>Okay user, you can have 1 game, 1 movie, 1 snack, and 1 drink!
Okay user, you can have 1 game, 1 movie, 1 snack, and 1 drink!
Gee, that's like 20 dollars. You sure I can have all that?
No. 3 games. We have food and drink at the house.
I wasn't a dumb child.
Not a skinny one though
The whole point was that we didn't have junk food at home
>Renting more than one game at a time
There's still about 4 or 5 blockbusters in the state I live in. And 2 in the city as well.
I like them better than netflix
What's the point of not having junk food at home if your parents just buy you junk food every time you leave the house?
Parasite Eve II
Dog Soldiers
Snow caps
Back then alot of games were pretty fucking short.
Also I'm not an only child so renting one game only one person liked never worked out.
>every time
Don't think we went to Blockbuster every night, senpai
They control entirely the extent to which you consume it. There's no sneaking a candy bar at night when they're asleep or grabbing cookies when they go to work.
If they want you to have sweets they choose when/how much every time.
Buncha Crunch was so fucking good.
I have a blockbuster in my town.
It is a empty building that just site their between a gas station and a Hyvee.
It get's just as much people visiting it as it did in the 90's.
>kirbys dreamland 3
>scooby doo
>chewy sweetards
>orange soda
They could choose how much they have in the house too
Lost Kingdoms
idk probably some dumbass horror shit like Wishmaster
Milk Duds
Yes they could but removing it entirely lets them control it that much easier.
I snuck sodas when I wasn't supposed to all the time. I was never big on candy but kids are kids.
>Turok 2
>The Dark Crystal
>Ring pops
>Orbitz (fuck you, that shit was amazing)
I miss Blockbuster. I worked there for 4 years from 18-22. Corporate management was a fucking joke, and I went through 8 store managers, but being around movies all day, making reccomendations, and having a lot of regulars that only wanted me to check them out was nice. We got 10 free rentals a week and I used every one of them. I was able to watch stuff I wouldn't normally and I found a lot of hidden gems. There were a lot of shitty parts about the job, but even 5 years later, I miss it.
That never happened. We usually just got a movie and once in a while I'd get a game. Not much junk food allowed in my house, thankfully.
> Home Alone
>I don't know. Custom Robo or some other gamecube game probably
>Buncha Crunch
>A&W Root Beer
you sound like a fag
You sound fat.
Not if they hide it/put it somewhere you can't get
I usually snuck away from my parents and tried to look at the softcore porn hidden in the middle section of the store, while they got the movie. Never got games either, but
>Good n` Plenty/cookie dough bites
>that orange cream sickle soda in the bottle
Literally rather be gay than a fatass
Star Wars: Battlefront
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Milk Duds
I don't need a drink Mom, I will just drink some milk at home.
Fuck you mom!
Why did you leave me?
Shame you're both. I can see why you go on the internet to lash out at strangers.
>on a whim one weekend decide to drive 400 miles to my childhood hometown that I havent been to in 17 years
>about a mile outside of town memories come back to me, I recognize where I am, I feel so happy to be seeing it again
>the blockbuster was closed, the dairy queen was gone, my favorite bookstore was boarded up and closed because the Fed's busted a heroin ring there a year prior
>the movie theater where I first saw Shrek and Atlantis and Monster's Inc was now an inurance building, the gazette was gone
>crossed the river over the bridge and up to my old street
>my house was still there, nothing was changed at all, everything was exactly as I remembered
>none of my old friends were there anymore, no one I knew at all, no one remembered me
>snuck into my old backyard where I carved my initials and the initials of my most fucking treasured best friend in existance on a rock after she kissed me for the first time
>it was still there but i have no idea where she is or if shes even alive anymore now
>mfw I never even got to tell any of them goodbye
it fucking physically hurts right now bros i want to fucking go back
>not being fat and gay
>not being bear mode
Bearmode is fat and muscle, not just fat
Oh, user, don't project
I was allowed one game or movie.
What is this fucking "1 snack and 1 drink" bullshit? Were you autistic kiddos 200 pounds by age 12?
>ywn experience the joy of $2 Tuesday again
Preventing us from being 200lbs was the whole point. Kids don't have very good impulse control
we were a 2 movie sometimes a game and pick up a pizza across the street kind of family
>Wasting cash on a snack and a drink
Why the fuck did all you retards do this? Renting a game was pretty damn cheap from what I can remember, If you could just do without some shitty candy you could probably talk your parents into letting you rent a second game.
>literally "i know you are but what am i"
Also, you make it sound like families went to Blockbuster every single night rather than a biweekly or weekly thing
Resident evil
Day of the dead
blockbuster popcorn
brisk ice tea
>user is literally this fat and gay he has to take it out on the nonfat gay
Can't make this up
>bear mode
fuck off, I'm so sick of fatties pretending to be bears, bears are built, they aren't fat fucks who sit around all day
this. even as a kid I was financially-conscious enough to know that the grocery store was right across the street and everything was 1/3 the cost there
He didn't mean blockbuster every night, he just said every time you leave the house. Learn to read, fuck face.
was that the shit with the floating balls in it
it was okay
Wel all want to go back user.
