>no weight shit
>no pussy shield
>no hollow shit
>no cheap backstabbing
>gameplay doesn't feel slow as a snail
How can souls games even compete?
>no weight shit
>no pussy shield
>no hollow shit
>no cheap backstabbing
>gameplay doesn't feel slow as a snail
How can souls games even compete?
>arguing about which shitty game of your garbage genre is less shitty
Cute. souls clones are the same as MOBA, all games are cancer.
but it is a souls game you fucking retard.
Agree. It just not as bad as the others.
>pandering to casuals is good
neck your self.
I have a fucking throbbing erection.
Shame about the frame rate.
If there is one thing I absolutely despise it's dark souls/Bb lore fags. What a bunch of snobby, annoying fuckers.
Enjoying the games tho too bad they wont fix pvp
You're right, OP. It takes all the good mechanics of the previous games and makes them good. I do like playing like a heavyweight knight though.
>Souls games are hardcore
>no pussy shield
let me guess
you never played it right
Go on....
I don't get why they get erections over the lore because it honestly has a shit backstory and garbage characters that give you that info. Not to mention the spelling mistakes in the item descriptions here and there which is just unprofessional especially from a game that takes itself really seriously hut according to the fanboys the item descriptions tell the some of the lore
>How can souls games even compete?
DaS3 honestly strikes a nice balance.
>How can souls games even compete?
By having better netcode.
And some people like the relatively more measured approach of sword-and-board, or simply the change of pace that comes with it. Not that Souls games can't be fast, nor that shields have no use in BB.
This. It's Souls without the shitty roleplay mechanics that add nothing but tedium to non-autists, and a combat system that doesn't give scrubs a free out with shields.
Worse healing though.
The saddest part about that image is how accurate it is.
Whether or not "Souls is hard", there were no shortage of posts in /dsg/'s early days of idiots who had gotten themselves fucked exactly like that picture.
DaS3's biggest flaw is that it tried too hard to be two things
Dark souls should stick to being dark souls; slow, methodical but weighty combat that punishes mistakes hard
Bloodborne can be its own thing, and it does it well
>Everyone bitches about Iron Keep being above Earthen Peak in DaS2.
>Everyone is perfectly fine with BB having a coastal village above a clock tower.
Fuck, one of the enemies actually glitched out and fell from the sky into the area before Ludwig on my save.
Lol here we go, this post is just for you.
Bloodborne is not a hardcore game whatsoever. I know it's the hardest game you've ever played but if you were alive during the PS1 era, even the most commercial titles like Tomb Raider were more challenging.
Bloodborne is a millennials idea of a hardcore title.
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.
>one of the enemies actually glitched out and fell from the sky into the area before Ludwig
that's suppose to happen fool.
it's a "nightmare", genius.
Ok, im fucking sure now that this is a bot
Sup Forums, fix your Captcha ffs
How is it a bot, my comment is specifically directed to the post made.
The game is fucking easy, it's laughable at how you people think otherwise.
What would you qualify as difficulty then? What parts of those PS1 games made them more difficult?
Try doing the excalibur 2 challenge in FF9 on PAL no FMV skip no glitches no turbo controller or double disc speed PS2.
That makes Bloodborne look like a game of dot to dot in comparison.
Or even The Lion King, a fucking Disney game, was more challenging than this.
You literally have the option at any time to just summon 2 people to do anything remotely difficult for you. You have spectres and notes to show and tell you what to do every step of the way. I could go on but I won't....
>game is easy because of difficulty selects you can completely ignore
Oh god it's one of them.
The argument is about whether Souls or Borne is better. Your argument is it's bad pandering towards casuals. Then you pull up Tombraider as an example.
You're missing the connection to the actual argumentation.
Typical Sup Forums friday.
The fact that it's there available at any time to use makes the game inherently easy.
Anything else is manufactured difficulty.
>comparing old game where you can't get help online cause it came out before people knew what "online" means with a game that came out when everyone had broadband
Wrong, I'm not saying it's pandering to casuals, I'm saying it's a game that holds your hands every step of the way under the guise of being a hardcore game. Fuck actually it does more than that, it cups your fucking balls!
Imagine playing a beat em up but having the option to press one button to instakill any enemy - that is Bloodborne.
>healing by hitting consecutive times
>dodging is way too fast, there's barely any stamina management.
>having to farm for blood vials
>barely functional PvP, co-op
This is literally the worst souls game
Alright, I'm out.
