What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
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Who's on the right?
>Mads is too classy to flip the bird
Dunno, I will wait for the Yongyea video.
FucKonami, what else?
no idea who any of those people are
Shitty Hollywood actors Kojimbo hired for his movie-game.
Oh, okay. Thanks.
>you will never age like Mads
Hows living uder that rock
Mads is an underrated god.
Somehow I doubt that Kojima can make the same Kino as a real talented director.
Holy fuck, that's awesomeness.
Pretty good
>MGSV with capcom
>Niro, vansten, et toro with koji prods
thanks god for capcom firing him
Daryl must have accidentally invited Negan. He won't meet Kojima's huge star standards.
literally how i stand under the shower
man, norman is a handsome dude.
Mads is such a gentleman.
Watch the series, TV Hannibal was absolutely fucking amazing. Mads is a really amazing Hannibal as well. I was really impressed that TV series can be that good and not mainstream.
>half of the budget will go into great actors paychecks
>people think it'll be a great game
Is this industry fucked?
Sony needs to hire those 2 as well for the ultimate kino-experience.
fuck no.
autistic fag who can't act
overrated cuck who plays the same shit
Add Keanu Reeves as the designated ACTION MAN and we're golden.
Hate that the MC is some movie actor I know instead of a OC made for the game. I really liked Joosten because I didn't know who she was and Kiefer was just VA but using the character's complete likeness takes me out of the experience. Makes it more like a shitty action movie than a game.
Probably the only reason why he joined Sony. Their movie division has access to Hollywood agents.
>Real human bean
>can't act
Try again, nigger. And watch lala land.
>overrated cuck who plays the same shit
> Michael Fassbender
>plays the same shit
Okay kill yourself retarded Sup Forumsermin.
the only adult in that pic is on the left.
He just happened to be non-american so his manners are fine.
is mads holding a spliff?
>Ryan gosling joins
>game sells like hot cakes
Don't they have cigarettes where you're from?
>watch lala land
AHAHHAHAHAH confirmed homo with shit taste
Good thing you confirmed your own diagnosis so I don't need to call you tasteless nigger twice.
no matter what i see of him, he always is on a professional level. seems like a refined, educated adult.
>hating Lala Land
Enjoy your shit taste
>calling others tasteless when your preferred tastes is literally semen
Gas yourself, subhuman.
Also Kojimba should get Refn episode in his new kino-game and let him direct it.
loved this guy in Watchmen
does he make Walking Dead worth watching? i dropped off after the governor died for real.
He dies fast in Watchmen.
Is there anyone on this planet who is more based than Mads Mikkelsen? Would such a person even exist?
Died faster in BvS.
well yea, he dies early on but he is in a lot of scenes.
He's the governor, but way better.
He fucking nailed the role so hard, if there was a comic book reboot of TWD I feel like it'd be another Robert Downey Jr. situation.
No. He had a great expressive high energy fun character and turned it into a low energy boring cunt.
nah m8
Yea, he's a huge homo.
Negan is the best thing to happen to this boring and slow piece of shit series in a long time. I mean it's not perfect and he looks kinda weak compared to comic Negan, but JDMs smug asshole game is on point.
Does he make the show worth watching again? I don't know, depends on your personal preference, but he sure as shit made the show a lot more fun.
Is Reedus half Chink or Injun?
How's Negan like in the comics?
>yfw when Death Stranding is going to be a "movie game" at best
considering that Kojima has proven that he CAN make amazing gameplay, i totally do believe that Death Stranding will have great gameplay and a shitton of cutscnes
>videogames are made by 1 person
Nothing. Just weird face.
I will forgive shitloads of cutscenes if they contain shitloads of scenes with Mads.
y'know... kojipro
>autistic and cuck in the same post
it's like horse ebooks but for Sup Forums frogs.
no hes actually a mediocre actor.
no wonder why Sup Forums loves him
is that the golden watch club? What a bunch of faggots.
That show was a fucking masterpeice, American Gods is pretty good also didnt know bryan fuller was involved before i watched it but I instantly recognized the how similar it was to hannibal.
Extrovert, vindictive, loud, vulgar. and a little dumb at times. TV Negan and comic Negan basically do and say the same thing but comic Negan is more energetic and responsive. In my opinion that is.
I hate how obvious Fassbender hates playing in xmen and AssCreed, yet still does it. You don't give a shit, you don't do research, you do it for shekels, we get it, just do your job. Yet he's so fucking bored during filming of those films even his roles suck fucking dick. I'm okay with him in other shit, he seems like an alright bloke overall, but, dude, do you job, come on. You're getting paid big time for these.
cringe inducing
is there a cultural/symbolic differende between the 2 middle finger poses?
i seen reedus always do the middle finger where point and ring finger are half erect
and normal people only have the middle finger up.
>interview of him some years back
>they walk into his hotel room and he's reclined in the sofa with his feet on thr coffee table, drinking beer
*leans in Japanese*
There's a high concentration of fuck per bubble
Gods is basically Hannibal with dicks, tits and fucks.
Hannibal was a cable show stuck on a network.
Is Negan going to be in Death Stranding?
>every time someone says cuck it has to be Sup Forums
You sound like a triggered cuck tbqh my dude
>Hannibal was a cable show stuck on a network.
With that much of gore and completely meditative and meta-scenes I would highly doubt that Hannibal would work as a cable show.
It's simply not mainstream and a niche show.
That's exactly why it was cancelled you tit.
>smug little bitch
I would have cut her up for trying stupid entitled shit like that
American Gods works so Hannibal would have as well.
Watch one of his Danish movies, where he doesn't play cliché villain with a gruff accent #36
Another user, I've only seen Flammen & Citronen and it was all right.
Nah senpai, Jagten is one of the greatest movies ever made.
Watch The Hunt.
I will, just found it on netflix. Thanks for the rec.
>went from kind of cool to below Sup Forums neckbeard fatso
Addicts like this are really the worse.
No problem
>Jeffrey Dean Morgan too
Fuck yeah
But still, show me gameplay
Between him and Ezekiel, I have no idea how they're going to top them.
Teenagers and babbys with shit kino knowledge liked actors list :
>Mads Mikkelsen
>Norman Reedus
>Jeffrey Dean Morgan
>Ryan Gosling
>Michael Fassbender
>Christoph Waltz
Actual great actors list :
>Alexandre Kaïdanovski
>Max von Sydow
No he looks fucking autistic.
There is more info about the stars appearing in Death Stranding than about the game itself, how is it going to be like, anything in game, a screenshot... Something.
This shows Kojima's priorities. He is more worried with working with hollywood stars and being famous for that, than he is with making the game, dedicating himself to its development.
Fucking pathetic.
> REEEE pretend to like my nerd hobbies mr.chad!
>I'm a contrarian faggot who hates popularity
back to Sup Forums, fag.
well no shit.
you need to get the actors in so you can make the ingame models.
ofcourse that shit gets revealed first in a project full of hollywood actors.
Do people actually think that guy from Walking Dead is a good actor? He was terrible in that movie about Irish gansters.
Protip : popularity when it comes to media (therefore actors) inevitably equals shit.
>50 year old men acting like 15 year olds
maximum cringe
They already have the actors. Hell, kojima already had the 3d models for like, 2 years.
There is literally no information about the game. Not even a single screenshot.
Just overly elaborated teaser trailers with shit that is probably not going to be on the fucking game.
Glorified trailers to showcase how kojima is "le try hard deep director"
They already released gameplay. It's about space knights harponning virtual whales.