When things we're pure and innocent.
But we can't. Life is cruel.
Just hold onto those memories user.
They make you a better person.
And I never said anything about "every time we leave the house." This thread is about Blockbuster, dumbass
>get a snack at blockbuster
Only one who can't read is you
>Go to Jumbo Video
>Rent Ocarina of Time
>Make new file
>Return game
>Rent it again a few months later
>File still exactly how I left it
Fuck I miss those days
We went to blockbuster like maybe twice a month. I just kept renting Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, who got snacks and drinks?
>user, you can have one movie or one game. not both!
>Rent OoT
>file exists
>it has magic meter but never made it past the gate leading to Goron City
Never knew how he did this.
Man, when I was a kid, that's how I played most Genesis games. My grandma would rent a few movies to pirate, and I would get a few games. Things were good then.
>Has magic meter, Hylian shield, Goron Bracelet
>No Kokiri Stone
>That game that was never in stock you always looked for every week
>That game you passed over 1000 times and found out years later it was a great game
Tomba and Azure Dreams respectively
>implying you had that good of taste as a young lad
>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
>Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie
>Sour Skittles
Kroger's used to rent movies too
>Battlefield 2
>Coca Cola
>King Sized twix
>starwars return of the jedi
Clay Fighter Sculpter's Cut
The Darjeeling Limited
Popcorn Bucket
nah, screw the movie and snack let me rent that playstation and final fantasy 7
Give up snack and drink in favor of another game/movie.
You are a fucking idiot if you bought the out of date garbage they threw in the rack at movie rental stores, because again, out of date garbage and it was too much.
I bet you're fat as fuck.
Legend of Mana
Blast Corps
Pond skip
Most likely
>buying overpriced junkfood at blockbusters
>buying gumballs at blockbusters
I seriously hope none of you niggerfaggots actually did this. I got wasted and got a free movie the first and only time I cranked the gb machine tho
That's my only guess.
How? I thought they were all closed down?
Or are you referring to local video rental stores in general?
Expiration dates don't really mean anything, desu.
And anyway, it was nice to have something to chew on while you were playing / watching whatever.
You'd lost that bet, my friend.
>Dad gets out of work and takes me to BB to rent pic-related
>It's too hard a platformer for me as a child
>throw a fit
>Dad drives me back to the store and we say the buttons weren't working
>Go home with new game
Thanks Dad. You're the best. I love you
Nigga, what are you talking about. What kid wouldn't be able to sneak candy?
>the buttons weren't working
>the buttons weren't working
Wouldn't that be a problem with the controller and not the game?
>spoiled retard rents a game
>sucks ass at the game and throws an austistic rage
>cuck dad takes you back and argues that HIS controller isnt working and its THEIR games fault
>retard store owner believes it
i had a friend yusef and his dad had a conveniece store. he let me take one of each flavor of these fucking things. drank all of them (there was more than in the pic, like 7 flavors) when playing nba street with yusef while spending the night and ended up puking all over the place all night long. was so embarrassed i didn't tell anyone and pretended i was puking in my sleep. it was a very large puddle of puke by morning in their carpet.
thanks for reading my blog.
> mystical ninja
> mountain dew
> buncha crunch
> whatever fotm
> Mexican coke
> popcorn
Chameleon Twist
Tremors 1 or 2
we had soda at home
How'd you and your best friend split apart?
>dragon ball gt final bout
>Batman Forever
>buncha crunch
get on my level plebs
A kid that lives in a house without any candy inside it.
im straight and wish I was bear mode
>Batman Forever
Didn't know there was anyone who actually liked this.
Buncha Crunch is great, though.
>batman forever
>no one liked this
>dragonball gt final bout
Why was this the only dbz game in the 90s and why was it always $100+???
Me? It's always water
My Dad was the rental parent. We typically ate beforehand or were promised pizza/Steak n' Shake so Dad had an excuse not to pay theater-tier prices for candy. That said, my brother and I typically got to pick a game a piece and we had to agree on a VHS
That said
>Paper Mario
>Cooler's Revenge
>sausage pepperoni and mushroom pizza/tendies and fries with strawberry shake
Ehrgeiz, TMNT II, Reese's Pieces, and Sprite!
Be honest. How fucking fat are you now? Like, be serious, how much of a limp wristed faggot did you turn into?
(no VCR yet)
Root Beer
I have Crohn's Disease, I'm 5'8 135 lbs, and I'm still pretty confident I could pin your posturing ass in a matter of minutes. Shut the fuck up.
Star Ocean 2
SW: A New Hope (on VHS)
You mean skittlebraĆ¼?
My dad was fucking shit and so I was a shit kid back , he tried to have me institutionalized but DCFS stepped in and I got sent to a foster home and I never saw him or anyone from there again
Goldeneye 007
Pizza Combos
This is The Most 90's Answer.
>Pokemon Snap
>Power Rangers