StarCraft: Remastered Souns

New blog post on the sound of the remaster along with a full track

I think they got the instruments right, but they messed up the mixing, so melodical sounds are muted while background subtle sounds are blowing up in the front of the music.

Other urls found in this thread:

the terran song sounds like fucking shit

Worse than original

I agree, that guitar is just drowning out the actual tune

the riffs are way to strong in the terran, there is the "jingle" in it that is drowned, the actual track isn't "BRR BRRR BRRR BRRR"

Original for comparison.

They goofed, they goofed hard.
The synth was clearly the driving force behind the melodical structure of this piece, but the drums and the guitars are just too loud in the remastered version.

It's layered like ass. Very poor choices.

what the fuck is that brass?

I don't mind the violin added, but it sounds like they ripped this version from the Heroes of the Storm rendition of these tracks.

are you guys ready for Piglord vs Shine tomorrow?

Why does it sound like half the song is playing the background

Because it does

It lacks the oomph of the original. What a shame.


It's like one of those random remixes you can find on youtube

it's nice to hear the song in an alternate way, but it's not really better

They took out the actual song and replaced it with a shitty guitar riff.

>not bothering to even animate units avatars
won't bother playing

What the flying fuck is this? This better be some fanart

I mean the original sounds like it was using only electronic synths and the new one sounds like they got live instruments together and recorded the synths.

Hopefully we have the option to switch between soundtracks or can overwrite the files.

raynor probably. pretty good

I am unsure, they seem to be concept art for their portraits, they haven't yet said wether or not they would attempt to animate the portraits or just try to upscale the originals with some magic voodoo or some shit.

Looks like Raynor with short hair like he had in SC1. What's the problem?

>Lets change the face structure in an HD remaster

Sounds like they tried using acoustic drums instead of a drum machine

Sounds like a live band recording that isn't mixed too well vs a tight electronic recording of the original

I like the second half of the song but the first halfs great parts are lacking in this, and yea the guitar is pretty shit.

Well no shit they're going to make it more similar to the way he looks in SC2

Did you think they're leave it inconsistent?

The entirety of that project is a mess though.

They changed all the portraits.

It's a travesty.


Let's all thank our lord and savior for giving it back to Blizz so that they can continue pulling shit like and instead of fans making a proper version for free that will get support for decades.

So do they have the master recordings of the original tracks or not?

Sounds like a generic cover now.

OpenBW seems to be fully compatible with replays already so presumably it's an essentially complete implementations of mechanics, since otherwise it'd desync

>buy some shitty notebook for 150$
>go to a Mc'Donalds wifi
>upload the CD content on torrent, medifaire, megaupload
>throw the laptop in some fire
>Blizzard can't sue your ass and you did God's work

of course a redditor ruined everythin

What's the full story behind this?


why do I keep having to be reminded that Sup Forums is 70% south american

Well they certainly didn't have the original 3D models for the units.

All of it has been visibly remade rather than remastered.
>its the same as the HOTS version
you ain't trickin me

This is Jimmy. Say something nice about him.

>someone gets a CD when he was buying stuff at amazon/ebay
>discovers that it's the source code of StarCraft
>asks in reddit what to do
>"you need to do the right thing, bro"
>gives it to blizz
>blizz gives him useless stuff in exchange

He now looks like my born-again christian motorpool NCO

I can't take him seriously

I don't remember you looking like you did in Starcraft 2 Jimmy

nice bike Jimmy

Nostalgia faggots at it again.

Sorry user, look who uploaded it

In SC 1 I always imagined him as some average skinnyfat grunt that accidentally got caught in drama, but SC2 made him as this perfect guy with too much jaw and chad hair and muscles

It sounds like SC2 shit. If I wanted that plastic fake shit I'd play that instead of brood war.

Tassadar is looking good

I miss the ol' backwater Marshall

And based on that portrait art I really hope they don't go for the SC2 aesthetics. I fucking love the marines' power armor in SC:BW. Looks like repurposed astronaut suits.

I swear to christ they better not replace his VA. His Heroes of the Storm VA is god-awful

Jimmy was just a backwater Marshall that defied Dominion orders to save a town and got caught up with revolutionaries and eventually the Protoss.

Pretty wild ride for a regular dude.

That was his entire point in SC1. He was literally just some random cop who caught up in the whole rebellion and interstellar war between ayylmaos bullshit and tried to make the best of it.

In SC2 they made him terran thrall, some kind of messianistic fuck who cant do wrong and here to redeem mankind. His hots voicelines are the worst, they tried to make him likeable so hard its cringeworthy and failed on all levels, he comes off as a preternatural slimy douchebag.

