>reliable sources say that IO Interactive keeps the rights to the Hitman IP
>Season 2 is still coming, mid development
>IO Interactive is still looking for a new investor

>We can't say anymore details on our source, but we consider it completely reliable and save. We expect IO Interactive to do an official statement in the coming week


Other urls found in this thread:


oh cool another year of that piece of shit getting shilled on here

can't wait for more amazing explanations on how selling an unfinished game is just the best, locking people out of content is super cool and forced online is amazing

I've had enough

Wow, one bad example of the games systems failing, amazing

I tried the same and gut blasted by 5 emptying their mags at me, you got lucky.

So supposedly it was squeenix's idea to go episodic.
Next they'll announce some form of kickstarter faggotry for their season 2.
It will be episodic.
It's just like poultry

Episodic format worked for Hitman.

good worked hard for this suit

Because who the fuck cares? You either trust the company to deliver the content and that you want the content and you buy it, or you don't and you don't. Why can't you just make your own decisions instead of acting like you're being tricked?

lmaoing @ how fucking poor you are

>bawww im locked out of content ;__;

you have to buy something to use it lmao

Didnt work for its sales.

>reliable sources say that IO Interactive keeps the rights to the Hitman IP

I doubt it, even then it's not even a confirmation so I have no idea why was this thread even made in the first place.

The game needed weapon customization like in blood money, but for that they would to have had more missions to make money to buy weapons/accessories, no matter what making it pay to play missions was a bad move

you must be retarded if you think over half a million sales is bad

Who would buy IO if they werent allowed to make a hitman game?

Must have been good enough or the devs wouldn't have got a bigger office.

Probably to make a carbon copy of Hitman that's not called Hitman.

600k at 15$ remember. Not millions at 50$ like the previous entries in the series.

I'd contribute those numbers more the apprehension of customers buying into another Hitman game after how shit Absolution was.

What concerns me is, is this people who bought the entire game or does it include people who just bought the first episode then fucked off?

>pc sales

its steamspy so it would be people owning episode 1 of the base product
doesnt check for dlc stuff

The only way to get away with it is to remove this guard before strangling the model. He used to post the same webm but wearing the Santa outfit and made the mistake of looking down the aisle in the first split second of the webm and this guard was missing. He's the first one to catch up to you and try to arrest you, he doesn't post that webm anymore after it got pointed out.

Looks straight out of a James bond game.

yeah its so much better on consoles

does this take into account people who bought the physical disc for consoles?

Except the guard is there you fucking retard

I never remove the guard

The whole point is to indicate how awful the NPC response time is

Oh boy I can't wait to pay again so I can play the second half of the game

You got your money's worth

If it's going to be liekt he first season then no thank you.

Out of all those episodes only Sapienza and Hokkaido were good. The price was really too much for the content that was released.

Besides I really really miss the darkness that older hitman games used to have.

47 used to feel like Grim Reaper wearing human skin, now he feels like Jason Bourne.

its from vgchartz,
its only physical copies doesnt account for psn numbers since sony doesnt release that
still, gives you an idea


I legitimately can't wait for another year of shitskin pirates sobbing into their keyboard because they can't play it.

So you made a webm of the same place twice instead of doing it in another area?

Except he isn't there, you've been asked so many times to make a new webm and actually look behind you as you walk away but you won't do it because you know your little secret has been uncovered. You have the time to make the same webm three times in different outfits and difficulties but can't give us one tiny little webm to solidify your point.

>"Killer dude"
You play as the shadow client who's not copyrighted

It's hard to know how successful a game is just based on units sold. You would need to know revenue generated and what production + marketing costs were.

A game could be a multi million seller but if it sells most of those units at a deep discount it's not going to be as successful as a title that sound less but kept it's price longer.

Ye, and Absolution got 80% of the team fired and SE binned hitman until they saw the interest in "leaked" alpha footage.

While '16 got 2nd season greenlit and got IOI a new office.

Doesn't really give you an idea since the physical version didn't come out until 9 months after the digital version

Does that mean we can get an actual proper game rather than episodic shit?

Im not autistic so I'd rather a real game than being sold a single level tha't justified with padded out 'challenges' like lmao kill someone with a bucket

That's because Absolution was made by a completely different team

well shit you're right

More like shitman


The Bangkok suit with gloves is my favourite. You can just see his muscles bulging, it gets my totally hetero rocks off so hard

>Does that mean we can get an actual proper game rather than episodic shit?
>Season 2

That car cutscene was the best. He's a cool dude.

>tfw no Shadow Client spin off game that's more like Splinter Cell

I wouldnt say greenlitting dlc is that impressive compared to greenlitting a sequel.

That'd be great.

Worst part of the game for me is that they are clearly dry on ideas for unlocks.


True. Needs more weapons that are distinct enough and the suitcase too.

That's just the effect of Denuvo

You know it's going to happen.

>tfw got all hitman games for a pittance from the multiple square enix humble bundles
>people seriously post steam sales and think people bought those entries for 50$ each

I'm into it

>mfw no one thinks this and you're just a retard that didn't read the thread

I really hope this is true. Getting out from under Square's thumb and keeping this flagship franchise would be ideal for IO.


That's great. Though I'm just too much of a Hitman fan that I need Jesper Kyd & native audio languages in specific countries back in the game.

Its a shame EU doesnt publish shit and all the studios are funded/ownded by foreign entities.
Even when finnish company makes Clash of Clans they instantly sell it off to tencent.

This is IO we are talking about

Funny enough Hitman: Absolution sold decently but was still a failure because of the insane costs it had to produce it.

