Stellaris was half off on steam, so I figured why the hell not. What am I in for?
Stellaris was half off on steam, so I figured why the hell not. What am I in for?
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A refund.
it's fun
and then it's not
For a shallow piece of shit that tries to lure you into thinking it's complex because it has plenty of race customization but in actual gameplay it boils to generic +To Something bonuses and how your commander icons look like, combat is all about throwing blobs at each other, there is no real trade and nothing to do but mindlessly colonize for the sake of it and wage wars which are won before they're started based solely on how many ships one side has.
But obviously OP is a lost cause because he still buys paradox games.
It's a good game. The boring mid-game can be mitigated by hundreds of mods.
Just have a good time trying out different government types. It helps to be into scifi, and rping as your favorite CIv.
Playing for a bit, realizing that it's too simple to enjoy and has next to no content.
Then you look around and see a cool mod in development or a DLC that sounds interesting.
You wait till it's released, play it and the process repeats itself.
In that time you lost no weight, began no relationship, had no child and only lost precious time on this Earth.
In that time, you lost a little of yourself and gained nothing, but it's ok, because you didn't notice.
In that time, you died, a bit, just a bit, but it was fine, because you watched some youtube videos and posted some memes online.
The universe is infinite and so is your potential. Paradox games suck.
I just bought it off Humble Bundle. 20 hours in and enjoying it so far. I expect its flaws will probably show up 50 hours in.
god awful ai, it will ruin your end game experience.
the thing is youre not even trading your time for fun, i would say every 5 hours of play time you experience maybe 20 minutes of "fun"
i would play a shity ass game like overwatch over this.
>OP is a lost cause because he still buys paradox games.
Not OP, but why is that a bad thing? Because they come shallow and incomplete on release and then slap 500 DLCs, because all games are the same-ish or are you sayng grand strategy sucks?
A sense of what could have been. They had a decent go at it but it just doesn't measure up.
Butterflies and Starfishes.
Praising Stellaris shows how many fucking retards never even picked up any strategy game in their life and I mean any strategy at all this game makes Warcraft 3 look complicated.
The AI is bad and the mid game is boring. If you expand outwards you will gimp your tech and unity levels. If you build tall (three colonies, fast tech) you will never have enough minerals to become a threat in the end game.
Aren't there mods that fix the AI?
Stop hurting me user.
But you're right, the game feels like a chore.
Not that I've seen. I should have checked the workshop before I bitched about it.
It seems to have the level of strategy 4x games generally have. It's not any more shallow than say Civ.
Civ is a braindead fucking travesty that makes Half Life look complicated as well.
its 12 bucks on humblebundle, refund it and get another 6 games
>wars which are won before they're started based solely on how many ships one side has.
You must be pretty shit at figuring out how to build a fleet.
A half-baked piece of shit made by devs that can't get anything running properly filled to the brim with interesting ideas that go fucking nowhere. It's been out for a year now and the AI is still as dumb as ever.
Not to mention Paradox being the most jewish devs you could possibly imagine.
>ai is shit
>ai is shit
Im glad to see im not the only one, once you get the spy megastructure you can see just how bad it actually is. I dont understand why they didnt make it turn based so the ai can have time to think.
This is so fucking stupid, the battles are %100 who can throw a bigger fleet at the fucking enemy tec doesn't even change your power level very much you're better off getting more ships if you can maintain the fleet size then upgrading your fleet. It would be better if there was SOME degree of randomness to it, I never thought the day would come where I missed civ3 combat.
>I dont understand why they didnt make it turn based so the ai can have time to think.
That's not how it works m8.
All you'd have is Civ V/VI, where the AI is braindead but still takes two minutes to shuffle its units around during its turn in the late game.
I'd forgive the dlc scamming if there was decent content, but it just feels so half assed. There are endless possibilities for lore and story but it falls so flat. If i were in charge at any capacity at paradox I'd have a permanent team set on writing new events and working within the game's mechanics to implement them, just to keep if fresh like how tv used to be. But the game is fundamentally flawed mechanically like you said so its pointless really.
>dude you can roleplay as ANYTHING! :D
>except a trade empire because there is no trade XD
>except a sentient robot race that wants to turn entire universe into a giant factory because you can't play robots either
>can't even be a techy race since tech choices are random and tech feels unsatisfying as fuck to use, there are no proper tech milestones just ''get bigger guns'' and ''colonize more planets''
>the only thing you can actually roleplay is being a warlord
>altough combat is dog shit o that's not fun either