Like game

>like game
>come to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums hates it
>start to like it less or even dislike it
Anyone else know that feel? Automata was one of my top five and now I'm starting to think it's crap.

>I'm an impressionable cretin


You're too easily influenced user
Sup Forums has never effected my love of obesity

Sup Forums hates anything popular
unless its nintendoshit

>like game
>come to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums likes it
>start to like it less or even dislike it

>I liked being alive before going on Sup Forums
>Now I just want to die

Go kill yourself

>Sup Forums dislikes my favorite game

>like a game
>come to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums hates it
>post in threads defending the game and saying it's good

>hate a game
>come to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums likes it
>post that it's shit

>like game
>come to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums likes it
>participate in threads in a positive manner

>hate game
>come to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums hates it
>participate in threads talking about how shit it is

anybody else do this?

I think you need to take a break from Sup Forums, my dude.

>finish game
>alright, that was a pretty good game
>get on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums shits all over it with stupid nitpicks
>feel bad
>kill myself
Every damn time, fuck all of you.

I have for several months before, didn't help.

>being this much of a bootlicking faggot
I'm surprised you still like konosuba enough to stand looking at cropped images

me except for the last. If everyone hates the game I just feel like it's best to ignore it.

It was always weeb shit for autistic retards, nothing surprising here

>like game
>come to Sup Forums
>see it's the same shithole as always
>go back to playing the game I like

>like game
>come to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums hates it
>lol dont care
>go back to playing said game


Why is Megumeme sad?

>can't talk about favorite game cause it's hated everywhere.

>feel this way about anime and music on their boards
>couldn't give any less of a fuck when it comes to vidya
Guess I've just got brain damage. I never feel like I can trust my tastes in music and anime.

Sup Forums is not a single entity
mostly marketing shills fighting tooth and nail over your wallets

Just post the fats.

All but the last one.

>fallout 4
>insufferable hype everywhere
>exited and optimistic
>go on Sup Forums
>prove the game is shit and kinda fun
>not excited anymore
>still buy it few days after launch
The way I see it, Sup Forums is the byproduct of the hype fandom always satisfied 'tis fun' can't crowd, it's always brutally honest about a game flaws

are you an underage who shape opinions because of others? are you this weak minded?

Are you that much of a pussy to form your own opinions?

Hello, could you stop using pictures of my wife Megumin to make such low quality threads? Thank you.

LOL, what a faggot being influenced by a bunch of autistic dipshits on an online website.

>say I like game
>someone says it's shit
>tactically out skill them with my superior rhetoric
>absolutely demolish them until they're left as a babbling baby scrambling for any justification to continue their self inflicted harm as they attempt to counter my precision engineered arguments
>they inevitably desist and send me an image of a cute smug anime girl to add to my folder as a small token of gratitude for having enlightened them

Uh oh, how will Megumeme get out of this one!?

you're like a baby.
watch this:

You're wrong.

Somewhat related, does anyone know where to find the sentence on Sup Forums that says "taking anything said here seriously would be foolish" (or something along those lines)?
I've looked through every page but I can't find it.

megumeme is pure damnit how can you live with yourself?

there's a difference to be compelled by arguments, and jumping on the bandwagon.
So which is it faggot?

[breathh in]


>mostly marketing shills fighting tooth and nail over your wallets
You conspiracy theorists need to fuck off.
The only time its even worth being suspicious of is for big games.

i always hated weeb games

Violate the exploding loli.

>like game
>Sup Forums hates it
>start to like Sup Forums less
Even less, that is

>The only time its even worth being suspicious of is for big games.
I see the Indies want a piece of the pie too.

>Sup Forums loves my favorite game

all except i'm called a shill for the first two

There is literally no such thing as a game Sup Forums likes. The easiest way to tell when a game is being shilled is when there's actually people on this site that bother to defend it.

>admit to being a hivemind bitch nigga

Stand by your ideals and beliefs, pussy.

Motherfuckers'll walk over you for nothing.

it would be more likely for a small indie developer to come and act as if its not their game and praise it

no but
>like game
>come to Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums hates it
>like the game even more because I know you fags are almost always wrong about everything

>love game
>Sup Forums hate it
Well fuck you Sup Forums, i never like you anyway.

Christ,there's nothing I hate more than retards.

If Sup Forums hates your game,chances are it's shit. The upset redditors like to spam their contrarian meme everywhere but won't actually listen to the valid points Sup Forumsirgins make and will instead bitch about Sup Forums in a separate thread just because the truth hurt their feelings. Major game reviewers are retarded. Want to know why? Because any company that can prove to be a beneficial partner down the line will get praised like they are Jesus. Do you think IGN or whatever would get invited to Bethesda conferences if they actually told the truth about how awful most of their games are? No,they wouldn't. Hence,why game reviews are always inaccurate. Simple minded idiots will then use this corrupt system as a safety net so the shit game they like can avoid criticism. Sup Forums is the only beacon of truth anymore and Reddit tourists can't differentiate between shitposters and genuine criticism so they curl up and make an anti-Sup Forums thread so they can validate their beliefs again.

