This day one year ago, the Doom reboot was released. Share your memories. Do you still pick it up every now and then?
D44M One year anniversary
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THE best Doom game since Doom 2
I tried the demo and it felt like SS3 but without the wide open spaces, does it get better?
Yeah, arcade mode is great for jumping back in to it. I've never really bothered with SnapMap or the multiplayer. Easily one of my favorite games ever, right up there with Doom/2/64
It's a sequel to 64. Anyway I've played it three times now, amazing game.
D44M really picks up at The Foundry (level 3).
Disappointing that it's more modled off of brutal doom than the original or 64, but for what it is it's great and the best single player shooter in, well, probably years. The multiplayer is also underrated, though admittedly nothing that great either.
Completed a full playthrough after shelving it last year. I think I was playing it with the wrong mindset then, because I had a blast this time around.
Would have sold more if they skipped a promo MP beta, the earliest critical press was brutal.
I still get angry that the end of the game isn't a massive boss fight. The developers knew EXACTLY how to blue ball everyone that was game-raging, and it makes me furious that I was stupid enough to fall for something as simple as that.
Yes, later enemies really mix things up
I'm going to see how much fun I can have using D44M's mechanics in some of the older maps and such since D4T is getting an update today.
Played it once. It was pretty fun, but it still failed to capture the atmosphere and brilliant level design of original Doom. It's more like the image of Doom in the eyes of teenagers who only know it by memes from Doom comic.
It was a fucking embarrassing disaster.
Anyone calling it "oldschool game", a "throwback", or even a "true Doom game" are absolute morons. A repetitious, complete slog with awful pacing, tons of modern shit jammed in, all the appeal of originals butchered out, and zero replay value. Don't get me even started with the MP and SM.
But the end was a massive boss fight with the Spider Mastermind and was easily the best boss in the entire Doom series.
the campaign was a fun ride. however, it did get a touch stale towards the end.
the multiplayer was a waste of time and i don't think they should bother with the sequel. just give people barebones deathmatch and a handful of maps if they feel obligated to.
nu-Doom ain't a Doom title. It's a clinic, generic game made for consoles, out of Doom-memes.
>Doom 1 was 24 years ago
First Doom game. I was a console kiddie weaned on SNES and was never into the early FPS greats, only about a month ago did I decide to pick up and try Wolfenstein TNO and D44M. I loved Wolfenstein TNO, it made me pick up the rest of the series on Steam, I'm even gonna hunt down 2009. D44M is great but it hasn't yet captured me in the same way, I don't know what it is. Enemy design, guns, combat and music are all top tier but I think the fact that the enemies are essentially spawning in waves between searching for the two keys every level is a bit sterile.
Fighting the cyberdemon and the twins for the first time was way more memorable. Both fights were pretty tough and then caught you off-guard with their second phase.
Nah, it was terrible, boss fights in D44M sucked. They were neither technical like Icon of Sin in Doom 2, nor pure skill challenge like Cyberdemon in Doom 1. They were just damage sponges with a barebones gimmick thrown in to separate them from creep enemies. Hoard fights were more of a challenge than "bosses".
I kind of lost all interest once you got all the weapons.
It was fun, for the most part, but I think I prefer TNO over D44M.
I've been playing through some of the snap maps lately
Just really wish the game had actual mod support
Wtf are you on about
The spider mastermind was exactly that
>easily the best boss in the entire Doom series.
Now to be fair that isn't a very big accomplishment
>OG Spiderdemon can die i 1 BFG Blast
>Icon of sin is just an enemy spawner puzzle
>Mother Demon is Piss easy with just 2 demon runes
>Doom 3 cyberdemon is just fucking pathetic
Yeah, no, the bosses in D44M were great by FPS standards. Worth noting the FPS bosses are almost always terrible but D44M's were good.
you will prolly love ORIGINAL Doom games (pre-3). They're total opposite what you just described. I had exactly the same problems with D2016: they turned what was essentially a faster paced "survival horror" experience, into 3D Binding of Isaac clone. Worst thing was all the slapped-on RPG bullshit and menu surfing, which is just blasphemous as hell.
D44M II when?
can someone explain the appeal of TNO to me?
i played through that entire game constantly annoyed at having to constantly take cover from hit-scan enemies.
>Mother Demon is Piss easy with just 2 demon runes
Demon Keys are probably the most well hidden items in the entire Doom franchise. The Mother Demon with out those is a nightmare.
I think it's really medicore, I don't know why it got so much praise.
More like everything you just said is terrible.
Just like D44M.
>taking cover
>not power sliding into Nazis and blasting your dual machine guns / shotguns into everything
Only really good Wolfenstein is Return to Castle Wolfenstein, original sure was revolutionary back then, but let's face it, there's no variety to anything in it. 2009 I wouldn't slander so hard as people tend to, but it's not really a game I'd recommend or replay.
