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>rocket launch delay is still in and really fucking me up
>lighting gun trail vanishing is also an awful bug
>still not a fan of characters having different health values to balance out their abilities (at least there will be a vanilla mode)
>duel kind of sucks, haven't tried Sacrifice yet
>FFA is still the GOAT mode

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It's shit bethshill tell todd I said Hi though.

So what you're saying is they've done 4 betas since the last one I played it and all the major issues are still present?

Dead on arrival.

Weapon balance is still shit and connections haven't improved.

Oh hi Tedd

All your concerns will be solved once the cash shop goes live.
Thank you for your feedback.

The beta tests seem more to check out the characters and modes they added each weekend instead of actual bug testing. Only had one teleporter today but I noticed a lot more high ping compared to the closed beta

It's not what I want in a quake game. Especially the champion thing with different capabilities and health is annoying. Why would you include a champion with a wallhack as his ability in a competitive shooter.
The weapons don't feel all too good. They just seem bland and lack a certain character.

Either that's a very VERY specific hitbox or that's terrible rego.

>Why would you include a champion with a wallhack as his ability in a competitive shooter

Ban it at tournaments.

the problem with this game isn't the champions it's that the weapons feel like shit, especially the rocket launcher.

haha u r just quakedad xd
In all seriousness the abilities are annoying don't really add much
Rockets are laggy and railgun should not do more damage when zoomed
Typical new-age id i guess

Yeah I'm not gonna lie. It's quite shit famalams.

You're better off buying a Switch which is a bad idea anyway but at least it's got potential.

agreed the abilities are basically get otu of jail free cards when you fuck up


feels good to be a gangster

Played for like 6h before deleting it.

It's absolute shit and not Quake.

fuck sorlag

>railgun should not do more damage when zoomed

why though, it was 100 in Q3 and nerfed to 80 in QL, so they just went middle ground, but now it does 90 zoomed instead of 100 since they nerfed it in the beta

been playing since beta started a bit every week
and literally nothing changes, some number moving, a new map, a new mode, and its the same shitty game
at first i thought maybe they will fix the shitty ui and rework the hero skill system, but at this point its obvious this is what we get

it sucks ass

so you need to quickscope like a retard instead of having ajustable fov....

Gameplay is decent for someone like me who hasn't seriously played any of the arena shooters. However, unless I'm getting shot at by a railgun or rocket launcher, I literally don't hear or see myself taking damage. The life counter is super hard to see, too. These two things combined make it a surprise how much HP I got after every firefight. They really need to work on this shit.

Also, what the fuck is the nailgun and where is the plasma gun.

It's still shit, this many beta periods in. This thing will be DOA.

Not even the le old skool quakedads that either depend on its success for their livelihood or that Bethesda is outright paying to shill can save it.

>Also, what the fuck is the nailgun and where is the plasma gun.
probably a legendary skin for nailgun you will have to pay $ for

The plasma gun did area damage though, this nail gun shit is just a redundant, worse version of the machinegun on the count of it being impossible to hit people due to ping.

Sounds like an Overwatch clone. Hahahahahahahah

why are the graphics so bad?

i just watched some gameplay thinking it was old quake cause they couldnt show it yet but its actually the new one

Have they added Classic mode yet? No? Don't care.

>The plasma gun did area damage though, this nail gun shit is just a redundant, worse version of the machinegun on the count of it being impossible to hit people due to ping.
Nail gun is a nightmare to use, the projectile speed is just too slow for the damage it does
Works only up in your face, and a good player wont get that close unless he has to

Anybody wanna group and play so we can enjoy the game and ignore the whiners?

>sacrifice is actually fun
30 minute match is kind of long, but it was really close and intense
>get top of the scoreboard 90% of the time in any mode
>try to record
>fps drops to 30 instead of 90
>consistently do shit, but only when trying to record
Usually play scalebearer, ranger is fun though

>enjoy the game
Quake live is the only playable quake at the moment unless you belong to that small circle of cpma/quake world players.