Look at the way she's drawn. Of course she's sad.

>If Sup Forums hates your game,chances are it's shit
>the valid points Sup Forumsirgins make
> Sup Forums is the only beacon of truth anymore

>like a game
>Sup Forums hates it
>some of my friends hate it
>keep playing it
Like, whatever dude.

>Sup Forums is the only beacon of truth anymore
Hahaha oh wow. This has to be pasta.

>the way she's drawn
What do you mean?

See what I mean? Totally unintelligible conversation. People think I'm shitposting now just because I actually praised Sup Forums. It's fucking pathetic.

>See thread on Sup Forums hating on a game I like
>A lot of the claims of why it's shit are obviously from people who've never played (or watched someone play) the game
>Realise some people just want to get upset for the sake of getting upset and go back to enjoying the game

But Sup Forums hates that too, you butthurt revisionist.

You praised Sup Forums for qualities it doesn't have. You don't deserve an extended response.

>Sup Forums doesn't even know about my favorite game
La Mulana bros, w-where we at...?

Wow, first time i've seen a normal human being on here after god knows how many years

What if I said they're 50/50?

If you'd actually spend more than a year browsing,you'd know how to filter shitposters and have actual conversations. Not my fault you would rather cry about how Sup Forums hurt your feelings than create a counter-argument.

>Sup Forums* is great, guys!
>*actually just 20 posts out of 100,000 every day

I would still like it because I value my own experience with the game more than something some autists on chinese basket weaving forum say.

at this point I'm not even sure why I come back to this shithole, I guess now it's just part of daily routine

Still better than the hivemind of Reddit and NeoGaf where people only make posts to receive upvotes by their community and don't have any originality at all.

>like game
>see Sup Forums are being to cancerous about it and think it's 10/10 with no flaws
>proceed to create an agenda against the game and make a pasta of it's flaws
>other people start using it
>I no longer become the only one shitting on it

So what? That doesn't make this board worth listening to.

>If Sup Forums hates your game,chances are it's shit.
So all games are shit then? Like seriously, Sup Forums tries its best to ruin a game for anyone. Somebody puts up a game, Sup Forums will shit on it. Try to defend it, they will call you a shill. More often than not, people don't even state why. Of course its not all of Sup Forums, but there is enough shitposting to derail any possible discussion.

I did this when Persona 5 came out but naturally everyone wrote me off as a contractions. Now that the hype has worn off,people are starting to see I was right. Feels good.

So? That's a good thing. No game should be left uncriticised. Also,people being called shills for defending a game are in the same boat as people who get called contrarians for pointing out the flaws in games.

If some people on an anonymous imageboard is all it takes for you to hate your "favorite" game then maybe you didn't really like it at all or you're just too thin-skinned. I fucking love Undertale and the shitty fanbase nor the enormous hate for said fanbase has done nothing for my love for it.

Criticised, sure that's good. However, people who do this don't even bother to propose an alternative. Take gameplay for example, ask them how to fix it or another game with a better one. Chances are nothing happens or you get called a faggot.

Critisicsm and ye olde shitposting are two different pair of shoes.

Being this weak willed and minded. Fix your self you little shit.

>I'm intelligent enough to be open minded about the opinions of others


secret Kip thread?

> taking the opinion of others when you have personal experience with something

Pretty much. Sup Forums is really good at pointing out good games to recommend, but poor at saying what games are bad.

>he takes what Sup Forums says unironically

What the fuck? I'm open minded too, and don't let people run my life and opinions for me?
Grow a spine.

There is a bit fo difference ebwteen "oh, maybe that game wasn't as great as i thought" and "wtf i hate my favorite game now".

Source on that cute megumin pic?

Yeah you all have a point. I'm convinced now, i won't change my mind so easily next time.

No, because I'm not a spineless idiot who gets swayed by a few shitposts on Sup Forums.

Nope. Breath of the Wild and Automata are good games, Sup Forums can kiss my ass.

Well, you asked for it.

>it's fat fetish art
Thanks anyway, user. You're alright.

>fat fetish
ree it's called "thick" or "thicc" as in Sup Forums language [mad frog image]


that is not thicc, thats obese. fucking hell this is what obese fetish people think

Fuck off from the games you don't like, you tumor.

This is thicc, that's fatfag shit


this. it's all shitposting, why would you take ANYTHING here seriously? It's nothing but retards screaming hate just because its easy to talk shit.

Gotta recite my mantra for this one...


That means every game is bad

>falling to the Sup Forums hivemind
Faggot, now sauce me that megu.