Wrong. The inbuilt core game mechanics make the game easy.
Just because we have readily available Internet access doesn't mean the game has to gift you with mechanics that can completely cheese the entire game for you.
>10 days user is back
Sup Forums may change day by day but this autistic moron is something you can rely on
>the game is too easy but it's also unfair because you HAVE TO GRIND for healing items ...w-with I didn't need or anything! s-since you can just heal by r1 spamming
Not bait. You just have no reply so you're calling it that.
The game is inherently easy because it gifts you core game mechanics to easily defeat any boss or area.
Better yet, don't fancy summoning people? Just run past every single enemy without getting touched. It's laughable at how easy it is. I literally laughed as I was playing through, thinking back at some of the threads I'd read on here prior to playing it.
Ok user. I believe you.
Shut the fuck up. One word.
> ranged parry
I've been banned twice - for talking about Bloodborne in Bloodborne threads - I've recently come off a ban.
You're deliberately ignoring my points though. They're irrefutable.
The hardest game you've ever played, I platinumed it in 10 days with ease. Nothing you say will change that. Nothing.
dark souls games domt have chalice dungeons amd chalice dungeons are complete bullshit.
one is a nightmare realm, it doesn't follow real world logic, you lard tard. not that a game about monsters and aliens needs to follow real world logic.
>>healing by hitting consecutive times
So faggots like you won't run away after being hit
>>dodging is way too fast, there's barely any stamina management.
And that is a bad thing? Stamina management only matter when attacking
>>having to farm for blood vials
You clearly haven't played the game pc fag
You don't need to do them to complete the main game
>>barely functional PvP, co-op
Your opinon
i never said it was "easy" i just stated that is a mess of a game and that is the worst of its franchise.
Because it is.
But you're deliberately avoiding the points I'm making because you have no means to reply.
You can just run past 99% of enemies without being touched.
You can just summon 2x people to do anything difficult for you.
You can have 24 vials at any point to give you theoretically 12+ extra lives at any point.
The game auto aims your attacks for you if you're locked on with Z targeting.
Nothing of what I'm saying is false and you know it. You have no right of reply. Prove that to me......
Does a PS4 pro improve performance for Bloodborne? Been planning to get a PS4 and this game+Yakuza 0, but if the change isn't notable I'd rather just get a slim.
It is easy, just run past any enemy without getting touched or just summon 2x people to do anything remotely challenging.
The game is inherently easy.
>The game auto aims your attacks for you if you're locked on with Z targeting.
PC fag detected
You are gifted spectres and notes every step of the way to show and tell you what to do.
Dodging makes you almost invincible.
There are weapons that utterly cheese bosses - the music box and pungent blood cocktails for instance.
There's no danger of getting lost because of how painfully linear it is.
The game's a joke. I was incredibly disappointed by it.
So little you won't notice a difference.
So, assuming you're right, the game can be completed by less bold players who cheese the game at the expense of fun? If they want to do things that way, why does that bother you?
Wrong, Z targeting I'm referring to is in Zelda OoT, but you probably weren't born when that was released.
The combat is incredibly similar to a game released 20 years ago.
It's honestly funny at how developed and niche you people think the game is.
Because it makes the game inherently easy and therefore irritates the fuck out of me to see these threads on Sup Forums where you all slap each other on the back for being such hardcore gamers for having played it.
It's a joke.
it is more satisfying to defeat a boss without having to rely on stockable healing items and spamming r1
But instead relying on my position, stamina, few precious healing items and my actual ability to defeat the boss, no bullshit and cheap game mechanics.
But okay, enjoy your babby souls game faggot.
>you all slap each other on the back for being such hardcore gamers
Wow, you are imagining things. We are discussing a game that we all found FUN and not work like your Prepare to Turtle Edition souls entry.
Here we go again, manufacturing difficulty to get any sort of challenge out of the game. You can apply these kind of restrictions to the majority of games to make it hard.
The game is inherently easy because of the core game mechanics that are offered to you. To ignore them and pretend they're not there is just ridiculous and blinkered.
>literally Casuouls with guns
>this is what sonygros believe
Trick weapons are the coolest thing ever to come out of Bloodborne.
If I a job and a life, will I still be able to enjoy Dark Souls? ;^)
I've never played any other Souls game if that's what you're referring to.
