What the actual fuck? Paz is ALIVE?!

What the actual fuck? Paz is ALIVE?!

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No, Venom has just started to lose his sanity.

why does she look like randytaylor69

is Kojima, dare i say /our/v/irgin/ ?

Bomb on her vagina

It's kind of weird considering venom shouldn't have any real emotional attachment to her since he's not the real Snake.

All the MSF soldiers loved her bro, she was like an idol on motherbase

Paz was way hotter in a PSP game. What the fuck?

Always hated that bitches voice. Her, chico and the birdwatcher were shit tier.

He didn't managed to save her, poor guy just felt guilty afterwards.

Can't believe there's only 3 more days til Peace Day. Time flies!

I was hoping she would be a clone Zero sent to Mother Base just to fuck with Big Boss


>tfw you saw those pics of her recently release by some user who tracked her down

>She's older now
>has tattoos
>had a kid with some punk but the faggot ran
>she's now a single mother and it shows

Need to see these pictures.

just google it, shouldn't be too hard to find

U r about to get shyamalaned op

Reminder that Paz was basically MSF's mascot and was immensely popular among the soldiers. The reason why you're seeing her as so happy go lucky is because she's a hallucination constructed from Venom's memories of Paz, not Big Boss'. He never knew her as an agent of Cipher, just the cute idol girl who sang for them on Peace Day.

The paz stuff is the one time where the Medic's own personality and memories overwrites those of Big Boss, if only for a moment.

man i loved mgsv so much until they started making you do older missions over again. 10/10 gameplay and fun mgs story but it just fizzles out at the end. : (

Ah that makes sense.

Venom PTSD

Exactlt how I feel. Game fell apart after chapter 1. No build up to anything after the first chapter, repetitive missions with no story. Left a sour taste in the end that makes you question how you really feel about the game, felt like the game was unfinished.

mfw I actually fell for this and thought she actually did survive somehow.

I mean anything was plausible after the big medic thing.

Venom is so cool!! Why did they make his game shit! I'm suffering

Have you played Peace Walker earlier? It was similar there, you had to replay a couple of older missions in order to unlock the real ending. I considered this to be the same thing in TPP so it didn't bother me as much.

Dumb camwhores rarely have a happy or fitting end.

Much like MGSV


Because Kojima took too long and spent too much. The groundwork for a great game is there. Give us the third act, make V an actual character, drop all the wolbaaaahhhchia shit, and we're golden. Sure, it won't be very faithful to the prior entries, but it'd be a great game.

I never finished Peace Walker. Don't remember how far I got. I'll have to finish it sometime in the future, but I want to try out Metal Gear Acid first one of these days.

In the beginning the doctor literally tells you they removed pieces of bones and teeth form your body.
Who do you think those belonged to?

Also if you look where Paz' medical room would end outside on the medical bay it's just an empty space.

If you drop a suppley box on this space and enter Paz' room, the items are inside.

Yeah, I intend to try that one too. Anyway, the post-ending part in TPP mirrors the one in PW. If you don't expect it TPP seems way more unfinished than if you do.

It's frustrating because the final Snek monologue was fucking top, but it is completely wasted by being attached to a 1/3rd finished game.

They should've had David Hayter play Ishmael/Real Boss

Parasites have basically become the Midichlorians of the Metal Gear universe.

Giving a fuck about the MGS "story"

But is she a loli?

Metal Gear Ac!d is MGS crossed with a turn-based tactical RPG with cards, just in case. Portable Ops is the one that is more like Peace Walker and the rest, even if it isn't fully canon

she's 25 dude

I hate that the open-world part of this game just feels like Kojima played RDR but forgot all the colors, variety, and various passive & aggressive animal and people AI that RDR had. Fucking even Assassin's Creed does better open-worlds, it's absurd

three things going on here

>Kojima played open world western games from last gen and copied them, but didn't really critically consider the pitfalls of open world design

>needed to be space between bases so player could escape from bad spots

>last gen hardware greatly restricted what they could accomplish, plus issues with FOX engine in general

i still wish it was just a handful of Camp Omega sized areas instead.

the clone idea made more sense than the collective hallucination bullshit we got

Paz is in her mid thirties!

Mid thirties cuteness!

She also wants to fuck Pico.
Skullface possibly forces Pico to rape her. While she encourages him.

Doesn't mean she can't be a loli. Loli's are just adults that look like kids. Right user.. RIGHT user?


>MGSV was almost 2 years ago
still hurts


I like the idea of an open-world stealth game with more mechanical depth than AC, so I'm not against what V was supposed to be, but they really flubbed the execution. Africa especially, what a let down

No i am NOT. It was just a MEME ya DIP

There's a huge difference in how she sounded in Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes vs. The Phantom Pain.

Tara Strong, her voice actress she was Bubbles in the old Power Puff Girls, for some reason threw on Bubbles' voice in the Phantom Pain when depicting Paz.

Paz sounded more mature even before it was revealed that she's a 25 year old triple operative working for Major Zero. That always bothered me whenever she was on screen in TPP.

Then again, I'm not sure if the reason why she sounded like she did in Phantom Pain was because Venom was hallucinating her as somebody who had suffered from literal mental damage from the chopper crash...or something.

