Just look at their YouTube channel its full of shit livestreams and video. They not even working on this game anymore.
This game is never coming out
Other urls found in this thread:
tell us "it's never coming out" in a couple months when 3.0 hits
>2012 "It will never get enough funding!"
>2013 "They will never make a working module!"
>2015 "Smart says they are running out of money!"
>2016 "Game will be finished by 2XXX!"
A healthy dose of skepticism is good for everyone, but at some point people have to accept the fact there is progress going on with Star Citizen.
3.0 doesn't have most of the shit they promised. It's nothing at all. I just went and asked for a refund after they revealed it.
>2012 "It will never get enough funding!"
>2013 "They will never make a working module!"
Literally, came out from your ass.
It's 2017 and it doesn't have a working module.
When did you first hear about SC? 2015?
>mfw the devs took $15k or something stupid of donations and spent it on a coffee machine
Yeah, and the game was supposed to be delivered by Christmas 2014.
Until the community voted to keep adding stretch goals to the game.
How long did it take FFXV to reach a release? 10 years?
The problem isn't them taking their time. The problem is on demand modern culture craving constant updates and inclusion.
Its done when its done.
>livestreams and videos of the game
>"its never coming out!"
okay fag
That's absolutely irrelevant. That shouldn't have been a "vote" anyway.
They got greedy on top of the rampant incompetence so they decided to shift responsibility to the community.
It's like offering a kid a box of candy, then saying it's not your responsibility he ate a fuckton and got sick.
> Videos of "the game"
> Videos
You gullible retarded manchild.
>Reddit spacing
>Star Wars The Old Republic has almost double the viewers SC has
That must mean SWTOR is an amazing game, right?
>Release date postponed indefinitely
isn't enough of proof to show that this shit is never coming out, I don't know what is
>can't refute his argument
>call him a redditfag
well they make more money by not releasing
>livestreams and videos
>on youtube
What else could be there on youtube,you want some comments from them?
>not working on this anymore
just look at their youtube channel
>>mfw the devs took $15k or something stupid of donations and spent it on a coffee machine
Not a bad investment for an operation that large. The logistics involved with getting coffee for a couple hundred people is non-trivial.
conspiracy theories
I don't understand how people don't realize that this game is going to be like a mobile phone money sinkhole. They KNOW you're suckers you think they won't milk it?
When they start to finally run out of nerd money the game will eventually get finished. It'll be a huge fucking mess, however. The whole thing is so fucking bloated now that there's no way it'll function smoothly.
No the wrong they committed was making the stretch goals huge.
Don't forget the space door that went for thousands of dollars.
And the expensive actors no one asked for because Cris Roberts is a frustrated movie director.
How is it unexpected that development and scope increases along with the budget?
did you reply to the wrong person?
>J-Just wait for 3.0!!!
>No-N-n-no, it needs more time, wait for 4.0
>Heh, E-everything is going to be done around 5.0, I SWEAR!
This is you, forget about this game and move on. It is an half assed game that is unoptimized to support so much shit happening at one time using cryengine only because "it looks pretty", it is un-fun and has shitty UI. and is also being made by a scammer who micro-manages on the stupidest shit like having fins on a ship looks a certain way instead of making the game good
They promised you could be a space stewardess and mix drinks in real time. This is the kind of developers they are funding.
who are qouting
>People are paying for a multiplayer game with the worst netcode in history.
>No intention of fixing it.
Thread theme:
>YouTube channel
> full of shit livestreams and video
>on Youtube
As opposed to what? Images and gifs?
>you will never play a space stewardess and get raped and abducted by pirates raiding the station you're on in real time
Don't know why but I read that post as "wait a couple of months when 3.0 hits"
I'm retarded...
Images and gifs are reserved for their content sales
Implying that anyone cares what some 50 edgy 14 years old tryhards have to say to fit in to edgy 4chains.
Scam Citizen meme
>it's nothing at all
3 years of actual work.
>One machine
>For a couple hundred people
Nevermind that it's a "luxury" espresso machine, not a workhorse. I'm not even a coffee hipster and I know you're a fucking idiot.