Does he have to have such detailed human blue eyes? He just had glowing blue eyes in the original

Whoops, forgot to hide my power level...

So the brown thing in his head wasn't a protoss tiara?

Blizzard completely blew the entire protoss aesthetic and voices in SC2 so no wonder their bullshit is seeping into the remake too.

so can you play with the original OST or fuckin what cuz all i need is the nicer unit sprites

He looks bored

Did they redo the music or just enhance it somehow? Is radiofreezerg remastered too?

They haven't remastered everything, but it seems that the ones they used in hots for the terran themes are what they went for

Dominion? Your memory is shit user. Those revolutionaries became the Dominon those where the confederates.

How delusional can you retards be? You can barely see how his eyes were in the original

Look at the box art in the op, does it look like protoss were supposed to have "irises"?

>a completely different SC2 styled image
>talks about eyes


Blizzard employee, please

take your bets boys

are they gonna change academy.wav or leave it unmolested?

How the fuck does reddit fuck up so much shit?

>terran 01

>Source code leaks
>A hundred different mods show up
>Nobody agrees on which one to play
>Eventually there's like 5 left and they die off because nobody can be fucked to pay for the servers to play online

Wow that would've saved Starcraft for sure!

They will change it and claim they "cleaned up" the audio

>ITT: people listening to audio on their 20 dollar speakers or 100 dollar shit head sets and complaining about the sound track when it's their hardware

I sill don't get why they hate the original synth music so much.

They've done this with the remastered tracks for SC2, they've done it in HotS and now they're doing it here.
At least most of the stuff they're doing isn't this controversial.

you guys are retarded if you can't see the feint outline of eyes in the original sc1

idk what is with you retards trying to pick up the stupidest shit as complaints instead of real complaints like this shit music

kill yourself autism posters

Sounds like absolute garbage. The original song was near-perfect as it was. Typical nu-Blizzard tone deafness.

Here's an actual good re-interpretation of Terran 1:

Where are you people getting the SC HD?

You are musically retarded. Kill yourself.

>using sennheiser HD 598's
>it's still worse than the original

fuck off

>itt: haha everything blizzard does is shit
Do I fit in yet guise?

it's shit. the synth and actual melody has no impact and has been relegated to the backburner for the guitar/strings, which admittedly doesn't sound bad, but takes away from the original heart of the piece.

The music IS bad though.

This is much better than the trash they made.

I literally lost all faith in Blizzard.

They redirect you there from the starcraft site. has this series of dev blogs on it with pictures and stuff.

Pick one

Here's FLAC quality
Remaster sounds like shit. The sound levels of certain instruments are gonna be extremely distracting when playing.

>having taste

Pick one.

Post that shit to Sup Forums and see what they will think about that.

Sup Forums is no less musically inept than the rest of the general population, they're just more pretentious about their shitty opinions. It takes actual musical understanding to appreciate guitar work like that guy's.

That said, Sup Forums would love that remix if it was posted inconspicuously. Because due to aforementioned ineptness at music, the quality of the music isn't what matters to them - only how much it looks like the artist is a "sell-out". And you get maximum sellout points by looking like you're trying to shill some random youtuber.

Looks like a Diablo portrait.

>when the trumpets kick in
it sounded good till then

My body is ready
pls no cheese

How can you call /my/ pretentious when you spout all that drivel over a guy who basically copied a melody but changed octaves on end notes

>flat, skull like, mask like face
>eyes pulsed alternatingly

>looks like balled grayscale snoopdog with shit eyebrows

I don't like this new take on tasadar

This. What the actual fuck.

Next thing you are going to tell them that Protoss Scouts' doesn't have horns.

I shouldn't have taken you seriously.

Why can't they just use the original music and make it more clear sounding or whatever? It really lacks the oomph that the original had.

the lo-fi of the original is what gives it the oomph

When music remasters happen, they usually remake the soundtrack from scratch following the original soundtrack, and they are using high quality sounds for the new songs, hence it sounds too clear and not similar enough to the old ost.

The original was an accident of sorts.
They made a track and recorded it, got it to a point it sounded "good enough" and shipped it.
Today, they are swimming in dosh and modern tech, they can make the tract perfect as it was designed back then but as it turns out, the original idea was worse than the final, crippled result.

They'd better not have tried to make Fenix look more like that robot faggot from LotV. He's a holy cow to the fans. For good reasons

>Raynor in SC1
>Uppity nose
>Raynor in remaster
>hook nose easier to peck carrion with

>that Terran 3
Jesus thats fucking awful