Trend of making female characters ugly

Good or bad?

Not cool.
This pic looks nice

>Trend of making female characters ugly
>Good or bad?
>On Sup Forums
Let's ask a different question, should you wet your toothbrush BEFORE or AFTER you put on the toothpaste? Or both?

another example

After but before I shove it up my ass.

She looks like the kind of people you'd meet in England.

>what is old age


And this is a character that specifically is meant to be very pretty.

She looks so different. Why the change?

No joke, the answer is probably feminism. Beautiful women in entertainment are bad, ugly ones good. And this isn't a strawman either, if you'd ask them they'd probably say the exact same thing.

wat game

Uncharted 3
Uncharted 4 upcoming DLC

may the gods watch over you friend

best thing to happen in video games, finally can the true patricians revel in their superior taste in women without plebs wallowing in their pathetic waifubait.


It's not

It takes place after Uncharted 4

Looks like buzz's gf from home alone


>tfw you miss that ass

also fuck you capcha

After for sure, but both is acceptable.

They brought the ass back user

>he doesn't use legacy captcha
how new can you be

What in the ever loving fuck did they do to Chloe?

Remember when?

>If there are none, click skip
Captcha seems to be doing it's job keeping retards from posting.


Gaming is a form of escapism. If I wanted to look at ugly people I'd just hang around Wal Mart or an antifa rally

They did the same thing with Elena in UC3 (she looks so goddamn weird in that game), but then totally redeemed themselves in 4. You get her in 30-something and MILF flavors.

UC4 might actually look best

I think it's just a pointless chase to realism. They emphasize features like nose size, skin details and all in an attempt to make these characters look "real" and in the process they don't realize/care they're forgetting about art direction, and if you point out they're ugly they'll cling onto that, "we're depicting REAL women, go back to anime!"

It's the same shit with Sara Ryder and other ME:A characters, they take good looking models and somehow manage to turn them into things you feel uneasy looking at

Nadine on the other hand is specifically made to be a man with boobs, no doubt about it