I'm literally obsessed with her

I'm literally obsessed with her

Cool, she's the best girl so I sympathize.



I think she is the cutest girl but honestly she is boring as fuck. I can't imagine having to listen to her bullshit for more than 5 minutes in real life. No wonder she never had any friends

wow what a whore

How is she boring? She is secretly nerdy and loves action movies. Top girl

I love my Makoto!

seek help





I'm literally obsessed with him.

As opposed to figuratively?


>playing the game
>Huh what's so special about her? Why's everyone always waifing her?
>fucking bitch
>get to know her
>oh fuck
>Jesus fuck man give her a break
>fuck sae back off
>fucking hell someone hug her already!

Then when she got her Persona it was the baddest fucking thing man, fucking cool as fuck. I think I have a crush on her now. I'm rethinking my waifus.


It was like this with me too, senpai

>valentines date

Melted my icy heart. She really is pure.

More like you're rethinking your laifu

I need a Makoto ERP!

Unrelated but I had a dream last night that I worked in a bar in Prauge with Sojiro. Was odd, I've visited Prauge a lot s that may be why. Spent most of the dream serving customers and talking about how Prauge was once a sovereign state. Idk why but at one point Sojiro was explaining to me how the taps worked and plugged a fucking ethernet cable into them for some reason.

Same except with Ann. It's been a month since I beat the game and all my free time since then is spent posting about her.

Mako-chan is not for lewds.

>buttslut not for lewds
Yeah sure

>haven't gotten a proc to advance my ranking with her in over a month game time

Get out of here.

Wow, I can't believe the student council president would do something like this.


Nothing makes me harder than a girl who not only takes it up the butt, but prefers it.

Makoto is cute! I love Makoto!


I can be your slut, leave an e-mail.

tfw you will never experience a makoto and futaba threesome
Some times I wish I was chad so I could go to anime conventions and fuck mai waifus. Unfortunately I'm a fucking weeb loser.

she looks terrible in the anime cutscenes, they made all the characters too long in those but she looks like a straight alien


Anything is possible though user. You just need to get some exercise in and have a little confidence. These girls at these conventions aren't exactly super models so you don't need a lot to land it with one or even two.

I'm a runner so I look like an emaciated aids victim with large calves and ass. It's the social aspect though, I'm socially autistic.

>you will never have Makoto sit on your face as you devour her
>she will never tell you how lewd this is between exasperated moans

*cuddles makoto tenderly*

Go to Japan and eat her meal at the café. Do it for her.

I'm a runner too user. Nothing to be ashamed of though. I know what you mean in terms of being socially fucked. All I can say is to thrust yourself into social situations. That's what helped me get over it a lot. It's up to you of course. You see you have to want to get out of that funk bad enough for it to work.

Would eat their every day.

Is this iced tea with chocolate ice cream?

ywn stop reposting this.

Was Chihaya working as prostitute after she left her village? she said sth about working in a night club.


I don't think it was something like that, at least not yet.



What else you can do at night club though?

In what way is she nerdy?

>finishing with a period


Serve drinks.

Welcome to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

oh hey I remember your autistic rant from last night. (period)

You're making me uncomfortable, user


Stop ending our conversation

>Haru:Good job, everyone!
>Futaba: Good job, everyone!



It just looks like some fucking tea with icecream shoved on top. Calm the fuck down.

Her Confidant story is boring to be honest

>How do I be normal?

Ann, Makoto Ryuji have the worst SL in PT
Which is sad because I love Ann and Makoto

I nearly lost it when she bitch-slapped her dumbass friend in the Confidant story.

I think about her all the damn time

I'm glad all the normies are flocking to the obvious girl and leaving Kawakami for the patricians.

Futaba's the best girl though

Ann is the normie bait though