I WILL DRINK FROM YOUR Mount and Blade thread

I WILL DRINK FROM YOUR Mount and Blade thread

bannerlord fucking when

It's already out.

Post your
>Favourite faction
>Favourite character build
>Favourite type of army

>Favourite faction
>Favourite character build
Knight with a Lance
>Favourite type of army
Full Knight

>Start in sarranid sultanate so I can slaughter the white man and bring Islam to Swadia
>get my shit slapped around by bandits over and over

>Heavy Cavalry
>100% Swadian Knights

>100% Huscarls


>Favourite faction
>Favourite character build
Heavy armor, 2H sword
>Favourite type of army
Swadian Knights backed up by crowssbowmen

my own faction
King/Emperor, STR+CHA, full army (280++), 2h dane axe or 2h mace, top tier armours, open face armet.
Ritterbrudder, European Knight, Templar Guisammer Sergeant. In vanilla: Swadian Knight, Rhodok Sergeants

>dead thread
>dead general
>dead game
Good things must go right?

Literally never at this point

bannerlord FUCKING

Bannerlord will revive the community, I just know it will, I just know it

E3. Probably showed some siege demo (again).


>try the game out for the first time, remember someone recommending me to just stack a bunch of swadian knights
>it works wonders
>become aware that swadian knights are a meme
>try to build a different type of cavalry out of pure contrarianism
>mamelukes suck dick
>khergit lancers and vaegir knights are even worse

Are there any good mods to overhaul this

If I win my duel today I will be one fight away from a free trip to Bucharest hehe

His: Hispania 1200, Viking Conquets, 1257AD_Modded, 1429 blabla that french mod.
Fantasy: PooP and that Warsword mod, Blood and Steel
Enhanced Native: Dickplomay, Silverstag
Grinding simulator: Nova Aetas 4.0


Forgot to add, 1257AD is also grinding simulator. The bots in this mod are literally cheating.

Thank you very much

>trusting turks to do anything right

Name a single worse escort mission frrom any other game.

you can mod that though.

What mod?

Am I a heretic for using the Vexed Native mod?



>Help faction conquer the whole map in Diplomacy
>Rebel because there's nothing else to do
>Get my shit slapped and lose my whole kingdom

editing a single number in script.txt file. or just play dic(k)plomacy

>he doesn't know there's a mod to make the escorts follow you and you can just walk on ahead and wait for them to catch up

Reminder to stay away from pvp if your ping is dog shit :)

>tried the multiplayer
>charge a dude from behind with a horse because I'm a fucking coward
>he just jumps, do a 360 while swinging his sword and decapitate me on one shoot before continuing his fight against 3 dudes on foot

is the multiplayer still alive?

what's you right to rule? honour? friends?

Those are awful tho.
>click destination
>pause to wait for escort
>reclick destination
Rinse and repeat fo 5 minuets

Rhodoks (so I don't have to fight them)
Sword/pistol/jav/shield (Vikings/Firesword)
Type of army:
Heavy infantry

Sword + shield + bow
20% huscarls 80% archers

Recently picked up my gekokujo campaign after a months long break. I had over 80% of the map under my own faction but now I feel lost as fuck and not sure how to proceed or what was I even doing when I stopped.

>dead game

ehh... no.


>Bastard Sword and Shield
>Huscarls+Knights+Vaegir Marksmen

>L'Aigle will never ever get updated

>no gameplay

Played some tonight, I have poured so many hours into this game it's insane, especially considering the unmodded base game is one of the worst games ever made.

>started playing as a female of noble background
>keep losing in tournaments
>eventually manage to become a mercenary for the Rhodoks
>they're at war with Sarranids
>follow marshal's orders
>get attacked by Sarranids
>lose all of my soldiers and get captured
How do I get good?

Not sure but Napoleonic wars usually still has servers with a few hundred

Yes, get napoleonic wars if you want multtiplayer. It\s much better than vanilla.

>the unmodded base game is one of the worst games ever made.
Nah m8

Not him but I've been playing mount and blade for like 9 or so years and the amount of time I put on vanilla is almost non existent compared to the modded.

Not to say it's the worst game ever made, but it's just not really worth playing.

>playing as a female for anything but those achievements



stop posting anytime

What are some good singleplayer mods?