Original Doom games are completely different in design to this, they don't spawn, you go around labyrinthine levels full of enemies. It's amazing and still the best FPS ever made.
Arcade mode on Ultra Nightmere is pure fucking carnage, I loved that shit
Honestly agreed on MP, it wasn't 10/10 but still a nice timewaster.
Pic related
I had to take an extended break. You know how you can ruin a song for yourself if you play it on repeat? I feared that the same would happen to me in regards to D44M.
I also liked the multiplayer because all of the good players have gone back to playing good multiplayer games, so it's all just populated by CSGO and Cod fags, so my K/D has never gone under 7.0
>Now to be fair that isn't a very big accomplishment
Agreed but they were still fun. Good FPS bosses are few and far between.
He's talking about expecting a Daniel Satan boss fight.
Probably because it was the only thing like it on the market at the time. Everything else in FPS is saturated with futuristic/war shooters, Doom had a different style to anything else. I'm with you, it was an average game. I still enjoyed my one playthrough but I won't go back to it.
>Pic related
But D44M was a big success, a sequel is pretty much guaranteed. Might not be for a while, and that's fine since we're getting a new Wolfenstein / expansion soon enough and QC is right around the corner.
For some mysterious reason I hated the game too, on my first playthrough. I thoroughly enjoyed it on my second, and I have absolutely no clue why. Also Old Blood is much better in my opinion.
i wanted to do this but i'd get shot to shit all the time.
in contrast, i played d44m on UV and had no issues with mobility.
>can someone explain the appeal of TNO to me?
GenZ consolikids first Wolfenstein game, which they THINK to represent "ye olde 90s aestetics!".
But yeah, the game was fucking shit. I had way more fun with the unfortunately forgotten Wolfenstein 2009
No Wolfenstein is bad. TNO was by no means retro but it was still a great game. I loved 2009 too but you're only going to get flak from retards for saying it was good.
For now expect nothing, but I'm sure that by next year or the following idsoft will tease us for starters.
>post yfw it's Hell on Earth
>Take nu-doom and SUCK its essence into old doom
Holy shit that's so much better.
During these ~12 years of 4channin', I've learned to ignore the retards.
But yeah...WolfTNO, SW2013, nuDoom... all were mediocre-at-best trash if you ask me, and nothing like their old counterparts in any way or style. You'd think that we could have bigger maps, more enemies, more destruction, etc, with modern, 20 years newer tech, but nooope... they just cut shit away and streamline the games more and more.
I never picked it up and likely won't.
I wasn't convinced I'd like it from any of the material I've seen.
you didn't miss a thing, believe me.
The "oh it gets better after X Y and Z!" morons are gullible morons or shills.
Doom 3 is like that as well.
Ok guys, what is it going to take for you to like Doom 2?
>Mod/WAD support
>Better multiplayer
>Even FASTER gameplay
>Amazing story
The amount I want to play Doom with nu-Doom mechanics makes me realize that the nu-Doom naysayers are full of shit!
>more Hell
>Pain Elementals
>Mother Demon
>the Unmaker
That's all I want.
Picked it up for 10$ and still regret it. Boring brown and bloom QTE shooter.
>Good bosses are few and far between
Fixed. A lot of the time, a boss is just a single souped up enemy in a game with tons of enemies you have to deal with at once, so when you're fighting just one of them, it's pretty lame.
I'd say focus entirely on the singleplayer, with maybe a cheap deathmatch/CTF mode. We've got quake for MP. Don't focus on the plot too much, keep the story simple, yet compelling. Other than that, just more enemies, more guns and new levels is all we really need
Since it's said that the glory kills where taken from Brutal Doom, what mod or wad should D55M take inspiration from?
Project MSX
>Energy bar that can be used to supercharge attacks or fuel quick dashes/super jumps
None. Take inspiration from the actual game, since it's miles better any of the fanwank material.
>Mod/WAD support
I don't really care about this that much. Games where users can create content tend to be super simple.
>amazing story
D44M had a pretty fucking good story. That opening sequence was one of the most hype things I've fucking experienced in a game.
Campaign was fun. Best part of the game. Multiplayer was alright/meh, kinda a throwback to arena shooters which I liked. Snap map was dog shit. You could easily tell each game mode was made by different studios because of the variations of quality.
First FPS I really enjoyed playing in years.
>what mod or wad should D55M take inspiration from?
Doom 4.
Play it every day user.
>since it's miles better any of the fanwank material
Fantastic game, love the speed and ease of combat finishers, weapon variety and ease of switching, badass soundtrack, and callbacks to metroid prime's platforming. All around solid game, but still feels unfinished somehow. Kind of aggravating that you don't face your first boss until the halfway point of the game.
Yeah, I had a fair amount of fun with it
Too bad there'll never be mod support
At least we have NuDoom inspired mods for the older games, but it's not like the enemies have proper sprites.
