Why do redditors love this mediocre game so much?

Why do redditors love this mediocre game so much?

>combat isn't nearly good enough to carry the game for 30+ hours
>the open world is empty, bland and boring - only serves to pad out the runtime because you're often just running to the other end of the map
>quest design boils down to glorified fetch quests even if some of them have interesting dialogue
>enemy design is bland as fuck and hitting enemies doesn't have very good feedback at all
>characterisation and character building is barely present at all, making it extremely difficult to care about 9S and 2Bs "romance" or A2s role in general since shes just a wall for 9S to shout at
>Game recycles areas like a motherfucker even in its main quests
>the ENTIRE second playtrough is a waste of time and there is no reason the relevant information in it couldn't have been implemented into the first one
>the hacking minigame gets boring in the first 3 minutes of doing it and persists for 25+ hours
>the hacking minigame overrides heavy attacks completely to make the bland combat even MORE bland for those 25+ hours that you're controlling 9S
>the story tackles themes in philosophy and culminates in a point that you should find meaning and purpose in meaninglessness
>this makes the story itself pointless because there is no actual momentum, no reason to care about the characters with such bare character to begin with and the world being pretty much over already
>the story is also full of holes and inconsistencies that people gloss over all the time

I wrote this exact same post a few weeks ago, without the first "why do redditors..." line.
...Thanks I guess.

And honestly I don't know what people see in it.

Why do people think this game's story is "deep"? Are they pseudointellectuals?

>Why do I exist in this fucked up world?
>man this is profound

can we just have a /shittingonniergeneral/ there's way too many of these threads up at a time

Because the competition is really fucking horrible. Video game stories are a joke.

Nice copy/paste faggot

contrarianism is boring and gay
just like your dad

What's weird is that the constant hate against this game started only after it was cracked.

I'd say it started after the pc release

which has killed tons of good discussions for many a game on v

>muh safe space

Why are tarodrones so insecure about "their" game? Why do they feel such a tribalistic attachment to it?

Yeah, I am struggling to play the game, it's just not fun and it's really bland looking. :\ It's unfortunate really.

it was a joke user, i just find it humorous how there's so many of these threads up just for one game, I'm not sure if i've ever seen anything like this for any other game. I honestly don't give a shit and will continue enjoying the things I do even if everyone on earth hated them.

So Taro said we could expect a NIER remaster if Automata did well. Any update on that?

They actually are pseudointellectuals. See that balding bunny guy.

>story is full of inconsistencies
I keep hearing this meme but it's normally some faggot who hasn't played the game.

But dat butt doe

What do you call it when you know the game has flaws but you still liked it anyway?

That's what I feel towards Automata.

>The gameplay isn't very deep, the enemies are repetitive. Difficulty is all over the place.
>The second playthrough is largely unnecessary.
>Tons of lore and background info is presented horribly. Lots of it is hidden in concerts, stageplays or books.
>Major plot points are left to ambiguity to the point they can be considered plotholes.
>Character development is barebone.
>Crams too many important story bits into the very last chapters.

And I still liked it.

>quest design boils down to glorified fetch quests

Since you can make that statement about any quest in any game, name a single game where that isnt the case for side quests.

I'll wait.

it's called rationally enjoying something
something Sup Forums should learn how to do.

>Why do people love this game so much

You basically have to be a massive fucking weeb who only watches anime to enjoy this trash.

That or a waifufag/fapmaster.

I am appalled by the lack of sfm porn. I thought one of the main appeals of the PC release was getting hands on the model for porn. Well lads, where is it?

The Witcher 3 and if you disagree you haven't played it.

>combat isn't nearly good enough to carry the game for 30+ hours
The combat is fine, just not as good as some people expected because of the Platinum branding.

>the open world is empty, bland and boring - only serves to pad out the runtime because you're often just running to the other end of the map
On the contrary I think it's pretty well put together. The environments are beautiful and for the most part everything flows and connects nicely. Even without fast travel I never feel like it's a chore to get to somewhere. The only exceptions for this are the desert and the factory really.

>quest design boils down to glorified fetch quests even if some of them have interesting dialogue
Almost none of the main story quests are fetch quests. Fair point on sidequests although they have variety too.