I don't think so. You probably heard "We would like to make a system that allows for a diverse set of characters for someone to play as; Like being able to be a bartender and make drinks in real time for other people or AI on a ship." Way too often people take things the developers say for face value without the context of the conversation being had. This is problem compounded by the thousands of hours of video discussion produced by CIG and the thousands of discussions in Q&A threads that devs are apart of.
A.I Development Plans:
>Mission Givers (they literally called it this)
>Personal Manager App (mobile game lol)
>That's it. For an entire year.
Boy oh boy it's going to rely on "player interaction" in order to be fun.
>People are paying for a multiplayer game with the worst netcode in history.
This isn't a rainbow six siege thread
>Here's the context that makes it sound exactly like what everyone was assuming.
I fail to see how you think this is a good thing.
I don't think they are releasing even a fraction of all the shit they have promised either, Jonesy.
I don't care what they say. I just don't want hundred of replies going "hurr durr retard" and ignoring what I wrote, I'll just correct my mistake so they can fuck off.
They need another 150million dollars to finish the game.
Real talk, no game is worth 300 million dollars in development, its a shame it wasn't their money otherwise there'd be a mad scramble to make some of it back.
>a bunch of worthless shit
Is this the true power of Chris Roberts?
Anyone who still backed anything after the first year deserves to lose their money and their dreams crushed.
When it comes out you'll be lucky if it has any gameplay at all.
Personally I hope the devs run away with the rest of the money and it never gets made.
this, Sup Forums has apparently never worked for a big company.
also you could wipe your ass with 15k if you have 150 million dollars.
And wiping their asses with the money is what they are doing.
The thing is, unlike no man's sky, they aren't lying as much and actually want to deliver the promised features. Doesn't mean it will come out any time soon but they're trying
>When it comes out you'll be lucky if it has any gameplay at all.
But people can actually play parts of the game right now
I'm just saying if you actually expect a game to get made and be good through crowdfunding you should watch out for bean salesmen on the way to the store.
Anyone else just waiting for the single player campaign?
The online is cool and all but I don't care if it's ever finished
The fact that people still defend this shit is proof that the game will never come out, and that everyone who gave them money deserves being scammed.
People who funded this are the cancer killing videogames for the rest of us.
But nobody defends it, long time backers know it's bullshit and never coming.
Supporting this is nowhere near as bad for the industry and supporting meme shit like PUBG or ark/rust etc
>The fact that people still defend this shit is proof that the game will never come out
how does that work,how are the two even fucking correlated
>if you actually expect a game to get made and be good through crowdfunding
What is
>Divinity: Original Sin
>Shovel Knight
>Grim Dawn
>Darkest Dungeon
>Hyper Light Drifter
>Hand of Fate
>Satellite Reign
Because most of the time the devs are not promising anything and yet people run with it. You can go to their webpage and see exactly what was promised. Anything else is just hearsay.
You mean the YouTube channel where every single video showcases massive amounts of progress?
There are lots of reasons to dislike the project, but saying that they aren't working their asses off (possibly more than is healthy) is a joke.
Most of those games had working prototypes already. What's the record on KS games from "legendary developers" that got kicked from the industry?
>a bunch of worthless shit
>planets,big ass ships,trading,missions,stations are somehow worthless shit
>I didn't get scammed! Once the indefinitely postponed phase is over I'll get a product that is better than everyother product that exists
This is at best going to end up being dayz in space
Okay, friend. At this point you actively have to be blocking out information to think that it's a scam or there isn't a lot of development happening, but if you want to a live a cold, cynical life, that's your problem.
Wants to make a mmo
>cant even make a functional multiplayer, 5 years of work and it runs like dog shit only able to handle 24 people.
Tell me more of that progress i hope u like all the early access modules.
Because so far they havent shown that they can create a mmo ;) atleast squadron 42 will be good
exactly fellow citizens of the stars , in the meantime how about another F7C-Hornet Wildifire or Avenger Stalker to buff up your fleet? Remember the more you invest now the more prepared you are going to be compared to others on release day and on release day that investment will pay up a thousand fold
With regards
-Jason Grant , Clolonel of The Vederation
I'm a very optimistic person, but there's a difference between that and being utterly delusional.
