Black characters

>black characters

Other urls found in this thread:

>white pieces go first
>white has an advantage

Explain how this isn't racism wtf whyte ppl

>Women is the most powerful unit in the game

Fucking SJW Cuck Shit, RUINING GAMES!!!!!!!!!

>implying it's not a queen (male)

Not just that, they rewrite history by allowing commoners to become royalty.


faggot have you ever played chess
better play in real time instead of turns eh

>black women stronger than the white protagonist

>white must go first
>whites start the war
>most op unit is female
>king(male) is a useless shit that needs protection

>Competitive game
>one side has 70+% win rate

Uhhhh.... chesstards???


thats not checkmate though

Lol just because she spergs out and tries to make it all about her doesn't make her powerful. The main is the main man. He doesn't have to do shit while everyone else freaks out about how safe he is. He is incapable of making a bad move.

Wtf isnt that against the rules



It's not even a legal move. They aren't even trying.

>implying they aren't beautiful Aryans covered head-to-toe in ebon armour

yes, he's purposely throwing the game

>he doesn't play real time chess on a giant board
how previous level

absence of color
>black people
>colored people
explain this

And this.

numales and niggers can't understand a patrician game like chess

wtf i hate chess now???

fucking faggot cucks ruining everything they should make it so blacks can only move till whites say so

>get whites first

Nice balance, chesshits

I'm not a fan of harry potter.
get out underage

nice falseflag libcucks

additive vs subtractive light

consider yourself learned

Chess is very similar to real-time strategy games.

Low-level play is fun and allows for creativity.
High-level play consists of memorizing openings and repeating the proven strategies that other people invented instead of actually thinking.

I don't think you know what those words mean.

>falseflagging by telling others they're falseflagging
Nice try, but I see through your lies.

shut up falseflagging cuckold libtard

Chess is like real time strategy of turn based strategy games.


Are you familiar with the concept of a joke at all

Kids these days don't read Harry Potter, that was last generation

>the queen has no mammaries

still amazing.

still needs to do more vids too

good riddance tho

Isnt this true for most games to a degree?
High level is always autisimal memorization where you need to know strategies, moves, map layouts etc. The skill part comes from how you utilise the stuff you have memorised and combine it together

incredibly mad

spotted the underage


if you add together a bunch of subtractions you end up with 0.
nice try jamal.

>black character
>happy ending has black char kill white boss
>before credits roll he kisses the girl

The games are targeted for tumblrfags?

>dragon ball is using the subtractive method for super saiyan god forms.
really makes me think

>He is incapable of making a bad move.
You clearly haven't played chess with low level people.

>black characters equal to white ones
I'm tired of this cancerous liberal propaganda in games

>the year of our lord +2017
>he still plays chess

Play the superior game!

how to you read words on a page, those are black characters on your white pages. you betta recognize whiteboi.


The weakest male piece can become a women

Fucking tranny shit everywhere.

>the most prevalent color in a page is white
When will systematic cis racism will end?

D-delete this please

Japanese chess?

>black player starts out already playing for a draw

>If both sides play perfectly white unavoidably wins or draws 100% of the time.


>come across a male guard
>tell me he can't go on adventures anymore because he took an arrow in the knee

You can't even move your piece there, though.

Citation needed.

Last time I checked, chess is not fully solved.

No, but at the highest levels the black player won't risk playing for a win

I don't pay attention to chess tournaments so I guess I'll take your word for it. Chess sucks dick anyway because .

How do you play chess?

Should I learn shogi or mahjong? I know nothing about either.

that's roughly the equivalent of asking if you should learn chess or poker

1) You can take out one of the opponent's pieces by moving one of your pieces to the space occupied by the opponent's piece.
2) Each piece has its own movement patterns.
3) The goal is to each a state in which the opponent's king is threatened by one of your pieces and cannot be saved before your next move.

1) You can take out one of the opponent's pieces by moving one of your pieces to the space occupied by the opponent's piece.
2) Each piece has its own movement patterns.
3) The goal is to reach a state in which the opponent's king is threatened by one of your pieces and cannot be saved before your next move.

This is so beautiful

These two are quite different. Shogi movies at turtle's speed, the games usually take 3-4 times more turns than an average chess game, and the lack combinatorics excitement often found in chess. But it is incredibly deep, I would say it shits on even Go
Mahjong is super fast paced and requires quick snap judgements to be successful. You need to have a knack for math and counting. You'd also have to except a heavy element of luck that will often fuck your games up even if you played perfectly.