What would convince you to buy a Switch ?
What would convince you to buy a Switch ?
Monster Hunter hands down.
Persona 6 Platinum
having friends
Bloodborne on PC
Already bought it for MK8D even though I have Wii U and MK8.
$550 au
A second model with significantly better hardware
I already own one, but I would like more single player games since I do not plan to buy into the online subscription.
probably nothing. last Nintendo console was GC
F-Zero GX HD remaster online edition.
Mario RPG remastered.
Steel Battalion 2 with new 1500 button controller.
Games that aren't on Wii U
Mario maker
Why are people shilling this no games tablet?
it's the hardware that is absolute cancer trash. no game could ever redeem that Fisher Price Tegra 1 Lego tablet
I already have one, but stuff that would push the system off shelves even more might be Monster Hunter and Pokemon.
I dont think they'll do it but a Mario Maker 2 has a ton of potential. Especially since they kind of realized where they fucked up with SMM post-release with all those updates
>Main console Kirby game
>Open world Pokemon console game
>For some reason I lose my PC
This is not a thread for WiiU.
Etrian Odyssey since SMT is a guaranteed multiplat unless Atlus is retarded enough to use Unity to make an exclusive.
Smash 4 Deluxe or Smash 5
A new iteration of the switch like from the original chunky piece of shit DS to the DS lite
Viewtiful Joe 3 or Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite on Switch
doesn't change anything lol
Because it's fun. Sony and Microsoft are the same. Two big boxes with the same graphic capabilities. A lot of the same games. They're like two fast food places. Fast, easy, tastes ok sometimes, but the quality just isn't there.
Nintendo is that mom and pop resturaunt. It might not look as fancy, takes a little longer to get your product. But when you get it. Its fantastic.
The Switch is the first home console/ hand held. Watch, in a couple years everyone will be copying this.
Animal Crossing
Games. I don't wanna pay $300+ for a console that only currently has two games that I want.
Why are you french?
Fpbp again. I can't see switch being a must buy since I already own a 3ds and already have a lot of games.
If you bought a Switch before winter '17 congrats, you basically paid Nintendo to beta test their underpowered chink tablet.
I'll probably get it when the price goes down, quality of hardware goes up, or there are some actual games worth getting it for.
This, Animal Crossing for Switch will do what AC:NL did for the 3DS.
I already have one, but most people I've spoken to are holding out for either Pokémon or Animal Crossing.
There are people who still want another Monster Rehash
Epic maymay
In other words games nobody really wants
>Metroid babies still think they are relevant
i ain't paying 300 pounds for this. half of that, maybe 200 if i'm pushing it.
Port of Bayo 2. It wasn't enough to get me to buy a Wii U but I would buy a Switch to play it. If Bayo 3 is another Nintendo exclusive than without a doubt.
The following:
-a lot of non-Mario games (stuff like Advance Wars, Radiant historia, Golden Sun, Etrian Odyssey, Monster Hunter, so on and so forth - you know, 3rd party support)
-A revision on the hardware. I will NEVER buy this version of the Switch, too flawed on way too many levels
-a 100€ price
-a 200€ price with a Pro controller and 250gb storage included
-Online isn't paid
-Phone app (for chat, friend invites and more) is optional rather than the only option, everything would also need to be on the Switch proper
So I just listed very reseonable minimum standards (outside of free online I guess) which Nintendo will never meet. But unless all of them are met I'll never get one.
i want to buy one but they're sold out on amazon
Use a stock tracker, will tell you where they're in stock. I got mine from the Nintendo UK store thanks to it.
1) 2D new Metroid
2) at least 9 other exclusives that aren't multiplayer, Mario, or Zelda related
3) Home-console-only conversion with appropriate hardware
4) A first-party release schedule of more than 4 games per year
5) Full refund and blowjob by Reggie if the life cycle goes 1 day under 5 years
>very reseonable
Monster Hunter with non 3ds graphics.
>mom restaurant
You're a complete tool if you genuinely think that Nintendo is any different than the other soulless corporations.
>I'll probably get it when the price goes down,
I see this every day on Sup Forums
The only reason the Wii u got the wind wakes bundle so fast and cheap is because it sold like hot garbage. The Switch won't see a price drop for a long time. You might see a 50 dollar drop two years from now. How poor are you?
Not paid online
like, bare minimum a library of 3 games I really want. I think I originally bought a 3DS when it got Animal Crossing and had, at the time, Bravely Default and Fire Emblem Awakening with a Pokemon game coming.
monster hunter's a start but that's literally all it would have going for it, and that's -if- it gets one
even PS4 is looking really tempting right now with just persona/nioh/bloodborne available and I have no plans to buy that, so the Switch has got its work cut out for it.
Pokémon MMO, maybe some other cool shit, also a bundle with either the pkmn MMO or BOTW. cause I'm a cheap fuck.
You missed the point retard. They have better quality
>in before amiibo festival
They have innovation and quality. Sony and Microsoft is just the same shit year after year. I'm aware Nintendo is just as greedy as every other company though. As they should, it's a busniess, not a friendship company.
It's not about being poor, it's about getting value out of our money. I never buy consoles at release price because the shit will be cheaper with a free game anyway, early adopting is useless.
That's right. Wii U was a tablet of a few games. This thing has nothing it can call its own.
I really want it for Spla2n, but I really don't want to pay for online
>innovation and quality
What year is this?
It will be nice to have a good looking MH with proper controls.
