Is the gameplay really that bad?

Is the gameplay really that bad?

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There's really nothing functionally wrong with it, it's mostly just tedious and boring.

Its bad if you play on turbo mode on an emulator
If you play at normal speed its horrible

It's like dynasty warriors but somehow manages to remove any fun of playing one.
At least the dragon parts are fun

i wanted to play this so bad but the camera and slow pace just made it impossible for me.

drakengard 2 gameplay is much more bearable but the story is subpar to the first due to the absence of yoko taro sadly.

It's bad and repetitive, but it's only really horrible if you're trying to adhere to the requirements and bonus stages that unlock all of the weapons for Ending E.

It's precisely that bad.
it may in even exceed that level of bad.
was still an entertaining ride.

No. It's significantly worse. Spending dozens of hours with it is a harrowing experience.

It's not bad, just tedious. There's a lot of enemies to kill and it's the same attack all the time. The dragon controls are a little clunky as well

It's the definiton of bad

Nier's gameplay is fucking Bayonetta compared to that
In fact I just can never shit on a game's gameplay ever again because I have that to compare it with.

Where did the I. Hear. A. Sound. come from? A watched a playthrough, but never noticed it

Its just very generic hack n slash on foot. The dragon riding is neat but soon they just spam a ton of enemies who if hit by magic (which the dragon counts as) spam homing projectiles so it ends up being only decent for getting around.
Once you get Arioch you can just summon her, hold 0 to do her charge magic and faceroll the entire game as she 1 or 2 shots everything in an aoe and assists have infinite MP. She's on a timer but you get 3 casts of her per map and she does so much fucking damage in such a large area to everything she just breaks the game.

Dragon combat is kinda boring which is a shame since all but like 1 boss is on dragons.

The main fun really is getting the weps, seeing what nifty things they do and unlocking the stories. The dragon instead just levels on story progress.

So yea not great. Not really terrible either but that's only if you abuse Arioch. Otherwise anti-mag enemies are so common you can't even enjoy magic, the unique aspects of your weps which are literally all it has going for it.

Still better than D2 which keeps all of 1's issues and makes it so each char only has like 3 spells each so weps aren't even worth leveling

Was Caim Autistic?

Caims sword description from Drakengard 3 starts with

>"There once was an awkward prince who found love, politics, and even general interactions difficult. His only comfort was practising swordplay in the courtyard."

I wouldn't be too surprised honestly. I mean...

>Ended up being a mute (common autism trait)
>Ended up being a furry who wants to fuck a dragon (need I say more?)
>Doesn't understand how to treat people properly (Kicks people who need help in the face)
>Gladly murders children without any mercy (Inhibited emotions)
>Seems to react to pain with minimal reaction (Gets his fucking back slashed open and then two seconds later he forgets about it, later fucking burns to ashes with no reaction)
>Doesn't seem to recognize danger (running towards a fucking dragon on foot)
>Trouble controlling his emotions (He was going to kill Angelus to begin with, even though he would have died and she was screwed anyway)
>Clearly has trouble showing emotion (did you see the way his face moved when he first saw Angelus?)
>Extremely obsessed with murder
>Obsessively collects every fucking shit weapon he finds
>Hangs out with clearly insane crowd including a pedo
>Seems to enjoy shit music
>Repetitive movements (He swings practically every fucking weapon the same way, all 65 of them)
>Is anime

It's all so fucking clear now...

if he is then id say most game characters are. especially jrpg protags who exhibit nearly every one of those things

What did Furiae see in him?

Oh my god...I'm autistic.

Its not like unplayable but its not fun at all

Hes suppose to be a sociopath I think


It is a shittier musou if that is even possible.

Caim was sociopath who enjoyed slaughter.

It's flavor text for the final chapter.

>dat feel when he turned down his sister's dripping wet pussy, revolutionizing incest fiction for all time

she's also inbred, autism runs in the family

the ultimate No Way, Fag

>Its just very generic hack n slash on foot.

It's a poor man's Musou, basically. DG3 was probably the best gameplay-wise because it was more of a typical action game, but still obviously made by a team not really good at their job.

He's not autistic he just likes killing people.
I would prefer practicing swordplay to love, politics and general interactions as well but I still enjoy spending times with friends when I get the opportunity.

Is there a Drakengard now way fag with Caim and Furiae on Angelus?

I'm ususally not very critical about gameplay.

But I thought it was really boring.
Usually when a story is very intruiging, it would make the game a bit more tolerable, but I couldn't get through Drakengard for some reason.

But I played Drakengard 3 for a bit, and that did a much better job. It's also much nicer at presenting its story, I believe.