Also there is now some extraction tool for NuDoom called "Wraith" or "Revenant", i don't know, something like that.
>faggy electronic music
I would've tried it if it wasn't 60 gigs
the fucking platforming and pacing was such garbage. not to mention that the difficulty was inconsistent
Tried out multiplayer last night, it's actually pretty fun.
Playing through right now, grabbed it on sale. Pretty fun so far
Meh I got it on steam back in January and beat the first level. It's all the same shit though.
Why is it 75 gigs?
Megatextures™, most of which are dedicated to the worthless multiplayer and snapmap
So you can play this on a mid tier rig at 60fps on medium-high settings.
Recently started fucking around with it again. Love the gameplay, wish Snapmap wasn't so trash. So much time spent trying to make half decent maps within their limitations.
One thing i gotta give praise to doom for is how optimized it is. You can run this shit on high settings with an APU at 30 fps. I wish all PC games were like this, in fact, it doesn't make sense how some aren't. All games are made on PC anyway.
At least you didn't say dubstep like the other idiots.
>Doom Wolfenstein and Quake have all resurrected within a relatively short timespan of each other
What's going on?
They can't make their own games for shit, but they publish some damn good FPS games.
I don't even attempt to classify electronic music into all its pointless autistic subgenres
well maybe I'll try it if the filesize can come down to say 10 gigs
Zenimax wants money
user "resurrections" are a lack of creativity
just look at modern day cinema for an example
>if the filesize can come down to say 10 gigs
It's not the year 1970 anymore user. It's time to upgrade from using floppy disks as hard drives.
>are a lack of creativity
Not if they're done well.
it's about bandwidth not storage. if todd gave me a free copy of doom I still wouldn't play it, because I'm not going to do a 70 gig download. they could really learn something from dodgy russian pirate repacks
>it's about bandwidth not storage
Then it's time to upgrade from dialup.
>they could really learn from dodgy russian repacks
You mean the repacks that take longer to install than they would to download lol? Just because you have shitty conditions doesn't mean the rest of us should.
I forgot this game came out. People still play and mod Doom 24 years later, and I can't even remember that another Doom came out.
>Better and more consistent level design, where each level is as dense and interesting as The Foundry
>More Mick Gordon
>More "surprising" elements, but mostly details. Could be some mini-boss randomly appearing on the map, could be demons spawning from a pool of blood. Just get rid of the arena fight - proceed to next arena - arena fight
>Get rid of upgrades, and do it in a more rogue-lite fashion. Runes aren't some OP shit you need to upgrade, but rather something that will prioritize one way of playing the game over the other, but at a price. For instance, there could be some berserker rune shit that would make you faster and deadlier after a glory kill, but that on the other hand would make you take more damage
>Which means more weapon mods could also be nice
>More demon types, like bring back some of the missing demons from DooM 2 for 544M
>Even more fucking Mick Gordon for fuck's sake, this guy is a genius
>More enemies on the screen at the same time
>More lurking demons to make the transition to an arena smoother and more natural
>Give some other melee weapon than the chainsaw (which will still serve the purpose of giving back ammo) for the keks and giggles, like a Battle Ax
Those are the biggest complaints I had with D44M to be fair. The game at its core is really damn solid. The gunplay really feels fantastic, since they nailed so many things right. Music, soundtrack, gore, smoothness of the movement, general flow and so on. And if they basically add those points that I listed, 544M will be one of the corner stone of the FPS genre, and not just one of the better modern shooters.
I didn't add mod support as a thing I want. They gave mod tools for RAGE, and I can list you everything modders did with it :
Yes, this is everything.
Also, I'm surprised to not see that crappy pasta that gets posted each and every thread. Actually the first time I don't see it.
Tried to go back to it to play it in the hardest difficulty but it's just too damn hard and I'm too damn bad. Couldn't get past the second open area.
I haven't played it yet. Because no money.
Here's a great memory.
Three fucking times now the goddamn game has "lost my profile" and deleted many hours of multiplayer progress.
Fucking made me quit after all the effort I put into the damn game to git gud.
>do it in a more rogue-lite fashion
opinion discarded
>Playing doom 4 multiplayer
>sequel to Doom 64
no it's not
Combing the map for secrets felt awful, but you had to do it to level up.
I would have enjoyed doom 2016 a lot more if you got all the weapon upgrades/praetor upgrades/argent cells just for following the critical path. And then they could have taken most of the health and armor pickups off the critical path and put them in secret rooms instead.
It would create a reward/punishment cycle tied to how good you are at avoiding damage in fights. Good at it, keep moving forward. Bad at it, find some secrets and replenish.
As it is if you keep moving forward the things you miss out on weaken you for the entire rest of the campaign and it's just horse shit.
People still play Donkey Kong 36 years later. Doesn't mean much.