>LGBT character in western game
>reeee tumblr! sjws!
>LGBT character in japanese game
>muh dick!
LGBT character in western game
But there's a whole thread with people hating the idea of more LGBT in Fire Emblem.
Name exactly 3.6 Japanese games that don't portray gay characters as massive jokes.
I like Undyne though, she's awesome.
Battle Against A True Hero is some fucking good shit.
Japanese games having LGBT characters rarely feels like they're pushing the jewish agenda, unlike the western games.
Gay/crossdressing characters in Japanese games are often done as either a joke, or as fapbait for people who fetishize that kind of stuff.
In Western games it's usually more straight forward, where they're actually just gay and it's not supposed to be hot or funny.
>feels like
Great argument
>the jewish agenda
Look mister Goldberg, I can see right through you and your plans to make the frogs gay.
If the jewish agenda told you to stop being a faggot, would you listen?
>rarely feels like they're pushing the jewish agenda
But why is the latter a problem?
Japanese culture, specially videogames and anime have had the trannie trope for decades.
Usually it's a deranged individual who acts effeminate as fuck and has incredible powers or acts in a mischievous way. The character is also usually portrayed in a comical or satirical manner.
In Western media, LGBT characters are obnoxious as fuck because they are written as the bastion of morals and ethics, usually shoved down our throats. The character is supposed to be taken seriously and adds nothing to the story appart from his sexuality.
Don't use non sequiturs to troll, faggot.
Ofc, he is a fucking sheep.
>it's okay because I'm biased
nice post dude
Post one(one) gay character in Japanese game
>LGBT character plays games
>they are written as the bastion of morals and ethics, usually shoved down our throats
Name two(2) games.
The only thing that should bother anyone is how forcefully supplanted these things are. No dev has been able to allow something like this to happen organically in their game. Its always just "Oh by the way I'm a fag. I love cock so much."
>where they're actually just gay and it's not supposed to be hot or funny.
>The character is supposed to be taken seriously
What's the issue here?
You want fanservice? Look at all this fanservice. We don't even know who we're pandering to anymore fuck it.
Hello my name is lgbt character number 5, my personality is lgbt character number 5. You will accept this because that is progressive.
>In Western media, LGBT characters are obnoxious as fuck because they are written as the bastion of morals and ethics, usually shoved down our throats.
Everyone on Sup Forums says but they can't come up with a single example.
Borderlands 2 and TPS come to mind.
>No dev has been able to allow something like this to happen organically in their game
No one sane cares, only autistic manchildren on Sup Forums. All that matters is that they're well. Both Japan (Soleil) and the West (the random ass tranny in Andromeda) are capable of fucking it up.
>one is a literal forced token inclusion to curry favor with a group of people
>the other is still probably interested in protag dick and is super cute and lecherous towards girls
>if it's a dude in a JP game it's comedic hard gay shit
Find one post in Sup Forums history where people think Gay Tony is SJW propoganda.
The problem isn't gay characters, it's that the only companies that want to make a point of having gay characters in their games can't write for shit.
>they're well
Written well*, fucking kill me and my cock filled mouth
You still haven't named any games yet, user.
>people LITERALLY mention why they feel gay representation in video games is less palatable in the west in attempt to explain why there isn't a contradiction
>go full fucking allcaps shitposter mode
You first.
>In Western media, LGBT characters are obnoxious as fuck because they are written as the bastion of morals and ethics, usually shoved down our throats. The character is supposed to be taken seriously and adds nothing to the story appart from his sexuality.
That reminds me, how many western games have gay antagonists?
It's more because Western game's make it feel forced, and they constantly rub it in your face, to remind you they're fucking queer. Japanese games just flow with it, and don't go around reminding people they're a fag, or trans every 3rd line
Because they just end up becoming a horrible parody of what they try to represent. It's the same issue with BLM.
That was before GG and the reddit/pol invasion. Things would be different.
>constantly rub it in your face, to remind you they're fucking queer
This literally never happens.
The Pre-Sequel. They shove Janey and her gayness in your face almost as soon as you meet her.
A bait thread
>Japanese games just flow with it, and don't go around reminding people they're a fag, or trans
Are you joking?
>Borderlands 2 and TPS
None of those characters are portrayed as bastions of morals and ethics.
>Pandering to SJWs
props for finding a post where they called gay tony SJW propoganda but that guy is retarded
The difference is that western media goes out of it's way to put in a gay character to attempt to normalize something that is literally queer, whereas eastern media has no pretense of that.
A Japanese game will have a gay character if it is funny, sexual, or could otherwise tell a different kind of story; a western game only includes gay characters for brownie points.
As a result, nip fags tend to be amusing, titilating, or otherwise interesting, burger butt-burglars tend to be bland, boring, and nauseatingly safe.
thing is i dont care what their sexuality is like compare the tranny in mass effect andromeda how they tell you and the one in catherine i feel like it just shows how different it can be approached and how one is superior
Kek, why does Sup Forums act like it does though?
It's like just whiff of a gay character in a game means they're forcing it down your throat.
Very strange.
Put on a trip so I can filter you, Trumpfuck.
