He could've been the greatest villain in all vidya but it turned out he was just a crazy cocaine addict goon

He could've been the greatest villain in all vidya but it turned out he was just a crazy cocaine addict goon.

Why Ubisoft did this?

Because anything good in Far Cry 3 was an accident. People thought that Jason might turn out to be an interesting character too, and that the writers wanted you to hate him and his douchebag friends at the start, yet they actually genuinely wanted you to sympathise with these asshole rich kids.

The writing is pure shit, which is why Vaas is only interesting before you learn more and find out that he's written just as poorly as everybody else.

The protagonists are very sympathetic characters if you're not a homeless SJW liberal arts cuck.

>First half of far cry 3
>"where are they going with this?"
>second half

It's a shame too, as it does a good job of drawing you in at the start. I was very curious to see where it was all leading. Then the payoff is terrible for everything.

ITT globalists

I thought Jason was an interesting character. By the time everything he did was filtered through the mass murder and drug overdose.

Not him, but one of the things I really enjoyed off FC3 is how Jason eventually loves violence with no fucks given, just as the player, naturally, is also getting in the mood.

At first the game is kinda intimidating, dropping your ass in the strongholds and wishing you good luck, but after a while once you start to get into the rythm, and properly learn how to stealth 'em up or rangerrock every motherfucker that gets in your way, the whole thing becomes quite enjoyable.

What makes it more fun is that for a while, Jason is fucking in love with this shit, just look at the escape from the burning building when he is laughing and cracking jokes at the explosion , or simply put, the Hornest Nest Mission, where he just goes apeshit on them niggas.

Such a shame the second half shits the bed so bad by making Jason worry about his friends again- would have fitted to allow you to choose naturally if you're gonna save his buddies as a priority or make the entire goddamn island your submissive bitch.

no, they really aren't.

preppy wankers at the start, helpless wankers throughout, no idea about at the end because I got so bored I didn't finish it.

>He could've been the greatest villain in all vidya
what no

>He's laughing and screaming having the time of his life
>His gf is watching in horror
I loved that shit, did it ever get expanded upon?

The pink suit guy in the sequel is better

>marketed to make him seem like the face of the game
>on the cover art prominently
>make an entire live action e-series with him as the star to promote the game
>all beta footage included parts where he was in the game
>had very little lines in the game besides what you saw in the promos
>turns out to not even be the main villain
>killed at the halfway point in the game

ubisoft is the true master of false marketing

What was so special about him that people still bother to praise him as character? Sure, he was the most interesting character in FC3, but that's more because how lazy FC3's writing was, not because Vaas was actually that great.

Pagan Min isn't even antagonistic towards Ajay. Still can't believe you can't play the game after the true ending, or that there wasn't a DLC campaign for Min.

Thanks for the yetis, Ubisoft.

I beat it by going shooting with him. Was a fun game.

The ending is a choice between slitting your gf's throat and embracing the island madness or just going back to your normal life. But even if you choose the former, Citra just kills you right afterwards anyway (after you fuck and impregnate her).

Because they wanted the juxtaposition of crazy Vaas with same Hoyt. It was meant to show how guys like Vaas only exist because guys like Hoyt enable them. The worst kind of evil isn't random psychos who do abhorrent things, but the people on top who allow or order it. That said the writing was abysmal so that didn't come across very well, and even if it did it would still probably come across as 'fuck establishment man!' It's really hard to write that kind thing without it feeling that way at the best of times, let alone for fucking video game writers.

Well that sucks. I was hoping his friends would confront him on his actions and maybe he'd have a kind of internal struggle between his new action packed life or his affluent lifestyle without the constant rush.

The Jackal was better.

Pagan was hilarious. I know I'll get flack for this, but I feel like they were borrowing from Borderlands 2, by making the villain an ever present voice in your life, cracking jokes and shit. And I loved it.

>but it turned out he was just a crazy cocaine addict goon
Not trying to alarm you or anything but what the hell did you think he was going to be?

Jason remains a really fantastic character. Starts out as a preppy douche and morphs into a murderous psychopath, something that Vass saw and predicted. The second half of the game shit the bed in the aspect that most of Jason's arch relied on Vass, so once he was dead you kind of lost that sense of progression. It's like killing off the Joker; sure Batman has other great villains but you have no where else to go afterwords.

He does and he chooses the island. Afterwards they're kidnapped which sort of snaps him back to reality.

Citra killing you is punishment for letting the island take your mind and is a fitting ending to Jason if he chooses that option.

Jason is literally told by citra that foreign conquerors always come to the island, take it over by force, and die because they're lost the island.

People that want the ending to just be Jason fucking around on the island never paid attention to what was being said anyway.

Fucking this.
>the only options you get are "side with the feminist, turn the country into an authoritarian communist drug state shithole", "side with the traditionalist and turn the country into an ersatz islamic shithole", or "kill both and leave a vacuum of power because ajay sure as fuck doesn't have any experiences or resources running a country".

Where is our option to accept the secular dictator's deal to slowly transition power to a less radical leader, keeping his infrastructure intact?

Well voice-acted charisma.

Sucks that they rolled back the facial animation before release. Vass's face barely moved in-game


This. A good voice actor can bring life to an otherwise shallow character.

Ubisoft writing is shit, in other news water is wet.