Injustice 2 comes out in 4 days. Are you guys buying it?
Injustice 2 comes out in 4 days. Are you guys buying it?
I've already preodered, I await patiently.
Is it gonna be p2w with the gear bullshit? If people can just use mummy's plastic to buy a shitload of (((loot boxes))) giving them an edge in online matches I won't be buying it.
Literally every mode in the game will be a way to farm gear and the stats they give is exclusive to a separate mode. You can still play equal footing online while still wearing your favorite stuff.
So like duel mode in, dare I mention it, For Honor?
Already have the $100 good goyim edition preordered. Going to hope the game and some beer fills the void in my life for a couple of days
>le joker
fuck off to leddit
I can't wait for it to bomb hard both critically and sales-wise.
Who's your main gonna be?
Netherrealm is dead to me
MKX didn't have Noob Saibot
I have pre ordered but I have no idea who I am going to main. Probably going to meme it up with bane
Yes. Got the stupid 100 dollar version for 40.
Pfft. Nice reason/
yes, can't wait to play with my friends tbhonesto
it will be fun as fuck
>from the makers of mortal combat
No thanks.
Harley is best girl.
Mortal Kombat is objectively the most fun fighting series. Only autists who care about (((competitive))) fighting and hyper-autismo combos like Street Fighter or Killer Instinct, and only hipster contrarian weebs like anything else
>hyper-autismo combos
SFV doesn't even have that going for it.
I'm thinking about it. On console only and I don't have PS+ though.
>mortal kombat
*mortal combat
Stop spelling it with a K. The devs only put on the K so they can look cool and hipster to the casual retards that buy this trash.
Mortal Combat has always been shit. It's not even a fighting game. If they took away the edginess and gore no one would give a fuck about it. It's not surprising why only minorities play this shit series. They have shit IQ so they can only stick to casual garbage like Mortal Combat. Only spics and juggalo play mortal combat.
Did the comic start up again past the point where they caught up to the first game's prologue?
>reddit spacing
um no sweetie im not reading that garbage post :)
Lethal League is the most fun sucker.
C'mon now.
Mortal Kombat X was pretty fun. Not him, but it's Mortal Kombat whether you like it or not, and thinking it's retarded and trying to enforce proper spelling on people is just being bitter for the sake of it, over something so trivial even.
Spotted the autistic Street Fighter neckbeard who practices combos and watches follows FGC streamers
Yeah, Injustice 2 has already started that starts almost directly after the first game ended. And it's written by our favorite crazy bastard, Tom Taylor, again.
Yeah, I need something to hold me over until Tekken 7 comes out.
If you live in 'Murica, just subscribe to Best Buy's Gamer Club Unlocked and you can get it for $80. If you're getting a physical copy, anyway (I doubt the DLC will be on the disk regardless).
No but I've already purchased Mahvel's deluxe edition.
I have Prime so it was around $80 burgerdollars so I guess thats still a good deal
>hating on based Killer Instinct
kys, SFV sucks dick but KI > MKX
Gamestop is selling it a couple hours before midnight. Looking forward to some fun fighting with friends.
>The devs only put on the K so they kan look kool and hipster to the kasual retards that buy this trash.
are you fukking triggered by the letter k?
Yeah, Prime gives you the same discount but only for the first two weeks. If you have Prime already, don't bother getting GCU.
>reddit spacing
Says the redditor buying this literal Reddit game.
Mortal Combat X was fucking garbage. There's a reason why everyone in the FGC shits on Mortal Combat. It tries too hard. Fucking edgy trash that relies on gore and story mode garbage instead of actual gameplay.
And no. It's Mortal Combat. I don't care what you or the dumbfuck Jew devs say.
Street Fighter is fucking leagues ahead of Mortal Combat. Mortal Combat isn't even a fighting game compared to Street Fighter.
me too bro
>practicing combos
lol, it's almost entirely a game about setups. The game barely even has a neutral game too.
Just cuz it's a different kind of game than fighters like SF or MvC doesn't mean it's bad, it's just different. I prefer SF's engine but I can see the merits in MK's gameplay.
this shit is bait
>$40 for 9 characters
>at least two of which are from MK
>3 of which are almost ready to release meaning they were held back
>high chance of a second season pass like MKX
Worth $40 tops.
>I don't kare
klearly you do, you kuck
How many vaccines a day do you have to have to be this fucking autistic about a K in a name
Reminder that the story leaked already and it's pure ass.