There should be.

dod3 was mostly hindered by tedious level design, shitty frame rate and camera issues, the combat itself was actually pretty decent and second only to Automata

Crazy series.

>dat feel when second one is a lesser game in every respect because it doesn't even have the disturbing crazy original had

>And then Mannah grew over 200 feet tall

This is my fetish


It's fantastic. The repetitive gameplay with the strange music turns the game into a strange form of meditation. Wrapping yourself in a blanket and just cutting away at those empire dudes is something special.

>make a shitton of weapons
>all of them have stories
>all of them are viable in end game

just for that, the game is great

I really love how creepy the watcher emblem is, but I wish Eve's mark had more significance than Taro ended up giving it.

Would you kill little Manah?

if by kill you mean violently throatfucking all the eldritch abominations out of her than yes

>she gags in a kids/adult male voice


Absolutely, I wanted to punch that little shit the whole time I played the game.

I wish we could get a remake of 2 from Caim's point of view. His story was so much more interesting and tragic than Retard McAnime.

Shame that it's probably the last time we'll see Manah and Caim.

They pulled it from the old world data

Which raises the question, how did the people of nier's timeline know about the cult of the watchers enough to keep a record of that symbol? That existed in the other timeline, but not in Nier's.

Would've gone after her parents before her.

by that you mean giving it any significance at all?

The only guesses I have is that the legion somehow adopted it as their symbol in Nier's world when the Watcher's influence was spread through White Chlorination Syndrome, or Accord brought the data on the cult back with her from Drakengard's world and the Machine Network somehow got a hold of it.

Given that there's quite a few 1000s of years' worth of stories about the old world untold, it could be from any of those eras and how they dealt with whatever bullshit popped up. The replicant that whoopsie'd a new Red Eyes with his dead girlfriend story comes to mind.

I think that things could have been improved if Nowe was written out entirely and the focus was kept more on the survivors from the first game.

20 eurobux for PAL Drakengard 1 that's in good condition. Should I pull the trigger?

>Game all about androids from the future
>Barely even mentions Accord
God damn it.

Taro did say that the logic virus might be related to Red Eye virus, so there's that.

What's the deal with her anyway?

Popola and Devola are referred to as "observers," that's pretty similar to Accord being a "recorder" or whatever it was. They stopped production of the twins, so is Accord the replacement?

Is Accord the mastermind behind everything in Automata who set up Yorha to be destroyed?

Caim was the best part about that game.

Everything about Nowe and Manah made me want to shoot myself.
I kept playing hoping something weird would start happening or for all of them to start dying off, but then the credits rolled.

caim goes full nuclear though. How can a sociopath even understand normal human emotions?

It's not related it is the red eye virus.

Terminal is doing the same role as manah, it is encrypted in the text on the artbook, but it is completely confirmed, In fact just google the biblical meaning of Manah and Legion then look at the game again.

Popola and Devola were specifically observers of Project Gestalt, so I don't think Accord's work is directly connected to them or Project Yorha.

But considering that she plays around with alternate timelines in alternate planes of existence, who she's working for is anyone's guess.

But Taro vaguely answered some questions in an interview on it.
>Q39. Androids and machine lifeforms who go berserk have their eyes turn red; does this have anything to do with the Red Eye?
>Taro: If I have to pick a side, it’d be yes.

I liked the idea of Manah's role, and the idea that she was trying to redeem herself while still coping with the aftermath of the Watcher's influence, but it's a shame she just sort of ended up being Nowe's happenstance love interest, and that they started screwing around with the seals despite the public knowledge of the world almost being destroyed without them.

I love this game but yes

I don't mind it but that doesn't mean it's not shit


I would have given the game so much more Credit if Manah wasn't being mind controlled

"Hey Nowe, all those retarded choices are biting you in the ass now because you were thinking with your dick!"

In Nowe's defense he was a moralfag, so the whole "seals powered by PoWs from D1" didn't gel well with him.

she comes from a time BEFORE Drakengard 3 so she's unrelated to Automata's androids
i think

Yeah if he was so moralfag maybe he should have said "General Gismor Poisoned Me" instead of just killing his old allies while he destroyed the world woth no explaination and instead of going "I just need, like, time to think, maaaaaaaan" when Eris asked him why he was doing such horrible things.

>Implying it isn't a loop and after Automata it ends up in Drakengaard 3 world

Says what?

Also she runs a shop in Automata and she knows something went wrong, she's at least been to their time.

>turned down his sister's dripping wet pussy
>doomed the world and started Nier's branch instead

Truly the hero we needed