Cry me a river faggot
Has there ever been another game that changed their TOS to say you can no longer get a refund?
Has any other company searched through Twitter accounts artistically and banned people for liking someone's comment?
Honestly for the scope of the project along with needing to build up an actual studio after funding had finished (I think I remember reading they had only like a dozen actually staff at the ready before then) this isn't an unexpected amount of time to be taking
Yeah compare this lackluster list with the hundreds of projects that simply turned to shit.
But really I don't care, it's your money to waste. Most games that get crowdfunded and turn out to be good were already in working alpha needing money for cosmetic changes and sound.
Totally. There are people who maintain that Star Citizen is going to be something that it isn't, and I'm sure that it won't release with the full featureset. That being said, I've been following the project for long enough to know that a ton of progress is actively being made.
DESU, I really wish that they hadn't committed to this insane schedule of having a developer branch and a live branch. What we can play right now is over ten months behind what the developers have because they have to keep patching the bullshit, and every time they stream their branch the difference is incredible. Every "miracle patch" that is talked about is just us getting closer to what the developers have.
I trust that the developers have the talent and the budget to build a quality product, I'm not sure that we'll get it in any timely fashion if they need to have a separate team at all times trying to make a live version.
>use cryengine
>manage to fuck up a fps
I find it hard to believe squadron 42 will be good either. The gunplay in their game is one of the worst I have seen so far. It's incredibly broken and boring.
>showcases massive amounts of progress?
Yeah I remember one of those, half the time was dedicated to explaining animation blending like it's a feature and they invented it for the game, a standard tech in the current age, and the comments went wild. Fucking geniuses, revolutionary technology, holy shit someone give them a million bucks.
Cults do something scary to the mind of some people.
>it's your money to waste
I haven't even backed it, since it's not yet at a state where I'd actually enjoy playing it
I liked how the walls wouldn't stop bullets at all. I have no idea how they managed to fuck up that.
Is it safe to say that star citizen has reached religious like devotion by now?
It's legitimately scary the kind of nonsense the defenders will spew to justify their purchase and the clear mismanagement of the company
It's not all about revolutionary technology, user. Part of the promise of this project was an unprecedented look into the development of a AAA game. That will naturally include first demonstrations of things that other games have already done, especially when they aren't in the game as-is.
I'm not sure how you can see a 40 minute video every week with 20 minutes talking about the things that one studio did in the last month and just dismiss it all as extraneous bullshit. That doesn't register with me.
By the way, if it comes across as a cult attitude (which I totally get, I used to be where you are now), that's just because the vast majority of backers are tired of having the internet shit-talk the developers and the game 24/7 for over four years.
>the kind of nonsense the defenders will spew
Like what?
Your position seemed to be defending backers.
That's why I responded.
It really hasn't other than fags in denial, I had a friend convince me to buy it since we both love elite dangerous, and while it is fun, whenever someone else asks if they should get it I say wait for a sale/more progress
>it's perfectly alright to change the TOS/EULA to say you can't get a refund!
>a 13000 dollar coffee machine and air locks are perfectly reasonable expenses!
>those drill sergeant skits were great!
>a CEO taking a full day off work to make a rambling incoherent mess of a blogpost because he's mad is fine!
>so what if they miss deadlines? Don't you want a game you can play for generations!
>I didn't buy a ship, I INVESTED!
1. Has the game progressed to a point where it's on-par with Freelancer MP yet?
2. If not, when will that occur?
2b. If Yes to #1, what's the price to get in and play?
2c. Do I have to pay real world money for ships?
i haven't seen any other games detractors forming a communities and forums,making literal propaganda and brigading the defenders,not to mention stalking and obsessing over the devs to the point that it has to be taken to court
I never played freelancer so I can't say
>Do I have to pay real world money for ships
Yes and no. You pay for your intitial ship which also pays for the game. If you're a rich autist you can pay 300$ for one, you can do missions and stuff in game for currency to get ships/upgrades that way
>chris said that the game will run perfectly fine 60fps on a 780ti
>my 980 struggles
But hey at least he bought himself a 15k coffee machine.
Hopefully someone else can answer for #1.
> 3.0
> still in alpha
Top Zoz