What we are trying to say it's STOP PLAYING WESTERN TRASH
>what is Bioware?
>what is Naughty Dog?
>what is generic indie "game" #4523?
>what is Blizzard?
>Play Mass Effect Andromeda
>talk to random NPC
>first thing "she" tells you is that she's a trannie
Pretty much LGBTQWERTY characters are an incidental parody in Western games. While in Japan they actually portray them as how most of them are: deranged individuals
Nice undyne.
>tfw Sup Forums is slowly becoming more liberal
The golden days of old Sup Forums are finally coming back.
Nobody is, but the gay ones are on the relative "good guys" side.
I see a lot of jews getting extra salty in this thread.
Whats the matter? Oven not hot enough?
>LGBT character in japanese game
>*doesn't exist*
What are brownie points and why do Social justice fucks care about them.
>LGBT character in western game
>muh progress
>LGBT character in japanese game
>reeee, weebs! Sup Forumsirgins!
see I can play this retarded bait game too
I can just imagine the face you made while you typed that.
Indignant and disgusted with a tinge of shock, right?
Yeah that was me. It's a good feel.
Wow, one line of dialogue from one game.
hurr a durr
ahhh the good old days of scummy basement battlestations, piracy, and collecting disability checks. Make Sup Forums great again!
>no bouncing crotch bulge
missed opportunity
The former never happens here, retard
They get to pat themselves on the back for being so inclusive as their game flops
You know you really don't need to be subtle if you're going to bait.
You're going to get replies no matter what you do.
Just go ahead and outright shitpost. Post pony smut. Guro. Whatever. This subtlety is almost kind of an insult. Like you're saying nobody here is smart enough to see through it. Like you think you're fooling anyone. We all know that everyone here is either genuinely stupid or going to reply because replying to trolls and feeding them is trolling as well.
>moving the goalpost this hard
Inspired response, you must be a Trump supporter
>no excuse except muh fee fees
You've already fallen for the jewish agenda.
see also: virtue signaling
you sound buttdevastated
>western """games"""
I like Undyne.
Mr. Goldberg we've been over this! Making the frogs gay is not right!
That's Sup Forums now with the addition that despite all this they're still superior to minorities
nobody would have a problem with faggotry in western games if they didnt have an overbearing check your privilege tone to them
that's why nobody give the witcher shit for it
I kinda just want some pony smut or guro desu.
>REEEE weebs doesn't happen here
Considering that the entire game is steeped in this shit, I guess it does happen organically. I think the discourse is centered around devs supplanting LGBT characters into games that aren't otherwise focused around LGBT, and creating these characters as one-dimensional reminders that gay people exist.
>being this butthurt about the superiority of Japanese culture
Superiority in what, the number of virgins?
I'm all out
It does, hence why I just singled out the former, idiot.
>plummeting birth rates
>xenophobic as fuck
>being so assblasted you can't even post without thinking of sex
>LGBT character in western game
>used for political statements/marketing
>LGBT character in japanese game
>no agenda being pushed
>actually believing that's what Sup Forums is now
wew I can tell your first system was xbone
Because LGBT are joke fetishes not to be taken seriously as a lifestyle
>Sup Forums unironically believes this shit
Japan does lgbt characters better because they don't have an agenda. Sometimes the characters are jokes, sometimes they're taken very seriously, sometimes they're tragic, villains, sometimes they're fapbait. They're not afraid to use the character however they want and the results lead to fun, interesting characters.
Western devs include lgbt characters only to virtue signal, generally. Not all western devs do this of course but it's becoming an increasingly annoying trend. It leads to shit like the character in mass effect andromeda who announces they're a tranny for no fucking reason in a way that no actual tranny ever would, even using their old name.
More ericas, more arcade gannons, less bioware everything
Also I'm a tranny myself if that means anything. And no me saying this here is not the same as the mass effect andromeda character announcing it for no reason.
Where is your evidence that there is a "good guys" side in the Borderlands universe?
From the very beginning Vault Hunters are outright stated to be some of the worst possible human beings that exist.
>xenophobic is always a bad thing
go away, Jamal
>Western game
Hello there hero. My name is Brad, although I used to be called Joanne. My bigoted father cried white tears as I struck him down in the war against Drumpferia. I am telling you this the first time we meet for no reason
>Nip game
Character gender identity not even mentioned in game
Then post some you find yourself faggot. Don't let someone do something that you can do yourself.
You should really stop taking everything so seriously.
Static IP.
>mfw using "Undine" nickname for a long time since Legend of Mana
>year of the lord 2016+1
All Japan ever did was come up with fever dream folklore and make a failed attempt to take over the Pacific. If anything, the Roman empire was the most superior culture of them all.
the issue is that they're shit, and nobody is interested in them
how hard is this shit to understand after all this time? people playing vidya do not give a flying fuck about your sexuality unless it's relevant to them, the plot or is a humorous light hearted trope
go be gay elsewhere christ almighty
if you would be friends with or willingly be around flamboyant fags irl whos entire identity is muh gay shit, constantly bring it up and never shut up about it, i dunno what to tell you man, cause normal people don't and won't do that
so it's hardly surprising they won't stand for it in fiction either