
>uncracked denuvo crap
Nah, and once it's cracked and everyone not invested in justifying their purchases plays it the consensus will be negative across the board.

Literally a boring as fuck just a dream simulation.


yes we get it, you'll praise a game just because it has waifus to obsess over, go back to one of 5 persona waifu threads currently up

>If i can masturbate like a goddamn loser piece if shit it means is good

I'm just finishing the Hardware labs and it's kinda meh.
Enemy design is especially bad.



So is this actually any good? Came close to picking it up when I saw it at store.

Yes, KanColle is good.

closest thing well ever get to ss1 again

>literally no relation to the original prey, just shoehorning in the title for money.
>publisher starved original studio who was working on what looked to be a dope as fuck sequel into submission
>gay as fuck "it was all a dream lol do you really like us or not" copout
Regrettable and reversed purchase desu

It's fun but lacks weapon variety, enemy variety, and doesn't have nearly as interesting of a story as system shock does which it tries to emulate.

Still a good game but just a step in the right direction, not the next cumming of gayman jezzus.

>4/10 from IGN

you have to be at least 18 to post here

>complain about having nothing to do with the first
>complain about another game having nothing to do with the first getting cancelled

sounds smart

It really isn't.

>another uninspired multiplat that'll be forgotten in a week

maybe that is a candidate for GOTY at this stage, that's how bad things have gotten

they had a whole "prey week" on IGN, and they still gave them a bad review? wew.


Fuck off this years been great nostalgia fag.

But no Prey is not a GOTY contender but it is pretty decent.

How come whenever people talk about this game the first thing they mention is how it's inspired by System Shock 2?

Yes, Akigumo is pretty good.

Tell us about the weird alternate dimension you hail from, user.

it's "inspired" by system shock in the same way robert cop is inspired by robocop

plenty of good games this year but prey's just a 7/10, sadly

poor combat pacing and characters you end up not caring about end up making it more and more boring the further you progress. I don't think it's fair to call it shit, but it's disappointingly hollow for what it seemed to promise from gameplay and promotional content

Except the second game was supposed to tie up some loose ends from the first game like what the fuck those cultist people on the sphere were doing and why, and expand preys universe by a bunch.
Instead now we have space ghosts.

Besudes, fem morgan looks better than any of the girls in that game by far

Unless, you know, you buy the enhanced edition..... also there is a remaster coming next year(although I think it's foe 2)

>not a single one of these threads starts by talking about the game's strengths so I can get interested in it
I don't know why I even come into them anymore. You faggot OPs need to stop shitposting for (You)s and actually talk about the game you're shilling for free.

because it pretty clearly is trying to be like SS2 but it misses in:
>oppressive atmosphere
>enemies growing in threat and number as the game progresses so the game doesn't just become a joke as soon as the player becomes powerful
>charismatic characters (system shock has literally one you interact with and a few regulars in audio logs)
>scenario design: instead of styling new areas as levels and having specific objectives the player has to complete before they can proceed like a traditional shock game, prey has you advancing through an incredibly simplistic usually one-objective narrative visiting all the areas- but there's essentially nothing stopping you from visiting all of them beforehand if you know where you're going. It's nice to have the freedom of movement, but all that ends up happening is that when story and side quests push you back in that direction you'll have already seen the place through. The backtracking is incredibly dull.

So the whole time you are a typhon in a simulation in a simulation IN a simulation??



Not even close.

But it's nothing like Serious Sam.
Nor the first System Shock.

Hah, in January three better games than Prey released on ONE DAY. Prey is decent I guess, but here's a list of games that released this year and are better:

(DQ VIII on 3DS, but I guess this doesn't count)
(Gravity Rush 2, arguably)
Resident Evil VII
Tales of Berseria
Yakuza 0
Horizon Zero Dawn
Torment: Tides of Numenera (arguably)
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
NieR: Automata
Persona 5

Next month has got Tekken 7 and Crash Bandicoot.

user we have no way of knowing which replies are criticisms and which are sucking ops cock.
This is a bad image, please delete

Have you played it yet?

Sonybro confirmed. Nice shilling.

Prey is much better than RE7, even as a survival horror game

>Torment: Tides of Numenera (arguably)
its terrible
>Horizon Zero Dawn
shallow as fuck

Haven't played the rest, but so far PREY is an easy GOTY contender

>Great non linear level design, many approaches work to progress
>You can kill January the moment you meet him/her
>You can kill ANY NPC you find
>You can just slaughter all the survivors held up in the cargo bay for fun and listen to an audio log to find out how to progress.
>the space station is large and interconnected, you can use space walks as shortcuts to get around more safely
>fun abilities and equipment, like the goo gun, nerf crossbow etc.
>about 17-30 hours long depending on how many side quests you do, which is rare for any shooter nowaday.
>more a survival horror game than RE7
>Resident Evil 3 like boss enemy that follow you around the station
>Mimiks never let the player feel absolutely save.
>Time limited missions give urgency to quests
>Turrets start shooting you if you turn to much into an alien

>Enemies growing in threat and number
The typhon do grow in threat and number, they just don't respawn as frequently as the hybrids in SS2. Which is great, because the constant respawns were the worst thing about SS2 and Bioshock.

