and gear correctly/level high enough.
Nothing in the game, Dark Arisen included, poses any threat to any class with half-ass reasoned out items and skills.
The combat has good weight, it has a good vibe going on, it has good artistic direction, and the "Imbalance" is an irrelevant side-effect that nobody even cares about.
Arguing about "Balance" in Dragon's Dogma is entirely fucking retarded.
>t. beat the game on launch, twice again year/s later, and multiple times on various classes, both solo, with pawns, all classes.
By having laser swords.
By turning it into a third person shooter. But using good game mechanics instead of what is essentially a FPS crippled by console controller in every single way.
Also this. Half of what makes Third Person Shooters into what they are, is that all mechanics blend together into a no fun slow game.
Especially that movement is bad and slow.
>make a sci fi Souls clone
>"come up" with the most boring aesthetic possible
No thanks. Call me when From announces Blame! game.
>Nothing in the game, Dark Arisen included, poses any threat to any class with half-ass reasoned out items and skills.
This means the classes are balanced. :^)
>you share a board with people who actually believe this is gonna be better than bloodborne or demons souls
That's also true for ds1 because it's technicaly demons souls 2.
>Dark Souls 1
>xcom in real time
Thats like using a sauce made of feces on otherwise fine food.
>from the developers of Lords of the Fallen
Shitter detected, demons souls was superior in every way: better atmosphere, better story, better characters, better setting, better gameplay, better level design, better art direction, better pvp, you name it.
I'm not going on about technicalities here though.
It's just called that for convenience.
There's no actual number in the title.
Nostalgiafag detected.
B-but muh not on PC DeS exclusive elitist club.
>guy looks like a normal with a shitty harness bolted over his clothes
Where are the futuristic suits of armor? Fuck this shit
Not an argument.
>grass chugging retardation
>doesn't have kaathe or frampt in it
>a bunch of disconnected archstones is better than DS1's interconnected world
>literally just use firestorm to beat the entire game
It's art is on par with DS1 and the atmosphere is slightly better but that's all it has. Everything else DS1 improved on
severely underappreciated post
>guns run out of ammo quickly
>every type of gun limited in its functionality
>firing leaves you and enemies open due to recoil
>aiming just inertial enough to be dodgeable in close range, but still responsive enough to feel good
>enemy holding weapons opens them up for damaging disarm moves
I think you play as some disabled schmuk who got an exoskeleton so he can move, not a soldier made for fighting
You play as a manual laborer who just got an implant enabling you to use industrial exoskeletons.
You have very shit taste, user.
and you've got a bad case of nostalgiafaggotry
DS1 is objectively a better game than Des, especially now that it has DLC. There might be some stuff in demon's that is better/cooler but that's the minority. I do wish they'd kept world tendencies but that's probably the biggest thing demon's souls does better mechanically.
You're just trying to start shit, aren't you?
Let It Die has guns, buts its Souls like.
Have a destruction system for equipment.
>Bungie before buyout
>They don't make games like this anymore