Video game Hypothetical
We will give you this small benefit and in exchange you renounce your right to privacy, sounds good goy?
Piracy usually only exists in the absence of quality service, give us high-speed internet with no strings attached, get rid of DRM, and make games easy to acquire and most people stop pirating because they actually want to support the industry at that point, simple as that.
Only if Ubisoft and Ea abandon their distribution platforms and or sell all games through multiple vendors.
you haven't said SHIT about the cost of the govt provided internet
i'm not paying for games and internet out the ass, i'll keep my garbo 400kbs and your nbn dumpster fire can stay in the trash
I think you mean catch-22
It's a hypothetical, dude, don't look too much into it
How can you pirate with that?
It would have to be like downloading a 60gb game in 10 seconds then sure
privacy is the biggest meme. Only pedos and terrorist want privacy desu.
If you count up the games you actually give a fuck about, it's a lot less and thus affordable.
The only reason why the lot of Sup Forums even has an opinion on most games is because they have unlimited access to them. We'd be better off.
>Get free internet from government.
>Build own local wifi network throughout city.
>Piracy becomes a local phenomenon with anons sharing with other anons in their towns.
Define "high-speed".
Does that mean i'm guaranteed a way to reliably download movies or anime onto my HDD even if I have to pay separately for them?
If not then fuck off.
Well if you do it legally than sure
I already have "high speed" internet and I only get watched by my ISP, who is too jewy to tell the gubmint.
Thats fine.
Google is litterally using your phone to record and upload everything you say. Is being against that a meme? Why are you okay with shit like this?
I don't even pirate, but that sounds like some socialist bullshit. Nothing from the government is free, you just end up paying through increased taxes, and this would also give up privacy rights.
No can do kiddo
> using kikedroid
Wew lad!
I wish I could be this much of a optimistic but this is bullshit
Missing the point and not an argument.
Of course this would be a good thing. Improving internet and stopping pirate scumbags at the same time would be killing two birds with one stone.
Yea I'm okay with it since I'm literally using their service for free if I didn't allow them to do this. People should be compensated for their services.
I don't pirate anyway so this is okay.
>get rid of DRM
Its funny how I always see this is a reason for getting people not to pirate, like why would DRM be a problem if you don't pirate? Its almost like you want companies to stop using DRM so you can pirate anyway.
My internet speed is pretty good for what I use it for. Unless you can somehow find a way to lower the ping when the servers are traveling long distances I wouldn't really care.