Shit, I just saw this after postingThat actually makes a shitload of sense.

That's the whole point of the arc lol

>there's another one in my ...
what did she mean by this

Dont remind us please.

then just disarm the nukes already

Something like shitty voice directing.


I hope one day someone's determined or autistic enough to make a mod that fixes a lot of the level design in Phantom Pain to be more like Ground Zeroes' Camp Omega.

It seems like a lot of the areas in TPP were left as placeholders and simply weren't as fine tuned as Camp Omega. And since time was cut short KojiPro didn't have the opportunity to finish polishing the level design.

Just watch it on fucking youtube or use Infinite Heaven to unlock that shit.


GZ had a fraction of the gameplay shit in TPP. CO isn't even that big, just a bunch of high walls

That's not the point.

Anyway FOB is lit

Rape is not ok user, you should feel ashamed for disrespecting the memory of a cute virtual girl

Why would one even want a "nuke-free" world? The first baddie who builds one, because of course he will, will become the dictator of the world.

>GZ had a fraction of the gameplay shit in TPP.

And yet it was a better MGS game than TPP.

TPP wasn't bad. Apart from obviously being unfinished it just suffered from trying to do too much, mainly the open world and ridiculous amount of padding.

>And yet it was a better MGS game than TPP.

if you say so

What the fuck was Liquid's problem? How could he've asked for a better guardian?

I was thinking about this and I realized that the reason I hated that it was open world is because it didn't serve any real purpose. When I play an open world game, I like to go hunt collectibles, do side missions, explore the world. The only collectibles worth getting in V were song cassettes which even then I didn't really care about. There are side missions, so to speak, but you still have to start them from Mother Base anyways so it kind of feels like there's no point for all these areas to be connected. As for exploring, even ignoring all the empty space which most open world games have a decent amount of, there's no real reason to go exploring. You're not going to find anything that will change your experience. No hidden missions, no secret areas, nothing but more samey outposts.

Also, Metal Gear games are very much about their set pieces and presentation. It almost makes more sense to me to have them funnel players through each set piece in order and just do what they always do best. In my opinion, they should have just done away with Mother Base entirely and had the game play a lot more like Snake Eater. I understand the story would have to be tweaked but it wouldn't be that hard. Just have Miller and Ocelot conversations over codec. Have Quiet just interact on and off with Venom in the field. Maybe not have it as full-on corridor-mode as 3. Have some branching paths and stuff. But my main point is that making it open world not only added nothing but actually weakened one of the strengths the series had.

He's right, though. In one of the tapes you can hear Skull Face telling him to do something to her and it's pretty heavily implied to be rape. And she says stuff like, "Just do it, you have to do it." For a game that has a vagina bomb it's not that shocking actually.

>top tier level design
>more emphasis on OSP with a limited arsenal yes I know there were OSP missions in TPP
>one map had enough replayability for 4-5 different scenarios
>couple of wacky missions also included like Raiden showing up and the MGS1 tribute
>get to play as Big Boss

Will Kojima ever one-up the MGS2.

B-.... BUMP!!!


So... Rex vs. sahelanthropus?


That shit was kinda stupid.
>a more advanced Metal Gear than the TX-55, the Metal Gear D, and Rex came at least 9 years earlier

That said, Rex is best Metal Gear.

What did Kojima mean by this?

Sally may be more streamlined. But Rex is THICC.

goofy and retarded

they at least attempted to explain earlier, yet more advanced tech in other prequel games

it looks dumb and by the time you fight it you realise that MGSV is never gonna get better

>goofy and retarded

Sounds like MGS to me


The only Reason sahelanthropus could even stand upright was due to pseudo-spiritual mumo jumbo.

It was also the best designed Metal Gear in the series.

Followed by this little guy.

Rexu... Marko Tuu?

WAAH! *pomf*

What are we gonna do on the bed, Gillian?

>Against Sahelanthropus
Hey, thats kinda cool
>unsheathes anime sword

>unsheathes anime sword

I think this was the exact moment during the trailer that the hype for this game started to dwindle, and that I thought we were gonna get another MGS4.

We didn't, but the plot and writing was still mediocre.

I mean....
I'd still take the snake over bipedal tech nuclear platform.

In fact, I'd feel sorry to all the gundam fags.

Always bet on the Snake.

Curvy thicc?

To be fair, Salahentropodus was just a huge piece of metal, it only "worked" because fuccboi was giving its controls to the saltiest person in the room

>those moans when you extract her in Ground Zeros


What the actual fuck? Chico is ALIVE?!

>tfw that plot theory was better than what we got
>chico just fucking dies off screen
>tfw in the artbook it turns out Chico was planned to be in TPP

No joke, I wanted this to be true so bad. Even after playing the game, I still wish it had been. All the shit he's been through just broke his brain and Quiet is his escape, his strong alternate persona. More DID than straight up transexualism.

MGSV will never prove it's Open-world worthwhile.

Name ONE good NIPPON sand-box experience.

It's all just shitting itself. Sadly.


>Hear about tara's recent freakout over a MAGA hat
>Can't bring myself to like her as much as i used to anymore
>This is an adult with children and a career acting like a spoiled 6 year old who diddn't get McDonalds on the ride home from gymnastics

Was she sweet or sour?

what does it mean?