Holy shit you're pathetic and literally BTFOd, this is priceless.

>no one thinks this
>accusing others for not reading the thread
lurk more

>want to get the game
>remember it's always online
>remember that i've already missed out on loads of elusive targets
>remember i'll never get that suit even though it's a singleplayer game

Guess I'll never play it then

>best atmosphere
>best missions
>best OST
>most fitting UI and graphics in the series
Contracts is the best game in the series, try to prove me wrong.
Protip:you can't.


Fuck this whole elusive target bullshit. Let players start the timer themselves.

Im not giving these dumb twats money when they want to lock content out from me based on a time limit I cant even trigger myself.

i wonder if there's a possibility to get jesper kyd back. his scores were such an integral part of the hitman experience

it pisses me off so much dude. all these fucking missions and voice lines just sitting in the game files collecting dust because IO and squenix are shit

time gated content is such pointless shit, especially in a singleplayer game.

this is why we need modders etc. eventually we'll get a crack or something that unlocks the missions. perhaps once IO decides to shut down the always online servers and royally fucks the game.

does this mean they can finally delete denuvo and i can finally buy this game?

Just pirate it.

>Single player franchise
>Content blocked online
No thanks, fuck off

>I legitimately can't wait for another year of shitskin pirates sobbing into their keyboard because they can't play it.

isn't it cracked?

Just pirate it and play the rest of the game for free. It's still pretty good without online content.

I'm not getting my hopes up, especially when it's
>reliable sources
coming with this news.

Fellow 47 fans, this is actually an opportunity. A different publisher, that's from the west and isn't greedy and focused on anime games, may see the true value of the series and provide IO with much more funding than SE ever did. Maybe in a year we'll be laughing about how bad the SE era of Hitman TM was. We might even get Kyd back.

Yeah but you can't do any challenges to unlock stuff.

>Yeah but you can't do any challenges to unlock stuff.

how much content is locked with pirated copies?

>New publisher funds IO to make Freedom Fighters 2
>success of Hitman and FF2 heralds trillions for the new publisher
>Squeenix commits sudoku over shamefur dispray

Just checking in to say I agree with you. I'm really glad to see that there's someone else out there who appreciates even the UI as much as I do. It's simply perfect and fits 47 really well. The aesthetic of the game is what Hitman should have always been.

>square enix releases another commercial unsuccessful final fantasy game and then sells eidos montreal next

Thank you my man, good to see there's more of us. What's your favorite mission from the game? Beldingford Manor, hands down, for me. Traditions of the Trade is a close second.

>Game is "hated" on Sup Forums because piratefags cant play it


>Eidos Montreal also retains the Deus Ex franchise, releases a fantastic and fitting end to the Jensen trilogy which leads directly into a remake/remaster of the original

Please God, make it happen!

>ignoring the buyfags locked out of timed content

really sautes my salmon senpai

You unlock items, weapons, starting locations & disguise, pick up points, contracts which are user made targets and the elusive targets.
Not sure about the escalations though.

They lock quite a lot behind the online. Hopefully one day they just remove the online shit because it's fucking stupid and I say this as somebody who owns the game.

>Grim reaper wearing human skin
I need to use the bathroom.

Wasn't IO going to unlock all the timed content by the end of the season?

It has been cracked, retard. And if you want online stuff you can buy only the cheap base game on sale and them pirate every "dlc" via creamAPI.

Hm, pretty hard to choose. I suppose it'd be Meat King's Party. Do you have a favourite OST track?

Check the superbunnyhop review, he talks about how Hitman is vidya's 007.

>Meat King's Party
Great taste, although every mission in the game is so well-designed and atmospheric that you can't go wrong.
>Do you have a favourite OST track?
Hard to say, but if I had to pick one: youtube.com/watch?v=KeEMlr_bb0Q&list=PL9087047C1887C20A&index=7


Forgot to ask - what's our favourite OST track?

this episodic bullshit needs to die. i'll go to io int. myself and install ransomware on their pc's till they agree to stop with this cash grab episodic crap.

Yeah every mission is unique and well-crafted in its own way.

This track is my favourite - youtube.com/watch?v=-fYPBFIlt40

In terms of a more atmospheric "exploration theme" it'd be this one - youtube.com/watch?v=rWjVrlGjZ2s&list=PL9087047C1887C20A&index=13

I don't think anyone could compose a better track for an eery hotel during a rainy night, it suits the level so well

>season one didn't unlock everything/pirated copies are still gimped

well that was ratio wasted

Excellent taste, user. The game would have been my favorite of all time if it had two missions in Hong Kong less, or at least had a few more missions, a shame it was rushed in development. As it stands, is in my top 10, but that's already great enough.

I told you cunts yesterday.

I bet Starbreeze buy it.

Thanks user, your taste is great too. Yeah the HK missions weren't as good as the rest of the game, if they really had to do some missions from previous games, Silent Assassin had some much better candidates, imagine An Invitation to a Party remade with the Contracts aesthetic and style, for example.

I liked the HK missions, but they were too short. I wish there were more missions, or if the Hong Kong missions were replaced (save for Lee Hong's Assassination).
Silent Assassin is an amazing game, at times I think it's better than Contracts, purely because of the variety it has. It also contains some of the best missions in the series, Invitation to a Party, Basement Killing, Death of Hannelore etc.
What brings it down for me is how mediocre some missions feel in comparison to those best ones. Basically all the missions in Istanbul, and of course, Hidden Valley and At the Gates.

I don't remember any mission in Istanbul