Still no proper collision/model deformation

>still no proper collision/model deformation
>still no novelty or stunt courses
>graphics aren't even on par with current standards

Who buys this stuff?
Is it really even a simulation if there's no collision?
I get that ideally a race has minimal or no collision, but how exciting is it to drive in circles with marginal changes in acceleration and handling?

You can keep the simulation integrity, and still make a shitton of money by letting people take mini-vans off of ramps or crash mini-coopers.
That stuff becomes even more fun if there's an ethos of credibility and realism to the simulation.

Like I don't give a shit about real racing, but I might consider buying a GT game if it let me do stupid stuff with real cars and real physics, and none of that would compromise the actual racing.

What are they trying to accomplish?
Madden-style updates to car physics and rosters without adding any actual content to the experience?

>take mini-cans off of ramps and crash mini-coopers

Dude there are a whole bunch of car games out there for you to play. Don't get hung up on this one just because you can't play it.

It's by all means the perfect racing simulator every time.

PD doesn't have the money nor the size to produce actual Triple A titles, Sony has been neglecting them since 4

Gran Autismo has always been tryhard anti-fun shit.

>That stuff becomes even more fun if there's an ethos of credibility and realism to the simulation.

Make your jokes while you can, PC! because I can now see the peak of your power! While I'm only beginning to tap into mine!

You see I've have finally realized the legend!

That's right! You're not dealing with the average console platform anymore, PC! I, PS4, have finally become...The Legendary 4k console!

Go play forza you fucking baby

Maybe I will, while GT keeps stagnating.

Kek. Whatever you want to believe man. This shit has such a following.

>it's stagnating because I don't like it

Sounds like you need some Forza Horizon in your life.
Real cars, """"real"""" physics and a lot of crashing into shit.
Also, engine swaps for days, you can have your bog standard and boring as shit LS swapped Miata or some cool shit like a V8 swapped reliant robin


Racing games are trash

>I like this game
>except I want it to be like this and that other game

go play the this and that other game then

>reliant robin

They have a shit ton of cars and classes of racing. Also getting a large amount of money in this game is difficult as fuck to build up.

Again, there are other games for you to play.

I like the idea of a realistic car simulation, and a huge library of real cars to drive around in, and it doesn't seem like it would compromise the integrity of the simulation to throwing in a parking lot to skid around in with a ramp, but whatever.

>motorstorm is dead
>burnout is dead
>twisted metal is dead
>carmageddon is half dead
>interstate series is dead
fuck sim racing and fuck simcades and fuck drumpf and fuck hwite people.

So is GT Sport a mainline entry and is considered to be GT7 in all but name? Or is it a spinoff?

It's a spinoff, basically a glorified GT7 Prologue.

>twisted metal is dead

The reboot was pretty good too.
Why the fuck does Sony hate it so much?



Can't wait to play all the 300 polygon PS2 cars from 15 years ago that they love to pad these with

just kill yourself, end it all. just do it. kill yourself.

>Why the fuck does Sony hate it so much?
because its not a movie and normalfags complained that reboot is too hard.

It's essentially a $60 demo like
prologue and those other games that only came out in Japan. Polyphony takes a decade to make these games and they aren't even good developers anymore like they used to be. GT6 flickering shadows comes to mind. And the PS2 cars in the PS3 games. Besides, nobody from their glory days even works there anymore.

Same thing as with WipEout, they were bleeding money and had to can/shelve shit

Nah, this time it only will have 200 newly done models

That's good, the GT games that had the least cars are actually the best, see GT1 and GT3, the patrician old school Gran Turismo games

so by calling it ''sport'' they get away with having a half assed product?

The Twisted Metal reboot had zero fucking budget and minimal content.

They were originally going to just sell it as a downloadable title, until they realized they could get away with a disc release.

Despite this it was still pretty darn good.

>model deformation
>licensed cars

Pick one.

>Gran Autismo

my sides

I hope you like driving 3000 minute variations of Nissan or Daihatsu

Car deals. Manufacturers didn't want their exotics and concept cars getting beat to shit as far back as PS1 graphics. The series has never attempted collision since.

