What are some good mods for this game?

what are some good mods for this game?

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Anime portraits
Make Demetrius white mod
Jas Marriage mod

here. the game has given me soo much fun man. gl

and refrain from using cheats mod, it will take the fun out of the game quickly

NPC locations, Automate, whichever Scythe Harvest isn't broken right now, and better sprinklers so you don't have to suffer through the retardation that is pre-iridium sprinklers.

All of that takes a lot of the autism out of this game.

ded game, ded thread.

>tfw stardew valley was just a fad
>tfw when you realized the game was a glorified time waster.
>tfw when no face.
feels bad

It's really fun for about ~50 hours or so, after which you hit a dead end because it's just grinding for more income and repeating the same task over and over again w/o any challenge.

But that's good value for your money.

>Make Demetrius white mod
I wonder who was triggered enough to do this.

That's basically where I ended up (though I have 78 hours in). It took over my life for a month or so, and then that was it, haven't gone back in close to a year now, and have no desire to.

Kind of feels like wasted time in hindsight, desu.

This. Good for 20+ hours.

I can never enjoy stardew valley, I'm always stressed i'm not doing enough fishing/mining/socializing
any tips?

Relax and don't sweat it. There's not really a way to lose.

It's almost certainly a joke.


The furry mod

modded in literally years ago m8

JAS Marriage mod.


GOOD multiplayer with separate houses WHEN

>Kind of feels like wasted time in hindsight

As opposed to all those other videogames which are such a good investment of the finite time we have on this earth?

- change all the single men to cute girls
- change all the portraits to whatever you like
- various qol things like locate npcs on the world map
- there's a few farm maps that are pretty nice
- a fucking sprinkler mod or just cheat in iridium ones. the other ones are so god damn worthless its not even funny.

This mod makes a good point of proving how starved SV is of interaction with the characters. Jas and Vincent barely serve any purpose, and the rest of the characters don't have much more than their handful of events. You can't even do anything with the townsfolk other than give them shit.

Honestly, some other games into which I've poured a ton of time (various Sim Cities and Civilizations; story-based games like pre-EA bioware RPGs; multiplayer FPSs with friends, etc) have left me feeling less empty than Stardew Valley eventually did.

I mean, I enjoyed my time playing it. It just kind of faded very very fast. Tastes vary though.

Not buying it. I don't see what's supposed to be funny.

>not every game is designed to be replayed over and over again
wow you uncovered a conspiracy there


I didn't say it was a good joke. Just some people, young people especially, seem to find merely being outrageous and audacious to be amusing in of itself.

Demetrius pls

How is changing the black man white audacious or outrageous?
They're modding their own game, not other people's games. Would they think that someone will happen to see the mod, and react with disgust?

I prefer the "make every character Demetrius" mod

i had more fun making different farms than the 'real game' of townspeople and season stuff. this reminded me the sims where i had all my fun just building houses.

>Would they think that someone will happen to see the mod, and react with disgust?
But this happens
People were getting triggered over the Stellaris mod that gets rid of non-white humans for example.

Because it's racist and being racist is funny because it upsets so many people.

You'd think someone who visits Sup Forums would be more than aware there are people in this world who think deliberately acting like a retard to piss people off is hilarious.

any lewd mods?

Ugh ikr

Sometimes I deliberately act intelligent to piss Sup Forums off.

>People were getting triggered over the Stellaris mod that gets rid of non-white humans for example.
That's actually funny though. Because it takes one's expectation, and flips it around.
Whereas in Stardew Valley, having the token black character, in a farming game, is unexpected. So taking him out, just brings the game back to expectation.

Except you don't upset anyone when you only affect yourself with your antics. I struggle to imagine the thought that went into it. Like
>Oh my god, people are going to be so triggered when they learn we made a mod they don't have to use. Wait until they realize what we did to our copy of the game, KEK.

>finally beat Legend of the Prarie King

Ultimate mod coming through.

>that out of place Dragon

Almost good.

This image just reminds me that I only like anthros in porn and non-porn ones look like bad characters from failed cartoon pitches.

Name of mod and/or creator for searching/downloading purposes?

>Except you don't upset anyone when you only affect yourself with your antics
Wrong. The mod got removed from nexus because people got upset by it.

That's actually the part that makes the whole thing genius. Of course the alt/goth chick is going to be a dragon.

She says that she feels like she's a dragon in her dialogues, and then there's the whole thing with her and the wizard.

This. Treated it like a harvest moon game, stopped playing at 3rd year since I had completed everything.

This is probably my favorite portraits mod.

No they didn't. I just downloaded it. The thing barely has any downloads. I doubt it's getting talked about much at all.

Is that the Make Everyone a Fat Kid mod?

All the characters have so much character... except the characters that matter most: The bachelorettes. They're all potato faced 10 year olds. What happened? Is this actually some weird loli mod?

You seem pretty triggered about it though desu

>inb4 I-I-I'm not triggered s-stop it

my friend made a mod for SDV that is pretty neat, it extends some of the games mechanics and adds different variables to certain parts of the game


Can I play as human when I install this mod?

According to that mod's description you need a separate mod to play as a furry yourself.

Sounds nice, I will try it.

Hey, no bully, they look alright. Haley looks fat because she's pouting.

This is the only portrait mod I use.

>55 / 9 / 33 / 10


lea is best girl w/ these. probably closest there is to harvest moon kind of portrait. marus terrible though so i replaced her with furry maru


how come they always make maru white?
why change pennys hair color
only good one on there is haley

>how come they always make maru white?

Well this mod was created by a japanese so there is you answer, they only like delicious brown

Damn, it looks nice. Did the author do the rest of the characters? It really triggers my autism if characters don't have matching art style.

Also, does anyone know nip/chink/gook sites for mods? I've seen a lot of decent things from them, I wonder if they have more.

>Did the author do the rest of the characters?

he did only the main ones.

he removed the zip file from his original site for some reason but I still have it if you want it

Are there any so that the clock won't be traveling at the fucking speed of light ? Can't do shit before my dude is tired.

>Install mod to make all bachelors into girls
>Gender bent boys are now better girls than the old girls
Boys really make the best girls

Im sure thatt there is a mod that stops time while indoor and such
you can find time mods at nexus

user the game is balanced around the clock. It will seem bad for the first two seasons or so but more options open up that let you save time like sprinklers. If you keep getting tired before the end of the day you need to be making or foraging food to get more energy. The spa is also an option when that opens up.

Why do people find anime stuff more attractive than well done western art... is it because they look more like kids?

>kids still didnt grow up
are they ok?
theyve been like 3 for 10 years

Portrait mod is a must if you want to be able to love your waifu.

I like both, it doent matter if it western/japanese etc.

It is just easier for me to find anime more appealing since its more cartoony and smooth while western artist try to be more realistic with their art.

Not always the case but yea

This, except the Jas Marriage. Fucking degenerate.