>enemy design is bland as fuck and hitting enemies doesn't have very good feedback at all
I can agree with this. You mostly just fight the same 4 enemies with slight differences for the whole game. Things get a bit better later on though.

>characterisation and character building is barely present at all, making it extremely difficult to care about 9S and 2Bs "romance"
9S has a fuckload of character. 2B seems like a bit of a mess with a lot of out of character moments but it all makes sense in the end.

>or A2s role in general since shes just a wall for 9S to shout at
A2 does get shafted a bit in the game. Watch the stage play though, it gives her a lot of backstory. Or just read the in-game write up of it that you probably skipped.

>Game recycles areas like a motherfucker even in its main quests
Not a downside at all. Plus most of those "recycled" areas significantly change throughout the game.

>same thread every day
kill yourself you literal autist

What do you call it when you know the game has flaws but you still wanted to like it anyway?

Thats what I feel towards Automata

>all of those exact same points you made

And I hated it. Its been a while since I wanted to like something as much as I wanted to like this.

What's truly humorous is how quickly discussion of the game died down after release desu

Sup Forums, being as big as it is, isn't a stranger to conflicting opinions, especially when a game is extremely hyped up,so Nier isn't getting special treatment in that regard.

>I will continue enjoying the things that I do
That's fine. No one is telling you that you can't enjoy mediocrity.

Give me an example of a game you think is genuinely deep and well written since you seem to consider yourself above these pseudointellectuals. Since your tastes are superior I'm sure you have some great recommendations that other intellectuals like yourself would agree with.

And no, before you completely ignore my question this is not me saying Automata is an immensely deep and well written game.

>the ENTIRE second playtrough is a waste of time and there is no reason the relevant information in it couldn't have been implemented into the first one
Not at all. Route A would've been an entirely different experience if the story from Route B was present there. You're supposed to think of the machine network as malevolent and the revelations in Route B offer a shockingly new perspective. That's part of the experience.

>the hacking minigame gets boring in the first 3 minutes of doing it and persists for 25+ hours
I can understand this, but you don't have to use the hacking much if you don't want to and almost all of the forced hacks are unique with lots of dialogue.

>the hacking minigame overrides heavy attacks completely to make the bland combat even MORE bland for those 25+ hours that you're controlling 9S
9S can do heavies, it's just a different control scheme than 2B. I'll concede that it's a fault of the game for not making that apparent though.

>the story tackles themes in philosophy and culminates in a point that you should find meaning and purpose in meaninglessness
How is this a downside? Do you just hate absurdism or something?

>this makes the story itself pointless because there is no actual momentum, no reason to care about the characters with such bare character to begin with and the world being pretty much over already
The point of the game is that there is no ultimate meaning to existence, you have to make one yourself. Hence why Yorha exists, why A2 and 9S act the way they do, etc.

>the story is also full of holes and inconsistencies that people gloss over all the time
Name them.

>Why do I exist in this fucked up world?
>man this is profound
>Implying this isn't literally every major written work touted as "Deep" in the last 900 years

Fucking this.
The only decent thing about this game is ignored entirely by its fanbase.

All I've found is futa shit and shevs always the pitcher. Fucking horseshit.

the pc release was like a week later
you are the problem, not just with vidya discussion, but the world in general
attempt suicide in a way that causes permanent damage to your body but fail at it and have to live as a cripple the rest of your miserable life

what are you even trying to say

You are fag

Every day i see some faggot shitposting about this
Its because piratefags? Or autism?
I really like this game.Switch never.

Most likely
Very likely

He is attempting to say the game was quickly forgotten even though Sup Forums has a wide breadth of opinions that should facilitate discussion for a popular game for a long period of time. Which is completely ironic because he said that in the exact kind of thread he is trying to imply does not happen, while there are also several other "Nier is shit" threads going on right now.

Automata pales in comparison to basically any other existentialist flick or book because it spells it out because it knows its viewers are morons who think they're smart.

Planescape Torment
Deus Ex

>go here give, kill/talk to X, return to Y to get Z

You're kidding me right ?

t. a moron who thinks he's smart

But that's how things should be.