>those prices
jesus christ, the new 3ds still costs you more than that
looks like you're never getting a switch
Online social features that don't need phone like streetpass and that drawing chat whatever it was called
Animal Crossing
Revised switch with gorilla glass and better battery
A price drop and more games.
Monster Hunter
Splatoon maybe
Mario idk
Will wait to see what happens in holidays
Stronger hardware with the inevitable upgraded release. I have a Wii U so the only thing I'm waiting on is that. I'd bite the bullet when FE15 drops tho.
>buying the same game again
The money is so little and the time You have to wait makes it not worth it. You miss the excitment of the newness of something. Showing it to friends and family. You miss playing online when the game lobbies are always full. You miss a lot just to say 50 dollars.
Not about being poor. But no way people that value their wallet will shill the console price and then get fucked with games library they like.
"Lets buy a expensive console and get a game for it every 4 months at best, because I dont like the shovelware!"
I would have considered buying one at launch if it had free online. Anyone who buys a console that does not have free online play contributes to making games worse for everyone. Simply not paying for online isn't enough. All we had to do was wait a month or two before buying a Switch or PS4 and everyone would have benefited. Neither of them even had games at launch, so it should have even been an easy thing to do.
they are
Well its not like the Switch will get games or a hardware overhaul anytime soon. I don't see why it wouldn't cost 200€ with a bundle 3 to 4 years from now
hombrews and piracy
A new main animal crossing game (no that amiibo festival trash)
A new main pokemon game
A new main warioware game (no that game&wario shit)
>buying a console with no games early so it can gather dust and just let its life expectancy goes even lower
is like watching monkey in the zoo
>Pokemon MMO
Literally the stupidest meme I've ever heard.
Sometimes I regret buying a game because I don't enjoy it but then I see posts like this and realize there are people who are genuinely retarded without realizing it and not the kind of retardation that can be diagnosed, they make illogical decisions for no discernible reason and it makes me feel much better about myself.
Shibbolethed a sony fan
they haven't released one since 2012
Battle Network 7
Someone agree with me that not doing streetpass features on something advertised to twenty year olds was a dumb nintendie move
Windows 10
how can ghost car
If it came with a cute trap bf
>So I just listed very reseonable minimum standards
first post is once again best post
More exclusive, 10/10 titles that are worth picking up that add up to above the cost of the console.
Right now they're 1/6.
>streetpass shit
fuck off with that, only "good" if you live in a major city in the USA or in japan
When I'm done with school in a year and can afford to buy things again.
quit being a rural and suburban faggot
At least you're being honest
A new Metroid or F-Zero, preferably both
A fighting game
Third Party support
A price drop in controllers
Aside from that Spla2n and Odysee already interest me so they just need to seal the deal this E3
>A standard PS4 costs 250€, comes with a real controller, a game, 500gb storage and a complete OS and online funtionality
>A PS4pro costs 339€ and comes with 1TB storage but no game
>A Switch costs 330€, with no game, controllers with issues and no d-pad or any way of charging while playing in TV mode, 25gb of usable storage (that is literally 5% of what PS4 or Xbone offer out of the box) an incomplete OS and barely any online infrastructure yet, which after a year will (maybe) be there but a phone will be required even at home
So looking at that and considering what the PS4/Xbone offer at around 260€, why would the Switch which offers MUCH less not cost 200€?
And like I said, I'm not retarded enough to buy this beta Switch model. It's as stupid as buying the first horrible DS or 3DS. The revisions vastly improve on the first model and are cheaper. Also buying a Nintendo console this early (any console really, but especially nintendo's) only results in multiple half-year long droughts of no good releases. I don't get how anyone but the fanboys would get a Nitnendo system year 1, or even year 2
I have a Wii U and want to sell it jus to get Breath of the Wild
the Wii and Wii U being better consoles.
Enjoy your second hand switch grandpa
Holy fuck, Im glad I'm not this miserable
>stuff like Advance Wars, Radiant historia, Golden Sun
Dream on, that's never happening.
> Etrian Odyssey, Monster Hunter
Could happen.
>A revision on the hardware
Unsure about this. It's well known that their portable consoles get revisions but their home consoles rarely do (Wii Mini is the only one I can think of).
>a 200€ price with a Pro controller and 250gb storage included
With the popularity the system has now, that's not happening. But a bundle with a game is guaranteed to happen in the holidays.
>Online isn't paid
It's happening, thank Microsoft and Sony for starting thi shit.
>Phone app (for chat, friend invites and more) is optional rather than the only option
>He doesn't know about Discord or Skype in current year
>He doesn't know that you can friend request people without the app right now
>why would the Switch which offers MUCH less not cost 200€?
Because it's still selling out at a higher price, dummy.
>And like I said, I'm not retarded
Uh huh
>buying a console for a game/games you actually want early so you can enjoy them while poorfags wait for a price drop or bundle to justify the price tag
Understand that Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon are most likely well into development right now.
The Switch train has no brakes
I bought a Switch, but I'm not planning on paying for online.
I will never buy a Nintendo handheld early again. They will not fucking trick me.
There's no Nintendo game I need badly enough that I can't wait a couple years until they finally decide to release the "good" model of Switch.
>It's well known that their portable consoles get revisions but their home consoles rarely do
What a copout answer.
When people claim its underpowered you call it a handheld and when people claim it'll get a revision you call it a console
On the other hand, every revision of a Nintendo home console has removed features and functionality.
I'm gonna wait til E3 to decide if I want to buy a Switch this year or put if off to next year.