>giving a shit about the fucking FGC
Why would I care what a bunch of autistic beta males masquerading as """""""pros"""""" think about Mortal Kombat?
>it's just different
No, it's just shit. That's all there is to it.
every time I see threads made about NRS games I assume they're paid shills because they only ever appear shortly before and shortly after releases
I pre-ordered the ultimate edition on Amazon but Im starting to second guess my decision. Should I just wait for the complete edition a year from now?
Well I'm sorry you think like that. I respectfully disagree.
$100 edition is worth $40 tops.*
>at least two of which are from MK
I mean I think you if you buy the Ultimate, isnt that the Komplete one?
>his opinion matters
Hopefully you're not gonna play for the competitive mode. You'll have quite the hill to climb if you wait.
>Reddit meme with a Reddit filename
Begging you to go back
>people making a thread about a game thats going to come out in a few days
fucking christ youre autistic.
Depends if you have friends to play with NOW or if you really love the idea of playing online.
Should still be alive on consoles in a year but nowhere near as populated.
If you do get it, don't open it until reviews are out regarding netcode and shit.
>using the reddit version
are you retarded
>that garbage AF PC port
>that horrible balance
>those infinite combos
>those cheap characters
nah, ill save my money and pretend ecelebs of the world arent hyping another shitty MK spinoff instead
Of course, I preordered the game with season pass for only 499$!
>using MCU reaction images
look at this fucking idiots
Not necessarily. WB pulled this Jew bullshit with MKX where they released 2 season passes. Wouldn't be surprised if they did it again.
Do you not realize that combat is spelled with a C? Did your Mexican education leave you retarded? Spelling Combat with a K is something that happens in middle school. Fuck off with this shit.
If a lot of people say something is shit then it's true.
Just wait a few days. This shit game won't last. Who the fuck puts loot in a fighting game? Retards do.
I bet you anything only liberals buy this shit.
Reddit filenames
>unironikally being a kuckold
how retarded can you be
>randomly brings up liberals
Another troll falseflagging as Sup Forums, pathetic
Are you actually counting the customization as a negative?
>if a lot of people say something is shit then it's true
A lot of people think Call of Duty and Uncharted are genuinely good games. A lot of people voted for Hillary Clinton. Appealing to majority instantly discredits your argument, bud.
Yeah, and they decided to spell their brand with a K and literally none of your autistic screeching will change that.
all this retarded shit
No. I really need to be honest with myself: I'm not good at fighting games and I don't like them. I have no passion to play and practice them, I just want to be good at them.
No need to beat a dead horse, even if it's a DC horse that I like.
>reddit spacing
>complaining about liberals out of context
ah fresh from r/the_donald I see
It might be worth a pirate.
There's still too much guano. The first game was really bad about it. This one is slightly better, but it's still most of the content.
Neat. Guess I need to find an easy place to read it now.
good luck whith that
It has Denuvo. You're going to be waiting a while.
>joker only exists in flashbacks
thank god
I'm 100% sure that only Hillshills buy these shit games. Trump voters would play Street Fighter not casual garbage like Mortal Kombat.
You actually think loot with stat changes is a good thing in a game that's supposedly a "fighting game"? What are they putting in next? First-person shooter segments?
And then Trump won because the majority overrides the minority.
So you actively support shiitty quirky Reddit spelling?
>defending liberals
Lmao. Go jerk off to your Ezra Miller catwoman.
>reddit spelling
The series is 25 years old you flaming fucking moron
They haven't even announced a PC port yet, you retards.
>that juggalo dialogue
People will actually buy this shit lmao.
>ou actually think loot with stat changes is a good thing in a game that's supposedly a "fighting game"? What are they putting in next? First-person shooter segments?
Said stats are optional. For those who don't want to play the gimmick mode, it's a really cool amount of customization, literally hundreds of "alternate costume" possibilities, man.
>Mortal Kombat
Nice job pretending to be me, faggot.
That outfit makes it look like she's wearing stitched-together garbage bags.
They should have just used the Arkham Knight suit.
That's how Harley talks though.
>And then Trump won because the majority overrides the minority
Majority vote went to Clinton, fuckwit. My point still stands. Appealing to majority is a fallacy, your argument is tossed out.
I think it works fine. After all, NuHarley and her fans are trashy