However, both games get pretty easy once you level up. If you hunted for cyber modules in SS2 and left no stone unturned then late game was easy (except for that bullshit bossfight against the many holy shit) and the same applies to Prey. If you get the skill that lets you harvest typhon body parts and the one that gives you better recycler yields, you'll be making your own neuromods faster than you can spend them.
On the other hand, I'd say Prey has enemies which require different strategies, whereas if you went with a full on hacking soldier in SS2 then nothing could stand in your way. The assault rifle made everything your bitch.

You're right about the atmosphere tho. SS2 did that a thousand times better.

I really liked the early / mid-game, but it absolutely fell apart for me at around the last third.

>Great non linear level design, many approaches work to progress

That just translates to

> It doesn't matter what you pick, because you can do everything anyway.

You're never like "Oh I'm glad I chose [X], that's a neat option". It's always "Well I had [X], but [Y] and [Z] would've done the exact same thing anyway"

Not that matters because neuromods are so fucking plentiful that I was able to go for maximum hacking followed by maximum leverage straight away. It didn't even matter to me anymore.

>fun abilities and equipment, like the goo gun
Same thing, the goo gun is fun but the game has very little actual areas that you could reach exclusively by using the goo as footholds. Even so, you always carry the thing around so it's an option that's available every single playthrough

>the space station is large and interconnected, you can use space walks as shortcuts to get around more safely

No need to be safe, I finished the game on Nightmare mode and I had so many goddamn medkits all the time. Plus, I was printing neuromods just because I could and filling out ones I didn't have yet (No, I didn't use the dupe glitch) so I ended up with the extra health + max speed ones that meant I could sprint past everything.

>>Mimiks never let the player feel absolutely safe.
Except that they hit as hard as throwing a stuffed bear later

I really liked the game, but man does it fall apart when you start getting neuromodded up the wazoo

>bullshit bossfight against the many holy shit


>hey buddy you manage your resources right?
>h-haha yeah, why?

I feel like Prey's slow, slow respawns work to its detriment because it's unbelievably easy to fight enemies one on one in the first place. If you're going psychic, you use psychoshock and either a weapon or a psychic nuke. If you're going human, you become a literally invulnerable version of max payne with an infinite supply of disabling grenades. The game needed a moment where the typhon really throw serious shit at you, but that never really comes.

I want a hardcore mod with weapon degradation and no neuromod printing.
I can't imagine it being harder than the no mod nightmare run that i already did but that would be fun nonetheless.

I really liked it but that ending though.... I will probably play through again

>no neuromod printing

well don't print neuromods then

yea I really liked it as well. The combat is a bit spastic. That's my only complaint

>people are still willing to pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game
you are part of the problem

>20 bucks
overpriced. 10 bucks is max. Shouldn't cost more than a pizza.

>tfw I paid 30 eurobucks through a key reseller site

It was from a physical copy, too. I ain't questioning these prices. Done one playthrough so far, human powers only. 33 hours. ~1 eurobuck per hour so far. It's not bad

that's cute that you think that

> le ebin "if you don't like it, don't use it" rule

How about a game not having mechanics that trivialize itself.

And no, the resource duping doesn't count because you know you're breaking the game when you're exploiting / glitching. I shouldn't have to purposefully neglect intended game mechanics to make the experience more nejoyable

>choice and player agency are bad
It SS2 and Deus Ex came out today nu-Sup Forums would be shitting on them

1 eurobuck per hour is the definition of being jewed and ripped off, fucking hell.
I can pay like 10 dollars a month and get infinite TV shows, movies and documentaries. Why the fuck should games cost so much more then that?


>choice and player agency are bad

Choices that all lead to exact same outcomes is just fake agency, you tard. And that's not 'bad' necessarily, just kind of pointless after the initial discovery.

I spent like ~20 eurobucks at the theater a couple of days ago watching a two hour movie with some friends, woe is me

10 bucks for a pizza? you ask for caviar on it?

>fake agency
Lol kill yourself dumb shit

sounds legitimately good but I'm too poor to buy it and too denuvo'd to download it

persona fags and witcherfags are a cancer

>all these buttblasted weebs

Thanks OP, made my day.


