Uh oh...
Uh oh
> Japanese LGBT fans
So... it has begun. I suppose it was naive to think that the cancer wouldn't spread everywhere.
>country that has more censorship than west
>pretending porn counts
>he hasn't watched the japanese version of naruto
No worries trannies have a 60% suicide rate and these ones are japanese increasing the chances of suicide significantly
See what you censorfags have done? Based NOA was protecting everyone from such faggotry yet you all bitched and moaned at them.
>watching naruto
>whole point of the couple's is for children characters
Unless they have to make science babies it'll just make the series more shit than it already is.
Japan censors western video games and movies that have nudity.
Why is it always Fire Emblem Fates that leads to shit like this?
Fire Emblem was a mistake it should have died
I don't fucking get how Treehouse fucking removes a straight girl's conversations because they wanted to make her gay, but for the actually lez girl, they removed the support entirely.
>lgbt market in japan is relatively big and untapped
I thought this was an american board.
Relax, Japan doesnt care about this sort of degeneracy.
FE should have died after Radiant Dawn.
Better than becoming fujo AND mobile trash.
They probably just want to fug the Werewolf boy.
So FE17 is going to have a tranny character and everyone can be gay?
It's just fujos.
>all the retards ITT thinking that Japan hasn't heard of fags
Do you ignorant fucks even know what fujos are?
The Sup Forums tumor is growing.
It's not enough that gay shit in games is non-intrusive or executed with tact, it needs to stay out because it's degenerate.
>reading naruto
>Sup Forums getting triggered over the purest form of love
It's a setting with magic and dragon lolis there's no reason there can't be yuri babies.
>liking/wasting time on Naruto
It's funny too because gay comics and visual novels are mostly produced in Japan.
The outraged are probably just LARPing Sup Forumsfags.
Maybe I don't want to play as a cock gobber? It's bad enough fujos have been trying to push Ike as a fag for 10 years when its pure lunacy.
Wasn't there already some gay romances in Fates? It's not that big of a deal.
In japan being a fag is a fetish, like kneesocks or cat ears, not a lifestyle of herin and AIDS you retarded faggot.
>Maybe I don't want to play as a cock gobber?
Then don't you moronic shit.
Humanity is doomed
Wow I'm literally shaking bros.
How do we stop those liberal degenerates ruining our video games?
Not that guy but man, you're one sheltered weeb if you think Japan is pure, heterosexual and conservative to the core.
If the option exist it's already too late idiot.
If they're clamoring for more gay romances in Fates I can't blame them
Male Avatar should've been able to get with Kaze, Silas, Forrest and Jakob and Female Avatar should've been able to get with Azura, Felicia, and Soleil to name a few
Just Niles and Rhajat is kind of lame
Godspeed user.
>All these faggots getting triggered over some fujo petition that will go nowhere
I had to take the dick out of my mouth to laugh at you
>Gay shit in any media
>Not intrusive
Its alright when Japan does it. Not even kidding.
Because Japan does it right.
Their trannies and gaybois are way superior to western trannies and gays. Because the former isn't bedridden with autism and "crush cis and white male" SJW faggotry, as the latter totally is.
If they do it, then its alright, because I(my dick) gets something out of it as well.
>it's another "less than 6% of the population gets 100% of the attention" episode
>implying nintendo gives a shit
This desu. I'm a thirsty bitch and I demand more.
Yuri on Ice sold like hotcakes. Prepare for sausage surge my dude.
Well they already added gays in Fates so they obviously do.
But Rhajat and Niles aren't intrusive at all.
I've been there, it's different.
Being a faggot is not something you yell about like in the west.
Just a fetish you keep to yourself.
Korea is worse
Why is Washington, D.C. so gay?
Ike is gay. His only unique ending is work Soren, he's fucking gay.
What the fuck is Fire Emblem Fates
Estrogen in the water, eating from tupperware shit, soy products.
Low testosterone levels have a corelation with Left-wing views in men.
>fujos responsible for the death of anime, manga, Tales of, Final Fantasy
>actually believing it will go nowhere
Fujos are killing of the otaku industry.
So nothing will happen, right?
Lobbyists are all homosexuals
I've been there too.
Yes it's different.
And we are also talking about a video game where they pander to these fetishes already. Large portion of the playerbase are usually straight girls who like gay guys in their Chinese cartoons.
A fire emblem game i assume
There is nothing romantic about their ending you insane hambeast.
He's pure.
What the fuck is Fire Emblem
it's worse the fags actually buy shit for them in Japan
It's already happening.
Never played it. Are there bara options?
>shitty moeblob replaced with shitty fujotrash
Literally the same.
>le low testosterone is bad meme
High testosterone is a health issue that causes baldness and short lifespan.
>not experiencing what is arguably the most influential piece of media in the last 100 years
Based fucking fujos destroying the Sup Forumsutists.
brb buying
>causes baldness
If you are LITERALLY genetically inferior.
t. high-t assburger with a mullet.
btw. I'm 6'3 and have an 8" dick.
And low testosterone is also bad for you
In a man high testosterone is better than low testosterone, but preferably you should have balanced numbers of testosterone and a low but balanced amount of estrogen
Just make sure you buy Conquest, he isn't playable in Birthright without dlc.
Thank you fujos. Good fucking riddance, fuck otaku.
NUKE NintendLGBT faggots now before it spreads
He's not a bara.
>implying Naruto is more influential than western movies
Dumb weeb.
Not to mention birthright is shit and conquest is above average
why are you guys so mad about something that happened two years ago
These people are so entitled, they don't respect the creativity integrity of developers and only see them as their servants.
So just like waifufags? Kek.
the option exists in real life too, so you better kill yourself lest you accidentally suck a dick later
>you can't criticize a game because of muh creative integrity
>Series going from the awaawaa bakai garbage of awakening and fates replacing with buttsex
Fujos singlehandedly saving the series
>japanese LGBT
More like a bunch of fujos and yurifags
But i don't expect that tabloitfags know who those are and that they just want their shipping and wank material.
There is, and before that there's been the triangle with Ike, there's been Kyza, there's been Legault, there's been the thing with Dagda and Marty, then there's implied homo-eroticism between the big burly merc type and his boys.
He had a unique one with Ranulf too
What is this even about? There are already options in Fates for those who want them. They better not be complaining about Niles again.
Post dick.
>Nu-Fire Emblem having any integrity whatsoever
A videogame I think.
Tellius is the most Fujo and Bara entry in the series, this is a fact.
Check /soc/
I love Tanya!
They jus wanted to know where Nintendo stands on it, that's all. This happened years ago anyway.
What the fuck is a video game
link it
Japan doesnt have any feminist and LGBT group, fuck off back to >>
>>lgbt market in japan is relatively big and untapped
Source me senpai