I don't think I'm smart. I just recognize that these people aren't either.

pseud as fuck
cut yourself

i like all those games, and I also like automata.
but I don't think any one of them is particularly deep, even though they're all good storywise

>Planescape Torment
>Deus Ex
And you're trying to call other people pseudointellectuals.

Not an argument

This game is fucking GOAT, and I don't even have a Reddit account.

It's not even that deep or hard to get, he's literally throwing references at gamers without a care in the world for how it fits into the game.
Sup Forums sperged out when AC had Marx in the game (which was actually fucking historical, he did exist in london), but all these references in nier and Sup Forums is like omG JAPPU GOD U SO SMAT AND EXISTENTIAL I LUB IT

user's small fedora grew three sizes that day

>follow witcher senses
>do thing
how deep.

The Witcher's quests are almost entirely filler, as well.

i'm not arguing, i'm insulting you you pathetic little bitch, i wouldn't argue with someone so trite
still lollin

>I don't think I'm smart
>>Why do I exist in this fucked up world?
>>man this is profound
You were attempting to imply not only that these people are not smart, but that your line of thinking is superior to theirs.

This tbqh.

Follow the red glowing footsteps/scent/blood trails sure is different. Don't get me wrong, I love TW3 but don't act like it's so much better in this regard because it isn't. The dialogue and little stories are what make these side quests good but from a gameplay standpoint, they're really not that much better. And in Near a tomatoes case it's basically the same. They are pretty much fetch quests, but some of the lore behind those quests makes doing them worth it.

Toobie's outfit in Gravity Rush is SO much better than in Nier.

I swore Yoko Taro was being ironic with all that philosophy he shoved in. Like a satirical type of philosophy.

>use game mechanic
>beat game
How belittling

because its WAPANESE and from one of the most autistic people you will ever see

not the guy you were replying to but
>You're supposed to think of the machine network as malevolent
I don't hate the second playthrough but most of the added scenes didn't add much to what we already knew, the game made it pretty obvious that machines aren't necessarily evil and that they try to imitate humans. 9S' hacking gameplay was fun though so I didn't mind it that much, even though it got kind of tedious with multiple enemies later on.

I am only "better" in that I recognize Automata is not deep by any stretch. That's it. Never claimed otherwise my man.

>tfw you can't get ending e on your cracked version, unless you are a god.
That said it's a typical jrpg game which appeals on emotions and on you bonding with the characters.
It doesn't invent anything new and is as cliche as it gets.
I don't know why people think this game is a masterpiece

No, the hate started because the 2b fags got cancerous and spammed their /e/ dump day after day

>shitting all over everything, and everyone who likes the things, makes you superior

that mechanic hand-holds you so much that you never have to think about what it is that you're doing. There's no alternative to bypass it either, as prompts can only be seen with the senses.

But I'm not shitting on it. I've played Automata and it was enjoyable at least to me. All I'm saying is the story isn't "deep" or anything as people claim.


>the hate started because the 2b fags got cancerous and spammed their /e/ dump day after day
So you admit the backlash is not due to the game's quality itself but simply due to the fans reaction to the game? I don't know man, kind of makes you sound like a shitposter.

The first playthrough only showed that the villagers are benevolent, and they weren't present in the network. Additionally it makes non-network machines like at the amusement park, forest, and the cult seem malevolent without explaining the reasoning behind it.

You can make an argument for the Desert robots not being shown as malicious in the first playthrough, but at the time it's believed that the machines are merely imitating humanity rather than actually having emotion themselves. Pascal and the villagers somewhat disprove this in the first playthrough but remember that they aren't a part of the network.

Because redditors have shit taste

But there is no such thing as a machine that is "not part of the network"

This board makes me want to quit playing games. My opinion on them is never right and I should just go slit my throat with this box cutter.

>Game recycles areas like a motherfucker even in its main quests
I'm not even sure what you mean by that, in terms of the main quests. You don't really go to the same place more than a couple times other than the base(s) and running around the map. If those are what you're complaining about then I don't know what to tell you. That's pretty nitpicky and present in pretty much every single game in a similar genre.
>the ENTIRE second playtrough is a waste of time and there is no reason the relevant information in it couldn't have been implemented into the first one
It was an entire waste of time except for when it wasn't? Are you just trying to reveal that you've never played a yoko taro game?
>the hacking minigame gets boring in the first 3 minutes of doing it and persists for 25+ hours
The entire game can be beaten in less than 25 hours. Unless you're some autist that insists on 100%ing a game you don't enjoy.
>the hacking minigame overrides heavy attacks completely to make the bland combat even MORE bland for those 25+ hours that you're controlling 9S
Except you can heavy attack as 9S.
>the story is also full of holes and inconsistencies that people gloss over all the time
Sure is convenient you didn't mention any of them.