I'd let it go if the game was fun, but it wasn't. The combat was repetitive and basic. The weapon choices were limited but all basically interchangeable. Armour choice was redundant. The game was the most linear thing you'll play this millennium. You can complete it in a few hours and it has zero replayability value. The PVP is laughable. The story is non existent, made up exclusively of lore. There's no music aside from boss battles.
If it was challenging it'd be some sort of redeeming feature, and that's what I was hoping for from it because the game play bored me to tears, but it wasn't, it was a cake walk.
>>no pussy shield
Funny, using a shield is less reliable than just abusing your i-frames yet there's an assload of people who will rip on you for using a shield.
Can't Git Good: The Postening
If you have any sense of challenge, adventure, enjoyment out of playing good games, you won't enjoy Bloodborne.
You still have to facture in weight and poise, things that dark souls does have and that truly change the way you approach enemies, things that in my opinion make the game more interesting and replayable.
BB plays like a semi competent hack and slash.
Why everyone always falls for the 10 days fag bait?
please ignore him.
Also, almost finished the game. Arrived finally, after 3 months(not much time to play. Also botw got a big chunk of my time)at the final boss. im going to kill him tomorrow, and im a bit sad.
It has been a wonderful experience and replaying it wont be the same I guess.
Is the Dlc btw accessible after beating the boss or beating him does it triggers the NG+?
kirkhammer best weapon btw. went from the start with it and nothing will feel good like smashing an enemy with a fully charged s.attack.
Btw: what level were you guys at the final boss? I'm, around 80, mostly because I did all chalices i could when I saw the end approaching.
Also, is the online community active? i tried to coop to help other players but the bell never resonated. is the matchmaking strict?
Never played any other souls game aside from Bloodborne.
Bloodborne is a bog standard hack and slash, you're right. Completely unoriginal and boring.
top kek
You should do the DLC before reaching NG+.
Just because you have zero reply to my irrefutable comments and you don't like what I post, doesn't mean it's bait.
Also 3 months? I would have platinumed it 9 times in that time frame.
>be leaf with enough French to get by
>seen Pacte des loups
>NG+, set the game's language to French
>still in there with the cane, a la canne de combat, baton francais
this is fun.
Glad to have you back user
Meme of 2017
10 days is pretty fucking long though, certainly not worth boasting about.
You had 80 fucking hours into the game by Rom.
How do i trigger the dlc anyway? I think i explored everything(including cainhurst, ios clinic and even the fucking workshop, which is the only thing I had to look for online because seriously, its like almost impossible to find).
Am i the only one who had troubles with the hunter in the great cathedral? Fucked oneshotted me with his gun when I first went there.
You're a fucking full on autist but I love you /10 days/ based user
Just google it man. And yes that hunter is a complete nigger.
I have no idea why everyone recommends this shit.
If you play the DLC on your first run then you either play it early and trivialize the main game content since it's much easier or you play it at the arse end of the game (which is what it's balanced for) and get a grand total of a couple of hours left to play with all the new weapons which you'll be reluctant to use in serious capacity when you're already armed with +9s and +10s.
The DLC is best saved for a second playthrough taking advantage of a different build/playstyle.
Top zoz
Jose you should be doing my garden, get back to work or over the wall you go!
Estus is the superior healing mechanic though
It's so casual only 30% of players on PS4 beat the game.
>or you play it at the arse end of the game (which is what it's balanced for) and get a grand total of a couple of hours left to play with all the new weapons which you'll be reluctant to use in serious capacity when you're already armed with +9s and +10s
Or you can, you know, use those weapons in NG+? That's what I did.
Every fucking single thread...... no way it's the same dude
100% true.
Here's you getting your shit pushed in.
So I should finish the game and play it on a new character? On what point of the new playtrough should I trigger it?
>Sup Forums will never not be mad about Bloodborne
Pls try harder next time.
BB (without the DLC) is way easier than dark souls.
You had 80 hours before even reaching Rom nigga.
Not only that but you summoned like a bitch.
I do agree that the DLC, and how it scales, distracted me from the main game and made me feel rushed to finish it before the end. It should have been NG+-only or something. Left me overlevelled to shit.
But that fight with Orphan of KosorsomesayKosm was fucking intense and kind of worth the hassle.
30% is a lot.
That's a lot of people wasting their money. They should endeavour to gut gid.
My only issue with the game was farming vials or bullets. No pcfag here, I'm just bad.