Is there a video game in which the player can eat sopa de macaco?

Is there a video game in which the player can eat sopa de macaco?


dwarf fortress

Cannibalism is legal in Brazil?


Why don't they remove the teeth?

Better yet, just don't put the head in

how do they eat the teeth and bones?

I was in China last month and we got served a very similiar chicken soup with the chickens head floating in it. Apparently the toenails of the chicken was a delicassy as well.

You can suck the marrow out of it, it's delicious.

t. brazilian from the north states

I'm not grossed out, I'm just majorly disappointed

brown people sure are stupid.

god damn kek


Believe it or not but not everyone in the world is a salad eating whitey

Is it... good?

Japan is really xenophobic. can't even tell a monkey and a chimp apart.

it's delícia

Are you from Portugal?

>if you don't eat monkey eat you're a celery fuckin vegan


nothing makes me happier than knowing i'm white and you apes never will be. everytime i pass a nigger on the street, i laugh at them inside my head.

Well, good on them, then.

Like I give a fuck about monkeys.

The fucking face is comedy gold.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums you crossboarding spic scum. Sup Forums is for white Sup Forumsirgins

Putting aside how fucking gross primate meat must be (I won't actively judge them just because it's "different")... What really bugs me is the fucking presentation.

This guy is clearly eating out. You don't eat monkey meat for just any meal. And the fucking chef couldn't be bothered to make it at least look like you're not eating curious George's screaming face. No aesthetic, no decoration.... He just phoned in what could be a delicious meal, but I'll never know because the expert cook in the kitchen of this place makes it damn clear he'd rather be working somewhere not making boiled chimp heads

Which one? The monkey's or the macaque's?

The angry-looking hue.


That was actually good.


>look it up
>its an edit of a two page story
Somehow I'm disappointed

U M A D E L Í C I A !

I mean for fuck's sake it doesn't even look like it hit an internal temperature high enough to kill the common cold, never mind the fucking cocktail of new monkey diseases ready to come madly into our lives. The chef just threw it into warm water until it got a little slightly less pink and more of a soggy infectious white color, then thought "this is my finest work yet" before cramming some fucking uncooked carrots into it for flavor.

And look carefully at the piece of Coco he's about to bite into. What the fuck is that green shit embedded in the monkey? Are those just bruises from when the chef caught a monkey that morning and savagely beat it to death with the same frying pan he used to undercook it?

Why are you such a pussy? Don't have the balls to laugh at them in their faces while yelling "nigger" at the top of your lungs?

No one cares you stupid faggot