>>Why do I exist in this fucked up world?
>thinking this is the philosophical aspect that drives the game
The game was more about what it means to exist, not why you exist. It sounds like you just googled the "twist" and decided to shitpost with it without having context.

>obnoxious fans destroy their own game reputation
More at 11.

If talking about ass all day is the only thing they got from the game, then it's shit. Take good games like ff7. Even today people talk about the lore, story, characters etc and not only dump Tifa lewd. Same goes for witcher and lots of games that don't rely on tits and ass as it's sole selling point

Reminder that Danganronpa 2 did the WE WUZ GAMERS ending way better than this mediocre game.

I think you're confused.

>The game was more about what it means to exist, not why you exist.
It was both. 9S definitely questioned why and what it meant to exist given that the things he craved in life were permanently out of his reach, or so it seemed at the time, i.e., Toobie and humanity.

>Even today people talk about the lore, story, characters etc
What are we doing in this exact fucking thread?

But isn't there? Pascal blatantly states and he and villagers aren't. I've seen arguments that because they were infected they must've been in some way but presumably they just got hacked into like what happened to 9S. This also explains why they din't go crazy or get absorbed into Eve at the end of route A/B. And the forest kingdom never gets infected either in any route.

Did you even get routes C, D, and E?


>Not knowing that all Nier:Automata story discussion threads start by someone shitposting about it.

Then what was the point of ending E?
2B is always going to end up killing 9S in some fashion.
9S will never get to see/touch other humans. Unless some humans are around somehow.
And A2, A2 already died with purpose, why bring her back? She already got what she wanted.

> gane gets released
> everyone and their mom discussing the story and other shit, ass posting seemingly dies almost completely down with only plebs that didnt play it posting it
> weeks later only assposters and shitposters are left
I'm glad I bought and played the gane on release. Cant even begin to imagine having to suffer these shit threads in hope for discussions.

I was referring more to what took up a majority of the game these machines suck dick they can't feel or think because they're machines. Us androids sure are different despite all this evidence that works against us.

Yes, of course. Hence why I talked about the villagers getting infected and how the forest kingdom was never infected.

So you agree with me, okay.

I was thinking about getting it for PC, but all recent reviews say that its still not fixed.
Does anyone know if its playable? Whats the current status?

>Then what was the point of ending E?
Because Taro said that he felt it was the most fitting end to the journey of the characters.

It wasn't "infected" but the reason all of the forest machines but Pascal and a few otherswent berserk in route C is because they were still connected to the network, as N2 says--they simply believed they weren't. This was done in order to induce evolution. This is...explicitly spelled out in the fight with N2.

some fag made a mod and then had a meltdown about pirates and got banned

It was playable for me day one:

16GB ram

I played in borderless windowed mode as the only issue with the game at the time for me was the resolution issue in fullscreen.

Why did "they" make 9S so smart?

The only problem I ever encoubtered were rare fps drops. Game never crashed on me.

If you use AMD you seem to be more suspectible to the game being a buggy mess.

Before I comment, please recommend me 3 good games in your opinion.

Early on route B, how long do I have to play as 9s? And how long until it's mostly new content?

Finish playing route B.
That's all I'm going to say.
Also get out of this thread while you can.

Mass Effect 3
Dark Souls 2

>What do you call it when you know the game has flaws but you still liked it anyway?
Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Or you know, you could just not browse Sup Forums? Or if you're stuck here like me, just don't take anything seriously, makes browsing the threads a lot more enjoyable if you automatically assume everyone is on some 5th level of ironic humor.

I dont think it was intentional.

#9 wasnt even a Scanner at that tine and still fucked shit up beyond believe. Its like they accidentaly made a Terminator without them realizing

Finish B, which will take far less time than you realise if you don't do any sidequests.

He said 3 good games