Have you ever hated a game you played for more than 200 hours?
Have you ever hated a game you played for more than 200 hours?
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Dark Souls 2
Not recommended doesn't mean hate though. People who aren't blinded by misplaced loyalty have the ability to spot a game's flaws better the more time they spend playing it. Someone can like a game a lot but is still able to spot the flaws in it, can understand that most people wouldn't tolerate the flaws and, thus, wouldn't recommend the game to anyone else.
this desu senpai
in my defence i play em only for drops
does world of warcraft count?
or is every new expansions basically a new game?
sure. usually it's MMOs that turn to shit later on.
I've put 26 years into my life and I wouldn't recommend it either.
Killing Floor 2.
The only thing worse than living is remembering you actually played Warframe at some point.
>900 hours of dota
>absolutely loathed every single seconds of it at arround 60 hours
>sink the whole night in, counter productive to the point of ruining my life, frustrations is so big it has physical consequences on my health
>I'm still queueing as I type right now
>my account is still alive despite leaving the game for years now
>my dog thing egg in incubation probably hatched years ago too
explain yourself
ive heard this story again and again from moba players and i just dont get it
I don't think I've played any game for longer than 200 hours.
I've just got too many fucking games to play to sink that kind of time into any single one of them.
literally how i feel about team fortress 2
just because something is addictive doesn't mean it is enjoyable. just because you can keep doing it over and over again doesn't mean you fucking like it, it just satisfies some itch you have really well, or in other words ends up being the only thing you want to do. would a ex-crack addict recommend other people use crack just because they used to do it for so fucking long?
No, but I've spoken to a few ex-crack addicts, and they had a lot of fucking fun with crack.
The problem with drugs is that they're so good they will ruin your fucking life. These multiplayer games, I want to say 60-80% of people aren't having fun.
We wouldn't have drug problems if they were as fun as TF2 or MOBA.
You should look at the reviews for the train/farm sim games. Plenty of people have thousands of hours played and still left bad reviews.
Dota 2, but I don't really think it counts that much since it was pretty good for the first 200 hours. I think when I clocked around 1000 hours, the Russian infestation began, turning everything to shit.
I got out of that shit early, famalam, after 90 hours I could see how shit wasn't going to change.
I don't know, escapism and frustration I guess. I hate my degree I hate the city I live in and I get some small bits of relief when I can synergize with a team and stomp my way to the victory screen. I also read a vidya article about addiction and apparently it channeled latent suicide urges. Hurting yourself through a game was a response to suicide thought according to the sociologist fuck who wrote it
>Play game
>Matched with retards and flamers
>Fight with tooth and nail to win despite everything else
>Everything going good
>Some fuck decides to throw because fuck you
>Feeds the enemy team until they could get a green card
>"Maybe next time I'll win."
>Repeat for 5 more times in the next 3 hours.
>Repeat forever.
Every game is a gamble. If you lose, it sucks. If you win, then it feels awesome. You'll keep coming back for more of that feeling and it never ends. I would know this, since I only play Techies.
well maybe they don't really consider it a bad thing, but those who do can speak out from experience and you shouldn't question it
500 hours of Overwatch.
Diablo 3
how about loving a game... and then it changing to an unfun piece of utter shit
hey man just wanted to say thanks for giving a name behind that post, the entire meaning behind it would have been lost if you just remained anonymous like fucking everyone else
Yes, Garry's Mod. I have 2k hours played back when it actually made use of the whole physics sandbox aspect instead of being a boring shooty shooty mic spam game.
Regardless of how you consider it its going to be fucking fun you moron.
4,000 hours in dota, it had its ups and downs, the ups outweigh the downs for the most part.
But "give me your phone number to play ranked" = done for good.
they just need girlfriends. Everyone with 2k+ hours and 4k+ hours on dota is single in real life for the ones I know and they're 26.
It's rare for me to even hit 100 hours in a game let alone 50
>ITS FUN user
Rust. I'd wager like 75% of my time was just grinding shit too
My one and only Early Access regret buy.
I've played Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for 5,000 hours and I'm perpetually enraged by it.
They considered it horrible, it ruined their lives.
But they certainly weren't miserable when they were high on crack.
>Aw christ, here I am, taking another hit on the crack. 900 hours of this shit. Fuck am I doing. I don't even like it.
It's an extra layer of sad.
>implying crackheads are not the next stage of human evolution
>Path of Exile
>League of Legends
>Heroes of Newerth
>Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
I mean i loved it untill that gun skin update.
Tree of Savior
Fuck that game and I regretted spending 300 hours on that, and I bet a lot of players with shitloads of hours felt the same way.
>I've put over 100 hours into it
At least I've given up on it now
Payday 2.
Technically i have spent over 200hrs in the beta because i was hyped by the game being a potential upgrade to the first game,
i was examining everything possible in the game, leveling up for new weapons, trying out every skill trees, doing the perfect stealth run etc.
When the game would get fully released i was thinking "that beta was most surely only a quarter of what the full game has to offer".
I was so damn wrong, the full game was a lackluster of memorable contents and the free updates didn't helped me having a more positive image of this game.
when you spend that much time doing fix and gameplay overhaul, you're game is just beyond broken.
Then i won't be talking much about the DLCs that come up with worthtless trashy content that you'll never get because of their stupid reward system.