>use generic names like GTA does
>crash the shit out of them
>profit and jews cry
>same with guns, no scar just "assault rifle"

That would undermine the simulation nature of it the entire thing.

That wouldn't work.

I want to crash a Mini Cooper, not a "Teeny Coup"

There's the same problem with every other simulation game. Flight, racing, railroad and everything. They should all have proper collisions, deformations and generally more realistic physics simulations.

then just buy one lmao they're like 60$ a pop after brexit.

>all these fags who are too you to remember the early days of Gran Turismo
its sad, really
GT used to fucking Dominate

Racing games as a whole are trash with a few exceptions here and there, I don't know why you're expecting more from such a stagnant genre

I had this epiphany today playing Forza. Wanted to see if a Mclaren P1 (important to note, it was the cover car in the previous Forza) could hit 250 so I ran it down the old Le Mans straight, smashed it into the wall at 230~, it bounced off and did a sick flip, barely dented for how hard it hit. I knew the damage models were always shitty but that was when I first realized they wanted to keep them pristine as possible no matter how hard you fucked them up.

PC shit eaters, please fuck off from console threads. It's not like you have good racing exclusives. Go back to your petitions.

Because there was nothing else quite like it. Nowadays we have Forza which pulls some pretty heavy punches. Not the sales numbers of Gran Turismo because it's a newish name, but as a game it is at least equal.

we literally have All racing games

no, you don't, just some console ports.

yeah, hence the "used to"
progress sucks sometimes

Exactly this. It isn't a developer issue, they wouldn't be able to have the library of vehicles they do if they tried to implement realistic damage.

I'm sure they'd love to considering the level of detail they strive for but there you go.

It's pretty fucking hard to implement a deformation model on the level of Burnout if that's what you're asking.

If you're lucky some game will have a damage model where your car's performance will be affected by what and where it's been hit.

>tfw bought Assetto Corsa and all the DLC and then Automobilista became the new hotness.

To date it's still Sony's highest selling franchise on Playstation.

If you want collision just go play beamng or something like that

This game and the like are just so damn boring, I mean, who would in their mind race for fucking hours with no action at all in that environment?

It's almost as bad as the working simulators germans play because they cannot contain their workaholic autism

>Automobilista became the new hotness
That was never true

>still no proper collision/model deformation
>still no novelty or stunt courses
>graphics aren't even on par with current standards

user, you want Burnout. Stop looking for it in Gran Turismo.

I just think its pathetic to keep hurr durr graphics and pushing the thing that made gran turismo great aside, that is that comfy style and actually great soundtrack.
A want a new gran turismo 2 so to say.

I assume Assetto Corsa's numbers aren't high either.

Assetto Corsa is too autistic to be actually playable

Gran Turismo even if it has obvious flaws is the better compromise between sim and arcade elements

>Maxing that Suzuki in GT3 until it popped wheelies.

Fucking good times.

Fuck these simulation games, where's my Arcade-like racing games in the same vein as 90's/early 2000's NFS?

I just tried Dirt Rally which is free to play for 25 hours i think but i uninstalled it right away. It really is not my thing at all.

Recommend me a good Arcade racing game that isn't Trackmania tier arcade.

Rally games, street racers, motocross etc. I just want to play

oh no I am autistic

Forza Horizon 3 is pretty dope senpai

I bought a steering wheel, I want the game that makes the use of it best.

Besides I'm still sour on the whole "premium car" shit that GT5 and 6 pulled.

>tfw no more Midnight Club

AC is respectable for a niche game. Dirt Rally has

Oh yeah, Dirt Rally exists. I should get that, I loved the original Dirt games.

Try it for free this weekend, I ended up refunding it because it's not much different to Dirt 3.

If I buy a steering wheel, will these games teach me how to drive?

I technically have a license but I'd rather not kill anyone.

Not really. You'd be better off with something like Euro Truck, I think that has traffic laws you're supposed to follow.

Using the clutch and learning the bite point is not really something you will learn.

If you decide to get serious you will learn about weight transfer, controlling understeer, threshold braking and stuff

Not really applicable in real life, but still nice to know

I just want to learn the timing with the clutch and the transmission.

