Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


>dooming the planet to a permanent desert which will eventually kill everything off is the morally correct choice

Yeah fuck off, i'm living in this fake paradise forever with the goddess

Ryu3 is the dumbest fuck alive. He'd rather trek across a fucking desert than hop of a ledge in a teleporter room to avoid a crate.

Best JRPG of all time desu

Also Teepo because he got cucked by god

I thought Teepo was going to be a rival throughout the game

Maybe he just even think to do it, faggot?!?!?!

>Don't be a retard and choose to live with Myria in paradise
Ryu was the dipshit who got tricked by Deis/Bleu into being her bitchboi and killing Myria even though Myria was just trying to keep the world from destruction. Sure the Brood didn't resist when she wiped them out, but it's not like they had a stainless track record for going bananas and tearing shit apart. It was either wipe out Humanity or the Brood to stop them both destroying each other, same reason she took all the tech away from humans because they were ruining the planet.

t. Ryu

>use Peco on point in attack formation
>train him entirely under Fahl
>nigga gets hit every single turn
>barely takes damage
>endless reprisals
>heals back all the damage at the end of his turn
>literally nothing can stop Rei and Ryu from raping the enemy to death

Nice shitpost bro.


and in the end Teepo still got obliterated and Ryu took his sword from him and used it to kill Myria and her whole reign ended

What now, faggot?????







>Ryu brought a posse to murder his brother who had no backup and no desire to fight him and then went on to kill the thing keeping the world alive
>Being a retard is fine so long as you win
Yeah sure why not, I'm running a competition by the way, just send me all your money then kill yourself and you're the winner! Sounds good, right?



Cease this faggotry. At least post Nina2 if you're going to post a shameless slut.








Katt is weak
Post a REAL beast







still won







>41 replies
>7 posters
