Question for 20-22 year olds of Sup Forums: when you think "childhood", do you think more of the left side...

Question for 20-22 year olds of Sup Forums: when you think "childhood", do you think more of the left side, or the right side?

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Somewhere in-between, but a little more right than left.

Left, except NES / Mega Drive / PS2 instead of PS2

*PS1 instead of PS2

23 here.
Left side, you nigger.
What the fuck is wrong with you?


Left, but also with PS1 and N64.

Left. Weren't we around twelve when the 360 came out? And coming from a poorer family we even used to play SNES a lot. An uncle gave it to us after getting his family a N64

Weird how I'm 24 and none of those represent my childhood.

I guess 2 years is a massive gap

Left, although parents didn't let me play runscape because they were scared of the internet, or at least my mom was

You;re lying if 95% of the things on the left didn't represent your childhood, i.e. Samurai jack

Everything on the left side started airing or came out when I already didn't follow television and trends anymore.
Well, except the tamagotchi, maybe.

Left for sure

21 here, left for sure.
The right only started applying in teenage years

Left side

I'm 18 and I identify entirely with the left.

i thought it was faggot shit then and it's still faggot shit now

I'm not murrican, so most of those western shows mean nothing to me.
But DBZ was definitely my childhood.

Also why is there no early millennial part? (1995-2000)
I identify a lot more with that.


Im barely fucking 18 and I consider the left my childhood.

Early millennial culture, i.e. original Game Boy and SNES, is more like 1990-1996.

1996-2000 is mid Millennial culture, i..e Bop-it, and Pokemon when Misty was still there.

Yeah, that might be closer. I was born in 83.
It feels that the "millennial" generation is too wide of a term, 15-20 years is too much for a generation.

15 is alright to me

Beyblades was cool as fuck lmao

>Destroy Build Destroy
>Hannah Montana
>Johnny Test

Other than the consoles I don't remember any of the shit on the right being any good other than Chowder and Flapjack being meh/alright. Fucking live action killed cartoons and 2d animation.

What kind of retard pays to watch cartoons turned into live action? The cg ages a lot faster than practical effects and those dumb motherfuckers at those chink animation farms don't put any heart into their work.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit is the only good blend of cg and live action.

Ultimate question for early 2000s kids: Which version of Sabrina the witch was cuter and sexier? 3DPD or 2D?

What does child me look like a fucking gay watching Sabrina?


left but even earlier with ps1, batman tas and rugrats

Im pretty sensitive about my age at 22 anyone else?

21 year old here

Left by far but I have strong childhood memories of Flapjack, the Wii, Hannah Montana, Chowder, and Johnny Test as well.

Johnny Test is fucking horrible (except season 1, that's mediocre)

21 soon 22
left obviously. I'm not even american but we imported ALL of that except the PS2 everyone was too poor for that so we played NES/pirated PC games

Left, but I had an original Xbox. I also had a N64 so I have really fond memories of it, and the SNES. And also I didn't give a fuck about any of those shows besides Spongebob. I mostly watched the 90's shows like CatDog, Rocko's and The Angry Beavers.

Left by far.

im 18 and id say left mostly

I never played Runescape but I did suddenly remember how often it came up in... Like 3rd grade. Half the time anyone talking about was trying to get someone else to play it. The time when the age lying gate was 13.

Ours was the superior childhood by far.

>all these posers under 28 saying left

Fuck off. Half that shit wasn't available anymore while you were growing up.

Are you an moran?

20 here
Both are ok but with left being early and best childhood and right is late childhood

not true at all, 18 here and remember the entirety of the left but like one or two things, the right however I only really remember using a wii. Wasnt exactly in a rich family so consoles used to be one or two generations behind in my household.

*Whip crack sound*

What the fuck, man. I'm 26, neither side appeals to me.

The left

The left one definitely

>Married with Children
Excellent taste, user.

Left 100%

You're likely Then.

19 here
left for me

Oh yes, yes. exactly. Sorry, I missed it in the thread. Yeah, the good ol days. How come just 4 years make such a difference?

No way, he's be at most 5 when all that stuff when away.

He'd relate more to 1996-2000 childhood like Bop-it, N64, and pokemon when Misty was there. Which funny enough is the only era in this thread not to be represented by a collage. Someone should make one.

What is the name of that cartoon on the right of spongebob?