Is this worth it on ps4?

there was an escort mission in Gothic3 that was literally not performable, because the retards couldn't get over a bridge

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the Three Kingdoms mod.

just use TweakMB to tweak the cattle into following you straight

the Dynasty Warriors mod

>Favorite faction
>Favorite character build
Heavy horse archer with bardiche,i usually make my character as engineer,i dont usually pick artimener as my companion because he hates firentis,and firentis is my nigga
>Favorite type of army
Archers 45% cavalry 35% infantry (mostly pikemen) 20%

>Favourite Faction
Khergit Khanate
>Favourite Character Build
Mounted Archer
>Favourite Type of army
Mix between Khergit lancers and horse archers

"and not that shitty dynasty warriors mod"

>Kergitan horsefucker


How does the horse smegma taste?


Why does no one play/like slavs, sandniggers, and horse niggers? Is it really all just real world politics? I'd imagine playing Swadia, bootleg Swadia, and Nord only would eventually get old.I guess you could make the argument that slavs have shit units for the most part, and fuck starting in sea raiders central. But, the horse and sand nigs have some good shit hat you can't experience by just having them as enemies every single game.

erdogan will ban the game and shut down the development team for 'insulting turkishness' or the turkish economy crashes and the developer shuts down


what's funny is that I saw the thread, and posted this without reading any posts at all. It was only after I submitted my post that I saw several people posted the exact same thing

>Favourite faction
>Favourite character build
On foot leading infantry armies
>Favourite type of army
Infantry with equal amount crossbows, and 2 mounted units
>Leading Rhodok infantry against Nords
The sheer difference in power makes for fun fights

wrecking everyone with cavalry feels fucking awesome

It's also nice being fast enough to destroy any puny band of warriors

I usually create a faction called the Vaegir Khanate and proceed to take both regions.

Makes the army comp a bit more flexible and the culture aesthetics are fairly similar.

slavs have very good archers

They're not good enough to make up for how shit everything else is. xbowmen and sarranid archers are just as good, and they actually have other units.

>On foot leading infantry armies
Wish this shit was viable, but it's too fucking slow. Will bannerlords have sprinting?

i can't

How did we go from this...

i did the same thing right before you here

maybe it's just me,but i got more difficulties playing as sarranid with their units than playing as vaegir

Never ever.

sword/board and archer
1/2 knights, 1/4 archers, 1/4 foot


I'm sorry, from this...

Are there any AI mods that prevent the blood orgy blob that happens in every battle?

I just want soldiers to at least attempt to run to the side a bit if they can't reach the enemy through the backs of their allies

2h infantry with throwing weapons
Infantry supported with xbows

perfect time for me to vent my rage

>start up mount and blade for the first time in a long time
>make a new save
>look at the difficulty settings
>realize I've been playing on essentially the easiest settings, 1/4 damage to player and 1/2 half damage to my army
>make it so me and my army take full damage
>start off with a band of 20
>try to fight small bandit forces of 10
>5 of my shitter villages die at the start of every battle, get slaughtered in melee combat
>I instantly die myself when it inevitably becomes 1v10

how the fuck do you start out in this game holy shit

...To this?

Or the roach imprisons them

recruit lots of people

run away from Sea Raiders

fight little faggots to boost XP

rinse and repeat

>losing to fucking bandits even when you are outnumbered early on

Get a horse,fight bandits.
Just run around them man easiest way to kill stuff in M&B.

i think AI in floris are better,they do formations

horse archery my friend

I never had an issue with M&B escort missions. For one they don't get involved in fighting.

Play mods with formations.All floris based mods have them.Prophesy of Pendor has its own formation mod.

Horse archery, lead them on a merry chase picking them off while they chase you fruitlessly and die to your people.

Invest in Intelligence, Training is a godsend.

>not putting all your points into mercantile
Silly peasant how will you make money? dont you know its almost harvesting season?

I make all my money off of murder and ransoms, how the fuck do you do it?

Edit the character txt. save file and give yourself some experience in the weapon you intend to main and some money, then enable cheats and go through the in game inventory and equip whatever you need. This equipment is not master craft or anything, its just the basics and can be replaced easily when you find something better in game, equip some /fa/ armor, a weapon you actually intend to invest in and then turn off the cheats. You can now start the game as the character build you intend to run with and not dress like a clown for the first 10 hours of gameplay.

Huscarls, Horse Archers and Swadian Knights are literally the only units from countries worth a damn.