Worst of all i got the pre-order collection for free and i was still upset by the deception this piece of shit game was.
the other 200hrs+ was me trying to think the game was just a really bad dream
I Hate TF2 now It's a game of hats now
I played Fallout 4 about 100 hours in pure disbelief. And I hated it.
I kept playing and roaming the map. There had to be some actual side quests. There had to be more content. There had to be more characters. Surely I just hadn't discovered them yet.
Nope. Entire fucking map is devoid of any content whatsoever save for the four faction hubs plus the Covenant or whatever.
Pretty much. Game used to be fun as fuck.
Dare I ask what happened?
Source please?
It didn't have to be this way though, patches were a mistake.
Shit game for hoarders
What happened to Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup?
It's from one of the Fellatio Japan series. No idea which scene though.
>Path of Exile
What went wrong?
I regret this one the most.
Lost sleep and too much other stuff
I played 350+ hours of warframe and then they removed zoron copptoring.
Then I just dropped it like a baby.
Seriously for the last 100ish hours I was just getting good at Loki speed runs and got most 15-20 minute boss levels down to 2 minutes by flying at the speed of sound with the sobek shooting all the way.
Yeah, thanks. It looked familiar, just need to get the episode number.
I've played LoL for over 3000 hours and would suggest people slit their wrists before even thinking about playing this awful game. I'm just too far gone.
>Dark Souls 2
I tried so hard to like it.
Path of exile, Diablo 2 but much less
I don't know how much time but I did play them a shit ton
Yes but that is because they destroyed the game right in front of me. I fucking LOVED Global Agenda. It was my 10/10 GOAY and I enjoyed every minute of it. They Hi-Rez systematically destroyed it piece by piece until I forced myself to stop playing and give up on it. They raped the game into a f2p p2w fuck fest and it hurts my soul. Then they made Tribes. I knew I would love the game but I forced myself to never play it. I tried to warn Tribes players what would happen but they brushed me off. They said things like "It was their first game" and "It will be different!" Then they killed Tribes and I lucked out. I did the same with Paladins and tried to warn people and I got the same responses. "It will be different this time!" Last I heard they did the same shit.
Hi-Rez is a master of making fucking awesome fun games and then just somehow utterly destroying them.
The fuck are they doing with those phone numbers anyway, selling them?
Nah, I got burnt out on Dots2 after hour 2000 and 7.00 got me to drop it because it totally broke matchmaking for me. I reinstalled it recently and have been contemplating playing agian, but I'm just unsure.
also add Sup Forums and collecting porn (which I'm still doing everyday as my main time killer)
This, i have so many folders of things i saved off Sup Forums, and i can't bring myself to mass delete because i am worried i saved something important in all that.
Don't remind me.
this is also the only game i've spent money in
I hope you find jesus user
There's even more hours, played before Warframe was on Steam.
>1,974.9 hours
Damn son.
I've hated games I've played for hundreds if not thousands of hours.
Do i let go user?
Every single Warframe update i kept telling myself it couldn't get any worse and that the new content would be fun to play around with.
But i snapped, i have a high tolerane to grind (played warframe for 1000 hours and wakfu for 1200 hours purely because i was bored.) but Warframe just kept getting worse and worse with every patch. The devs were basiclly making content for paying customers exclusively and even them were being absolutely drained of money.
I hope the game dies a slow and painful grinding death, and it's awesome art director lives on to make something worthy of it's original potential.
TES Legends, when I finally realised that once you reach a certain amount of skill, the matches are 100% determined on luck. Thank god I didn't put any money into it
Payday 2 and Fallout 4
Payday turned into shit with meme updates and cancer meta community
Fallout 4 was enjoyable at first but then I began to realise I'm playing a glorified FPS instead of a real RPG.
>those people that are lv 300+
I played it but finally called it shit and realized it's gonna go the way of LoL with a shit community and balancing around lv90.
pic related
I finally stopped, but the whole time I played CS:GO I always wondered why I kept coming back to it.
Diablo III.
Love-hate relationship. Not worthy of its name, not worth full price back then nor an expansion at full price.
Its a game you buy, play for 3 days (cause youre maxed out) and quit.
No, but I've played Dawn of War 3 and Brink each for 100 hours and they're both hugely disappointing.
Well I don't know about hate, but I certainly wouldn't recommend LoL to anybody right now.
Does mobile games count?
Jesus christ exactly the same as me.
So fucking disappointed in Payday 2. It had the makings of a fun game but the content after the Hotline Miami DLC fucking sucked. Not to make mention of the features not present in the full release.
Fallout 4 was the same. Baited with entertaining starter missions that became terrible. So I modded it up to the eyballs to make it playable.
I'm about to play Paragon
How many hours until I'm not mesmerized by the actual graphics and end up uninstalling?
Dark Souls 2.
And I might have put that much time into Skyrim.
I played couple hundred hours of ARK, but the flyer update ruined the game. I wouldn't recommend it. But I also wouldn't go write a review to try to drag the score down like the ARK community is.
for you user
MH is tsundere.
>payday 2
I'm still mad about them ruining the game with a dozen shit characters
Godspeed, soldier
Played rocket league over 3000 hours and fucking HATE it, but I keep going back. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I have played Hearts of Iron 4 for 164 hours by now and definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone in it's current state
For Honor. Clocked close to 600 hours
This is why there needs to be some sort of "neutal" option when reviewing a product.
I have never felt so relieved, thanks guys