Sure, should have put username in your post


Wallhacks becoming a feature in FPS is the biggest amount of bullshit. Even more so considering it's FUCKING QUAKE.

What's next? Landsharking?

>not having enough awareness and skill to outplay it anyway
Fucking scrubs, visor sucks ass

Having never played quake or anythjng similar before, this game is super fucking fun. Stupid oldheads need to leave

If you think overwatch>this, damn 100% retardation

Is it just me, or is everybody playing deathmatch super shit? Like I regularly get a 3-4 k/d

sad reminder that pandering to quakefags will kill your game because they hate everything

visor is trash, and his ability is not all that useful.
You can hear him using it and you can hear/predict where the player is going to be at in duels anyway.

>have to dl bethesda.net launcher

Great another "not steam" program for another game.

overwatch's hanzo has better hitboxes than this , and remember how that started.

People criticize Doom 4's multiplayer but that's much closer to golden-era id multiplayer than this shit with fucking heroes and abilities is

>class abilities
no thank you

Is it on Steam or do I have to bother with launchers or some other inane stupid fucking shit?

The game runs like absolute garbage.

>have to buy characters with real money

>implying steam isn't just another inane launcher with shit games
But yes, you need a bethesda launcher thing

Pretty sure everyone is mad because bad

Fuck it then. Plus I'm hearing it doesn't have a classic mode, I have no fucking idea what they're doing anymore. I get Overwatch is popular now, but come on.

I wish the new Unreal wasn't dead.

i mean hey atleast its skill ceiling will be higher and more rewarding than ow

The core of the game is great, but im pretty sure devs will go full retard and focus on the cash shop, retarded game modes and questionable decisions in order to appeal to the casual crowd, while the obvious issues with the game will remain ignored.

Tee bee haitch f.a.m the only reason anyone gives a shit about this memegame is because its f2p

Just like tribes

>Champions unlock at 5k currency
People are still bitching about this? That is LITERALLY 3-4 games

prices will skyrocket for the retail game , you should know this

quad damage needs to go

Game is shit.

Any real arena shooter purist will avoid this piece of garbage while the bigger part (casuals) will just steer away from it after not being able to maintain a positive kdr. Only people that are left will be the "uh I wanna play arena shooter but quakelive, reflex and other clones are too hard! xS"

>too hard
More like fuckind DEAD
I doubt it, considering all champions are unlocked anyway and they are asking for feedback about prices in surveys

it's pretty bad
bunch of stupid problems that should have been obvious
feels kinda clunky generally
everything that was added/changed only serves to detract from the core of the game rather than improve it
it'll die when all the "hardcore gaymers xDDD" types move onto their next flavour of the month game

>dead games
You only need 2 players to play the game.

Currently most quake live players in EU are russians. I assume they are have poor pc so quake live might actually survive even when this shis is released.

I think you should read that again.

reminder zoomed machine gun is literally the best weapon in game

>I doubt it,
you know they need to test that feature too right?
and the champions locket at 5k currency?
they can't just make it cost 500000k currency and expect people to grind the fuck out on a beta

you whiners don't play reflex either, and only like 90 of you play quakelive

>old as fuck fps
nah thanks, i am happy enough with my call of booty

>thinking quake will ever die

Yea I dont play it anymore and where did I say I do? What a good argument and totally makes QC not a bad game anymore.

They are all already unlocked for you in the beta, what the fuck are you talking about. You can peek in the store anyway and look at the prices, but you already own everything
Ah, pretty gay. I kind of just assumed the game was going to cost money anyway and didn't even realize it was free to play. But ranger is one of the best guys anyway it doesn't even matter if you have to play some woth him every day

so are you apparently

Quake champions, on it's own, without comparing it to games old faggots play, or games new faggots play, is actually really good and fun. But there is just fucking baggage with the name and the concept that make this thing doomed

it's already more or less dead

if QC fails, quake is an ex-game

if you dont want it compared to other games from the same franchise call it something different
oh but that wouldn't bring in people who only buy games because they are called "quake" or "street fighter"

Without the name it's just another LawBreakers. Yeah, that game is totally relevant and big in this current market.