Automatic transmission makes me feel emasculated.

as opposed to shifting a dick shaped stick back and forth like your jerking it off?

believe driving manual is a meme for 420 yolo/ stance fags and niggers

>as opposed to shifting a dick shaped stick back and forth like your jerking it off?
only a fag thinks like this

>Thinking that the stick looks like a cock

This is exactly why I don't wanna drive automatic.
Automatic owners begin to think that everything looks like a cock.

you won't learn how to do that in a game, I've driven a lot of cars and the clutch feels different on all of them. It's something you just have to go out and practice. Try and get hold of a cheap manual car and drive it around a car park then on streets with hills until you get used to it, it isn't THAT difficult.

You might be able to feel it if you get a buttkicker, but i've never tried that.

Racing games are for going fast. Just practice in an empty parking lot and you'll learn in no time

Even the retard drivers in the civilized world (europe) know how to drive manual, it's not hard.

>Automatic transmission makes me feel emasculated.
You're already emasculated as is, learning hispanic transmitions wont solve it.

Manuel driving is fun and good skill to have, but 95% of the cars on the road nowadays are automatic. Only real, actual benefit of knowing manuel is that most people don't. Leaving faggots selling their non-automatic used shitboxes for cheaper since no one buys them cause they don't wanna bother learning also means you can haggle them for an even better price since you're probably the only guy that month who even asked about their car

But I'll run over someone or crash against something pham

>empty parking lots
what are these?

Actually I live in south america and 95% of cars are manual

Europe has a new, exclusive very realistic Carmaggedon

I Like cars that shift themselves

yes they do look phallic, Its why straight men have such hang ups with transmission choice.

Its such an attack on their masculinity because
it literally represents their dicks

>south america
Oh, no wonder. Continue learning how to drive manuel in your shithole country good sir.

Get up early and go to a parking lot for a store that doesn't open until later and has no security.

haha is that a pun
very funny tbdesu senfam

I can't hear you all the way inside that closet you're in.

>But I'll run over someone or crash against something pham
Why will you? If you release the clutch pedal too quickly the car will stall, if you do it slowly you'll wear the clutch out (after many months or even years) then it won't move at all. If you live in South America there must be someone who will teach you.

>haha is that a pun
Nah, it's a meme. Get with the times.

Alternately, do what I did back in my youth. I knew the owner of a small construction business, kind of place where they sell loads of sand, bedrock, etc. if I could use his parking lot on the weekends to fuck around with a car.

>proper collision/model deformation

It's actually a transformers game, with decepticon trucks doing all sorts of barbaric things while being driven by NO ONE.

PC has Forza now.

It's hard to make a case any more that GT is a better game, this isn't the mid 2000's any more.

>Forza started out as a worse version of Gran Turismo
>eventually GT refused to add anything new to the games and now Forza is on top

grid autosport is bretty good

you're more like goku's pseudo super saiyan when he fought lord slug. scorpio will be his actually super saiyan when he fought freeza but like in dbz it'll be basically a long wait for nothing. and PC is goku being super saiyan before everyone else and every time someone else becomes super saiyan it's just a nice little shock but nobody cares cause goku's been doing that shit for 6 sagas already.

> Needing to learn Manual
> Ever
> In South America

Nigger, move out of a third world shit hole desu senpai.

>what is

Full physics/damage modelling is hard enough on beefy PCs let alone consoles.

What is THE definitive car crash game?

Did the ever make anything out of that next car game or whatever it was called that had those abstract courses where you would just crash shit. Did they develop a full game out of it yet?

Forza is for Mountain Dew kids.

GT is for people who like racing.

Neither Forza or GTAV have ever even been close to simulation games.

>play NFSMW
>struggle with the blacklist races because dude catchup lmao
>fuck around with the performance tuning to have my car turn faster

man this is some arcade shit
90ยบ turns at 200km/h

>Assetto Corsa is too autistic to be actually playable
You are like a little baby
Watch this

they even have bicycle style training wheels for it

>Gran Tourismo has been dead since 4

>tfw no new Burnout game

Blame EA, Criterion is just a husk that helps make other games now.
