Toon Link Amiibo: $99.99

>Toon Link Amiibo: $99.99
>The last 6 Amiibo I need to finish my collection combined: $99.85

>TFW I can finish my collection for less than one of these guys

just steal one you retard

You can order it from GameStop for 12.99 and its in stock

I hate that I fell for the hype of these things when they first came out

Steal one moron.

>collecting amiibos

What is it with faggots collecting dolls?

Amiibos are for people with mental problems, I have yet to meet someone who bought them that was a functional human being

Just steal one from a store.

>He was too retarded to not buy one last year when stores were literally stacked with them.

Your fault.

>collecting this garbage
this was the only Amiibo I've ever bought, and now it's just sitting somewhere in a cabinet
can't display this shit next to my actual figures

Yeah. Why the fuck is it so expensive on Amazon? Even the used prices are like $50. But GameStop has it for $13 new

yeh bruh, get em all while you can. they'll be worth millions soon.

>my dolls are superior to these dolls

>my statues are superior to these toys
yes they are

At least amiibos are based on iconic Nintendo IPs instead of just random animals and can be used in vidya gaems.

Nintenbros will buy any old shit, and Nintendo know it.

>should we include 1 2 Switch, it can't be good enough to sell alone
>nah fuck it, these customers will be anything. And don't forget to use cheap plastic for the screen

2017 ladies and gentlemen

Actually, the plural is just "amiibo"

Actually, the plural is lonelyness.

Just wait a year and they won't be able to give them away.

>not buying one of these

That's alot of words for "I bought literal trash and need to justify buying it"

Because gamestop doesn't have any to sell.

>wanted MM Link and TP Link
>all sold out within seconds

I don't even collect them, I just get the few that I really want. This isn't fair fuck Nintendo for enabling scalpers with their limited stock on everything.

I bought the codejunkies version. Cheaper and works just as well.

>saw like 12 Toon Links in Toys R Us once
>didn't buy it cause I hated Wind Waker's artstyle and wasn't a huge fan of the game
I feel like a moron now cause I could've hocked it to buy some buttons for my fightstick or Fire Emblem Echoes.

There's well produced shit out there and then there's amiibo. To avoid using a food analogy. People that buy amiibo simply are children.

I'm sure you've yet to meet someone in general.

D-did that dog have its eyes removed?

I hope they'll grow up one day. And not because I care what stupid people waste their money on, but because I actually want to play good Nintendo games again

Why the fuck is toon Link expensive now? Last month there were like twenty in my local gamestop.

Amazon Marketplace is not to be confused with Amazon, it's just seamless with it.