Well the quake live players might switch to QC when it's released.
That would suck.

Yeah exactly, Remember when tribes ascend came out, they added classes with special abilities and speed limit. Same case with quake champions now

>loot boxes

people enjoyed playing ascend, and funnily enough those were people who had not played any prior tribes games

maaaaan i miss water areas in mp levels

Ironically QC is pretty similar to nuDoom's multiplayer, none of the bandwagoning will admit it though
I was unaware that it relies on some outside service or master server to function
fact is quake will never die because anyone can just host a server and just play it
At some point QC will be shutdown and nobody will be able to even play it, this has happened to plenty of games already.

Yes I am.

And where did I say "HAHAHAHA YOURE SO SHIT"? All I did was tell you that the game is shit and that if you wanted to play arena shooter dont play this. If you wanted to play a team based shooter with abilities also dont play this. Even TF2 is better if you just want a shooter where you run around and kill people.

They enjoyed it for like a month until after release when it was clear the cycle of
-Release overpowered weapon
-Wait a month for sales to come in for weapon
-Nerf weapon into ground
-Release new weapon

Wasn't going to stop. The game died quickly after that.

>hadn't played tribe
>liked tribes ascend
>dies easily
>hadn't played quake or anything similar
>like quake champions
>it is going to die the exact same way
Fuck this overwatch/counter strike/CoD world
I'll enjoy what I can from it

bandwagoning faggots*

if u play overwatch after qc comes out you have a slim boner and a small dick but if you play qc then you have a fat boner and a big dick

u know its true

I'd really wished they'd fixed out the gamebreaking bugs.

Duel is a god tier gamemode. I've been having insanely much fun on the duel ladder whenever I played and the game worked.

They nerfed it so instead of it going 8 to 12 damage when zoomed it only goes to 10.
Still fucking retarded though since it's a glorified casualisation fuck up from Live in the first place.

I'm not going to continue playing either, you disgusting faggot. Take your false sense of rivalry and get the fuck out.

Yeah but i was playing quake and tribes from '99 and i still play quake (old tribes are dead). Tribes ascend wasn't as extreme as old tribes but still good enough and i still play this almost dead game. Quake champions is not extreme as quake live but it's good and fun enough.... like tribes ascend.

Man that new mode is garbage, just make CTF why do this roundabout pseudo CTF that's not fun

What's the point of Arena shooters in 2017? It's literally the same game but with a new coat of skin. A few matches and you're bored with it already.

I presume they made new layers of the existing maps for it to open up into a CTF-like map, but their level designers aren't very good and you need custom maps to breathe life into CTF.

the funny part is that there is as big of changes between QW and Q2 and Q2 and Q3A and Q3A and Q4 as there is between QC and any other game in the franchise

each new Quake a ton of people from the previous one absolutely hated it for being different and kept playing the one they started on, you can go look up old forum posts of Q2 fags crying about Q3A "not being a real Quake" back in 99 for example

in reality QC is a direct sequel to Q3A/QL which originally was supposed to have different stats between the different characters. it's been in development since 2012 and was supposed to be a QL expansion or "QL 2". what they made is an expansion and evolution of the ideas from the original Q3A design docs

bye bitty boner boy

What's the point of a new counter strike version in 2012? It's literally the same game but with a new coat of skin.

>they still can't make a good duel mode

uhmm, no it's not. It has infinitely more depth to it than arena shooter

>which originally was supposed to have different stats between the different characters
yeah, it's not a new idea but it is a bad idea
there is an old q3 mod that had characters from various games with all different stats and abilities iirc


I've been 5 years paid CS player and I'm not as deluded as you.

I like it. It will be a lot more fun once I get teams that aren't full of retards and when you can actually communicate with your team