ITT: Cute and Pure characters.
Starting with this angel. Fuuka is adorable.
ITT: Cute and Pure characters.
Starting with this angel. Fuuka is adorable.
>killing people her voice
You rang?
It's not her fault her voice is so sweet it gives people diabetes
Do you honestly don't know what I'm talking about or are you pretending?
I don't understand what you mean, Fuuka's voice is very sweet.
All thanks to Mamiko Noto's performance
Fuuka a shit
If you don't like Fuuka you don't need to be so rude about it.
I wish there were more little scenes like that I the game to tie the characters together, that was great
Not him, can you explain what's Fuuka's appeal? I can understand liking any girl in any smt, except Fuuka.
You would think I'm exaggerating but I'm really not.
Stop making Fuuka threads Fuukafag, you didn't even played Persona Q, you don't deserve Fuuka.
Don't listen to him. Persona Q should be forgotten, that shit is horrible.
Persona Q is a pretty fun game. Are you just trying to trigger people at this point?
You spread around your fuukafaggotry everywhere you giant faggot. Please consider stopping
The story and characterizations are terrible, everything else is fantastic and broken
Fuuka sucks
This is the perfect woman
PQ is fun, albeit very easily broken with the right people. The events and scenes are cute despite some of them also being cringe. Yosuke even becomes tolerable until the fourth dungeon and then back to tolerable again
You should kill yourselves. Etrian odissey fags are truly degenerates.
Fuuka a shit.
Well, I can tell you what I love about Fuuka.
Fuuka has a lot of qualities and traits that make her someone very pleasant to be with.
Firstly is her calm and serene nature, Fuuka is a very gentle and reserved person, she's the kind of person you can be in a comfortable silence with, and her presence is very soothing.
Second, she's very smart and dexterous, she has ample knowledge of technology and various scientific topics, making her someone great to have an insightful conversation regarding these topics, specially technology since she's an expert that can build her own gadgets and equipment.
Thirdly would be her strong conviction and will to help the people around her, she's very conscious about everyone's status and how they're feeling, and she tries her best to help them overcome these issues, she gives her everything when supporting the team and does not rest until everyone is safe and happy.
She also doesn't seek any gratitude or reward for her deeds, she finds helping to be its own reward, which I find admirable, she has a heart of gold.
I think those would be the main things, but there's still some smaller things that I love about Fuuka that I didn't include because the character limit is brutal.
I hope I answered your question
And I think this goes without saying because of the OP, but I love Fuuka for being cute too!
Fuukafag play Persona Q and you will see that Fuuka is NOT your soulmate, I dare you, I double dare you!
Sure, send me a 3DS and PQ and I'll glady play it.
She looks like a cancer patient. Also that hair looks atrocious.
I think it looks cute and soft.
I wanna pat it.
I never played an EO game until Q and I found it fun. What you gonna do about it faggot
>She looks like a cancer patient.
You forgot to mention she also sounds like one.
Get one if you love Fuuka so much, or what? You don like her enough?
PQ wasn't shipped to where I live
Does persona Q force fuuka down your throat like 3 does? She is fucking terrible. If it does I'm not playing it.
what is CFW? you won't break the law for her? maybe you don't really like her as much as you say after all.
If by "Forcing Fuuka" you mean her talking in battle then it depends on the side you pick.
If you start P3 side you hear her for bit then you get to choose if you want her or Rise.
If you choose P4 side you can just choose to have Rise as your battle support forever
fuuka is just the cutest of all time
I bet Fuuka would be a good mother
You know it, Fuuka has all it takes to be a great mother.
Including making her children suicide in pain the moment she opens her mouth.
Fuuka has a great voice tho, even Junpei agrees.
fuuka bump
>ITT: Cute and Pure characters.
Ann is pure.
The purest
This ghost girl
I'm going to marry Freya!
If this file wasn't autistically large, it would make for a good reaction image.
Or buy/pirate the DLC and get a shit ton of other people.
It has to be that big for her forehead to fit.
Dubfags need to be gassed.
The perfect woman wouldn't have to resort to degrading others, she would be able to stand on her own.
Pic related.
I don't care for Fuuka, but Fuukafags are objectively good posters and probably cool people in real life. Least cancerous of Personybros by far.
Anyway, this is my favorite toaster.
Thanks for the kind words.
I'm glad my waifu was able to help your waifu
Freya in Dissidia when?
I think Fuukafags are all fakers who are overly nice as a running meme.
I know that's you, Fratley.
That's some tough love
Got to fix that faggots amnesia somehow.
Literally an old hag