He's right though.

No, he's not. A choice that affects gameplay is not a 'fake choice'.

I don't get it.

You walk on some empty and dull, but clean and in perfect condition space station filled with black uninspired creatures and you do fuck all.

What is the appeal of the game? The exploration is garbage, the shooting is garbage.

My biggest problem is that on console the controls can be annoying. I keep fucking jumping instead of pressing on computer screens.

botw in gonna be goty

I don't give a shit about the dating system and I think it's GOTY
now what

>clean and in perfect condition
AKA I haven't played the game and know nothing about it

Post dismissed


Nintenkids, everyone.

I am not going to get something that was no appeal and looks boring.

looks like a generic as fuck FPS.


>man does it fall apart when you start getting neuromodded up the wazoo

I actually like this, it kind of means that the game is likely balanced around not using Neuromods. It's HEAVILY implied that you should not be using them from a story standpoint.

I bet a neuromodless run will be pretty fun.

It's what I think of as an "after work" game. When you come home tired and want to do some exploring/puzzle solving while killing stuff without putting in the mental energy that you might on, say, a day off.

Or it's made for idiots in their prime.

>reddit spacing

wew lad

>just a dream simulation

There's an achievement for completing the game without neuromods and another for completing the game with only human or alien neuromods.

>Best part of the entire game

But that's the Rickenbacker. The lack of a detailed map makes it confusing, but the hallways look different from one another, making it navigable. The lighting and atmosphere make it feel like the Nostromo from Alien.
The many area was great for the most part because it felt like a slow descent into hell as you wandered deeper into the belly of the beast, but the bossfight at the end was terrible. Placing a player in a room with constantly respawning Brawlers and Psi Reavers is bullshit. It's going to end up with you rushing the brain thing you have to kill, not bothering with the enemies, and ending it in about twenty seconds on your twelfth try because you got lucky. It completely fucked up the pacing.

Yeah, fuck that ending. I like the game, but "it was a dream" will never not be bullshit.

>another generic fps
it looks bretty bad

why would a weeb not enjoy this game?

I thought that was just the Typhon mods that they imply you shouldn't use.

I don't give a shit about everything and I still think its GOTY

Final Boss wasn't the whole station being a mimic, 0/10

It wasnt designed by gooks and there is no option for japanese dialogue.

You did better than me. I quit here.

Not sure if my GOTY yet, but the game is great so far.

So bethesda shills now moved to Prey from Doom 2016?

I've been watching dsp play it and it seems really boring.

Why is this even a hard decision? Do nothing so you don't get murder charges

>current generation will never appreciate a well designed action-adventure sim
This is why we get cinematic shit since the current video game consumer has the patience of an ant. God forbid that you actually have to read or deeply explore in a game without being handheld.

Yeah that was lame.

You pushed the fat man, right?

because dsp is boring


>watching someone play games
>"Why is it so boring?"

All neuromods are made from exotic material, which comes from the typhons. That's why that one guy put a kill switch in the neuromod fabrication license that you have to go renew at his office.

How exactly does the personality test affect the game? I noticed you can take it again later on so it seems like it changes things.

>neuromods are your main reward for exploration, was advertised as one of the main mechanics
>to make the game fun don't use them

s m h

for me the many boss fight was a grueling fight I beat in one or two tries, it was pretty noice

>Limited enemy variety and all battles feature small numbers of enemies
>Stealth is completely broken
>No ammo types
>11 weapons, 4 of which are grenades. Nothing feels satisfying to use
>No targeted limb damage
>No statistics, just a boring Deus Ex Human Revolution styled upgrade system
>Ammo isn't even remotely scarce
>Music is sparse and plays for a short duration
>Generic ambience plays in every part of the station
>No oxygen mechanic despite obvious indications it was implemented at one point
>All low gravity environments simply involve using thrusters in a similar manner to Dead Space 2 / 3
>Hacking isn't at all intuitive and the mini-game is horrible
>Most of the powers are recycled from Bioshock
>No need to worry about health, psi or armor as there's maintenance bots everywhere and unlimited health fountains
>Researching enemies is similar to Bioshock but even more mundane
>Radiation is a very simple DOT based on proximity to radiation
>Weapon upgrades don't really change the behavior of the weapons. They are simple range, ammo and damage upgrades
>Crafting is a lifeless breakdown of junk or other items into materials with a plan then fabricating a new item using materials
>Crashes up the ass
>Looks terrible even on max settings
>Completely forgettable characters and story

How did they manage to make something this fucking boring? How do you go from Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah to this shit?

There's NOTHING unique about it

Yeah but reviewers gave it bad reviews so it must be GOTY.