Studios should make more cartoons with weirdos like that, it shows to kids that no one is perfect or equal, nor they need to be.

The left but I also had old consoles.

Master System was my first one.

>You're not allowed to play games when you're 5, bannu end of rine.
Whatever man.

I was loading my own games on C64 when I was 4.
Parents shouldn't leave it upto the school district to teach their children to read, I could read before I was at kindergarten.

I'm a 24 year old Britfag, and my childhood, from what little I remember, was basically

>Rayman 1
>Fresh Prince re-runs
>Simpsons re-runs
>Robot Wars
>Captain Scarlet re-runs
>Art Attack
>Watching the Star Wars 1997 special editionsover and over
>Lego (Some Rock Raiders, some Insectoid, and the first generation of Bionicle Toas)

Do it. I just made the early 90s one I posted myself.


im sort of in the middle

in the uk we got alot of american cartoons later.

Left for definitely. Started playing vidya at age 3.

Left side plus more crappy shonen anime, bionicles, crush gear, pokemon, crappy online flash games, deltora quest, simpsons reruns



>Not Red Dwarf


I have seen some of the Red Dwarf episodes, but not back when I was a kid.

Left side overall, but right side as it pertains to videogames.

>brigbong "humour"
Its unfunny shit

20-year-old reporting in

Left and a few things older than that. I think spongebob came for those a bit younger than me. But Pokemon, and Power Rangers are up there. Also Hexen, Quake 3, CS etc.

This sounds about right. Pokemon as well, and crappy films on C5 on Saturday afternoon.

Oh, and big brother.

I'm 30 and I had a Tamagotchi in 1997. Did they really keep going into the mid-2000s?

Left and then more from the late 80s for me.

Unless I'm a time Traveller

For me as a 1994fag it was more a mix of late 90s culture (Pokemon, Digimon, PS1 and N64) and late millennial culture.


I like to think people here are atleast 16 at the very fucking least.

Left. Right is more like the beginning of teenage years.

>those literal kids from the left wants to shit /vr/ with their nu-stalgia right now


Are you dense? I'm 24 and the left side is basically my preteen years. If anything, my "childhood" is PS1 and old as shit Nickelodeon shows (Rocco's Modern Life, CatDog, Angry Beavers, etc)

Even my youngest little brother would choose left, and he's 15.
Bad picture.

Yep. They kept making new 'generations' of tamagotchis each year so I guess each generation brought the cycle back to life and the product into relevance again for the next generation of kids.

I didn't even know sabrina had a 2D version.
I doubt 3D Salem can be topped though.

definitely left. im 22 and the shows on the right were coming out when i had already stopped watching cartoons

19 and left side.

I won't be 28 until October, please don't group me with these faggots

God fucking damn it I hated Johnny Test

Mostly right but with some stuff from left.

I'm guessing it'd be funnier to you if it had a laugh track...

That's a really bad choice of images. Anyway, it's left.

15 years is usually the amount to define a generation. It may vary, though.


It's the generation just before mainstream internet usage. 90s childhood got to grow up with the tech explosion.

>15 years is usually the amount to define a generation. It may vary, though
its actually 25

That's old thinking. Times move much faster now. There's a higher turnover in pop culture and culture in general.

Left, but a ps1 instead of a ps2

>There's a higher turnover in pop culture and culture in general.
which has nothing to do with generation

Left m8

Beyblade was fukken dank

Yeah, I'm actually counting only the birth period
Millennals started to pop out in early 80s and stopped in 95 or 96, then its culture started to take form. To become evident, yeah it would need around 25 years.

>Liking Phil of the Future

When I was little I always made fun of that show for having such a fucking cheesy theme song.

20 here, left side... although not much of it, mostly just the PS2, Runescape and spongebob.

18, soon to be 19, easily the left. Maybe a little 360, PS3 and Wii. You've got a shit list.

>tfw youre old

24 here. Half the things on the Left side i considered to be for people younger than me and thus never expirienced.

22 here,only childhood things on here are Runescape,Spongebob,Yugioh,and DBZ.PS2 feels a bit too late but I do have one

22. Neither, left is more of my sister's childhood (born in 2000). My stuff would be more to the left. Mario, Sonic, Genesis, N64, PSX.

I'm 24 as well, almost 25 and the left represents almost like 100% of my childhood.


I'm 22. I veer very far to the left of that picture. Fuck GEN Z.