I'm escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by Capitalism....................SPACE

I'm escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by Capitalism....................SPACE

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You could tell this guy was going to betray you in the first mission.


Sleep tight Tim

You'll be missed, sweet prince.


>Tim will die in the next couple years
>all inevitable memorial articles showcasing his best roles will never mention pic-related

Strokes suck. Glad he still has a sense of humor about it all. Love that guy.

I love how he almost broke and laughed at that part

Commander! You've rained on my glorious parade!

The guy is a legend and the best Gabriel Knight

how come the japan faction doesn't have a hot female commander?

u wot?

fuck off assholes he's alive.

Delete this


she's the comms officer. allies and soviets have hot comms girls AND hot fem commanders. only female commander japan has is the old lady.

>corny vidyakino is dead
Press F to pay respects


Man that game was so good


>2008 was nearly a decade ago

Red Alert 3 was quite decent actually.
The last good RTS game EA published.

It's music was amazing.

This. The SSSPACE! line is fucking hilarious

What I want to know, is how the living fuck did erasing Einstein from time make a complete incompetent, idiotic imbecile into the leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world


Such a pity that Uprising didn't have multiplayer.
These fuckers were hilarious.

i heard he's doing commentary for the new IT movie. Don't think the first would've been such a hit without him.

>moving goalposts
Sure, other factions have 2 hot ladies, Japan has 1 hot lady and one granny, but the point is that Japan does have 1 hot lady contrary to what you said earlier.

Chaos theory.
Seemingly inconsequential things can have major consequences years later through snowball/domino effect.

I said commanders
the comms girls aren't commanders

>make a complete incompetent, idiotic imbecile into the leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world

we did that last year without erasing anybody (so far as we know)

funny, when it was released, everyone said
>it's worst game ever
>EA killed C&C !!!1

And then they actually did it with 4, the fucking madman.

That was before C&C 4 was released.
People did not know how much worse things could get.

nobody will ever like 4, rose-tinted glasses or no.

>when SJWs are still butthurt and can't help but bring it up any time they get a chance

We do not talk about that here.

hillary is still mad lmao

Trump is the new Godwin's Law.

I wanted to like it, i tried to... I just couldn't

you walked right into it my dude

Fuck, now I want to play a C&C game.

I'd post the .webm, but Sup Forums doesn't allow them with sound, so no dice.

does he? the last time I saw him was an interview where that picture was taken, and we was fucking miserable
has he come to terms with it a bit better now?

Just upload to Nya.is and link it.

There was literally nothing to like about it.
Bad aesthetic.
Removal of harvesting.
Removal of base building.
Removal of losing all your units and buildings as a way to actually lose.
Removal of the Scrin as a playable faction.
Simplified rock paper scissors combat.
Pay to win.
Always Online.
Literally nobody but Joe is even trying to give a decent performance.
Plot was retarded.



Nice quads, the way the algorithm works is that if you get repeating digits, it makes it a +1 to make it appear as non-repeating, meaning you most likely had quads.

Also, I love how you can see him barely containing his laughter.

I know user, you don't need to list it.

just imagine how many attempts they probably had to do before they got that one considering that they used one where its obvious as fuck he is about to burst into laughter

Kill them like watermelons!

you can implant all uprising units and the campaign units (Tesla tank) with rebalanced stats for multiplayer into the base game with the shock therapy mod. it's pretty good shit.
you can also play through the campaign in coop in the base game still using CNCnet, but i haven't tried it with shock therapy. i think CNCnet uses a different launcher, and shock therapy uses a mod launcher, so there's probably a conflict.

t h e s e a s w i l l r u n r e d

>Simplified rock paper scissors combat.
But CnC 3 introduced that

Tim desperately trying to stop himself laughing while delivering that line just makes it funnier, though. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did get a 'perfect' take but used that one instead.

>that mission where you have to assassinate the emperor with just a bear and a conscript

>you are very moody bear

They have guns too?



Red Alert 3 was overrated and shit. And so was C&C Generals.

Blow me.

Contrarian dog

Piracy is literally anarcho-capitalism in its purest form. IP law is state-issued license to monopoly, and is both anti-competition and anti-capitalist.

Anarcho-capitalism is a meme ideology


That was absolutely awesome. And in the next mission you could save them both
You did, didn't you?.

L I T E R A L L Y a VF.

They also shitcanned CnC3 ending for whatever reason. Anyway, RIP CnC.

I remember buying it on a sale thinking: it can't be THAT bad

hooo boy

I uninstalled it after 1,5 hours of trying

then retried it 2 years later with the same thought

hooo boy

Post your favorite unit from Red alert (I'll allow uprising as well since it was a pretty fun time).

Bonus: Add why you like them the most.

> thinking trump ISNT incompetent

murrifat plz;)

the thrills & spills of playing it co-op, starting up the lobby, readying, connecting, loading, watching the lengthy cutscene, and then force-attacking the other of the 2 units and instantly failing the scenario for both of you, repeating ad nauseum.
ahh the memories.

The Kirov.


>only female commander japan has is the old lady.
>Not liking Christmas Cake
You make me sick

I did. with kirovs only

But died eventually because a base was nearby and swarmed them rip bear and conscript bros

No one talked about RA3 at all when it was released because Fallout 3 was released the same day.

MAGNETIC HARPOON. Seriously underrated on maps where vehicles and aquatic units could interact
>dragging some weebs shogun battleshio thst got too close to show and instantly deleating it

This was his best take

My autism demanded that I destroy all unit production structures before saving them.Heroic Bear was not to be harmed

>implying home ownership wasn't at its highest and income inequality at its lowest during the height of capitalism
>implying the problem in the shit Horsey comic in your picture wasn't caused by the international finance community undermining the domestic economy of Western countries so they could profit from the resulting instability
>implying George Soros didn't lose a billion dollars because Hillary Clinton lost the presidency and the US stock market went up and not down like he was betting on when he shorted the USD and his stocks in US owned companies
>implying communism's true face isn't state capitalism using its populace as a slave pool working to mandatory quotas while selling their products to the international market

but 3 wasn't very well received when it came out though.

I stopped the assault on the base to save them with all my units. No men (and bears) left behind.

I don't care what anyone says, Congo is a great adventure film.

>rushing the campaign and its objectives with these motherfuckers

It felt I was cheating but then I was playing in Brutal. Allies has pretty shitty land units and defenses.

Bush is cute! CUTE!

But in his condition, is he really living? I don't what Curry's thinking, but from my point of view, he seems to be suffering

He really needs headpats though

You could do this in RA2 as well with the Yuri tanks

red alert 3 was too short unfortunately. it really really needed more missions. and more multiplayer maps

in terms of factions it's rising sun > soviets > allies


Race baiting and class baiting all in one strawman

Because at release, C&C playerbase has just hit puberty and lashed out lie cray at the fact Red Alert 3 had atual colors in it unlike their hyper-mature grey and brown Modern Warfare or Fallout 3.

RA3 is terrible though. Remarkably so. It's cheesiness just happens to be part of its charm but notice how you never see anyone talking about the gameplay. Ever.

>that black guy made it look so easy


RA2 > RA1 > RA3

RA3 was absolute dogshit

It became too cartoony and cheesy


I thought the expansion on ra3 single player mode was fun as fuck. breddy challenging and one of the things I keep coming back to when I dont know what to play.
